Jan 2022 - Biigtigong Current


Chief, Duncan Michano Jr. Portfolios: Dbenjgan, Land Claim, External Relations, Intergovernmental Affairs

Donald Michano Portfolios: Capital/Housing, PRDC


Donovan Crosson Portfolios: Sustainability, Dbenjgan, Language, Aadsookaanan Joe Moses Portfolios: Capital/Housing, Emergency Response, Current Governance

A Ch i l d h o o d S t o r y f r om C o u n c i l o r , S h a r o n O s t b e r g

As a young girl I spent a lot of time walking around the bush, trails and old roads, climbing rocks in and around Heron Bay North and South, and the reserve. I now know that I may have experienced my first vision when I was around 11 or 12 yrs old. (1965/66) I was up on the rocks alone for a good part of the day, I had a stick in my hand when I went home. (I later learned it was a survey stick) I recall asking my dad if there was gold around here, because I saw some gold, that was going to change the land. I said there was going to be a new high school for me to go to, a shopping mall, and a big park, not with swings and toys, a park of a different kind. I don’t know how to describe it but it will have big animals and water, and I am going to "work there" (I had no concept at that age of National parks and NMCA). My father started first lecturing me that I should not have taken the stick home, and wanted to know, where his wrench and screwdrivers were, (I was good at fixing my own bike and taking radios apart with his tools) “You should spend more effort in working, at putting my tools back, waving the stick at me and leaving things where they belong and less time dreaming”. To this day, I do not know how I got that stick in my hand it seems like I fell asleep or everything was a daydream, but it was there. Years later, I told this daydream I had to Antoine Moses he told me that if you are close to the land and trust it, the earth will tell you stories. Long ago, our people would go and get these stories when they needed them, so maybe you needed that story. (Today, I now know I lived that story) (1970) When I was in high school on the track team, we were going to Wawa for a track meet, and on the way I saw workers on the side of the road near Hemlo. When I asked what was going on out there, the bus driver our Geology teacher said, they are surveying and drill testing, there is good gold showings around here. (Another part of my dream) ....

Simone Desmoulin Portfolios: Culture (All Departments)

Erin Shaw Portfolios: Education, Future Governance Models, Youth Council Leah Michano Portfolios: Health, Social Services, Current Governance, Youth Council Sharon Ostberg Portfolios: Finance & Admin, Dbenjgan, Economic Development, External Relations Garland Moses Portfolios: Sustainability, Health, Future Governance Models Randal Courchene Portfolios: PRDC, Health & Safety, Policing Bonnie Goodchild Portfolios: Finance & Admin, Social Services, Education

(Continued on next page...)

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