S u bm i t t e d b y T i f f a n y Mi c h a n o & K i a r a Mi c h a n o
Happy New Year CFLC Families. Although the start pf the year is not what we had hoped for, we are grateful to be here all the same. In the infant room we spend a lot of time exploring the senses. The messier the better when it comes to our infants, if they can squish it, taste it, or throw it they are happy. You can also find us exploring literacy throughout the day, one among our a favorites is "The Little Red Barn." (Photo above) A flap book they love opening and closing. Our babies are on the move, they keep us on our toes and we can't wait to be back in the classroom with them. Until then, stay safe and see you soon.
- Tiffany and Kiara
S u bm i t t e d b y Ch e r i Mi c h a n o & T r i s t e n He n d e r s o n
Happy New Year from the Preschool Class. We hope that you are all staying warm and keeping busy. This month we are gonna be focusing on counting, sorting and writing our name. The past few months we have been very busy in the class and outside. Our class loves to go for walks and make snowmen. They also love sliding and snow angels. We can’t wait to be back to class and having fun again.
- Cheri and Tristen
J a nu a r y 2 0 2 2
T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t
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