

communautaire Le lien community link The Embrun Rassemblement familles Racine d’Amérique : 18, 19, 20 septembre dans région de Midland, pays des Hurons. Information : Nicole Marion 613-443- 1417. Scavenger Hunt in Embrun. Septem- ber 19, at 1 p. m. Start : École primaire publique Rivière Castor, 100 Maheu St. Many Prizes. Registration : info@ Info : 613-443-0001. Sortie du 24 septembre à Saint- Eustache : cueillette de pommes et méchoui, Famille Constantin. Réser- vation : Lorraine Dicaire, 613-443-5637,, ou Jeanne Brisson, 613-443-3144, jeannebris- Cours d’espagnol pour débutants o"ert à l’École secondaire catholique Embrun. Les mardis, de 19 h à 20 h 45. Dès le 15 septembre, et ce, pour 10 se- maines. Le coût d’inscription servira à #nancer le prochain projet de Solida- rité Jeunesse en République Domini- caine. Renseignements et inscription : Diane Longtin 613 443-2186, poste 225. Russell Russell Lions Club is introducing a new program free of charge to Russell residents: “Lions Message in a Bottle” will provide Emergency First Respon- ders with much-needed medical and other information in an emergency. Please attend a brief community infor- mation session on %urs., Sept. 24 at the Lions Den, 24 Legion Lane, Russell at 7pm. Limoges Marcheton annuel de la paroisse de Limoges, le 27 septembre, à 13 h. Départ de l’église. Les fonds iront direc- tement à l’église. Région AGA : les enseignantes et ensei- gnants retraité(e)s d’EstaRiO 45. Inivita- tion à l’AGA d’automne. Jeudi 8 octobre, 9h00 au Centre JR Brisson, Casselman (Aréna). Café et un léger goûter et repas. Réservation avant le 25 sept. 613-764- 3741 courriel : Retraite en Action (50 ans et plus) : petit-déjeuner des « &yés » pour fêter le drapeau franco-ontarien! Venez rencontrer Jean-Marc Lalonde le 24 septembre à 9h30 (durée 2 h) à l’Aca- démie du hockey, à Rockland. M. Lalonde, homme politique dans les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell, parlera de son rôle d’ardent défenseur du fait français. M. Lalonde a parrainé un projet de loi adopté à l’unanimité par l’Assemblée législative de l’Ontario faisant du drapeau l’emblème o$ciel de la communauté franco-ontarienne. Réservation Denis ou Diane Lalonde 613-446-7077

Russell Township mayor !oats partnership idea


Russell Township’smayor has secret sales- manship skills that proved successful with his fellowmayors on counties council. Mayor Pierre Leroux received conditio- nal, support for a proposal he and his senior municipal directors presented at the We- dnesday United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) session for a partnership between Russell Township and the UCPR to #nance the #nal development work needed for the 417 Industrial Park near Vars. “Partnership being the key word,” Mayor Leroux said, as he began to explain the Pres- cott-Russell Area Partnership plan (PRAP) for the industrial park. “PRAP is a shot in the arm to get pro- jects going,” Leroux said, adding that all municipalities are challenged to #nd ways to improve their local tax base given the dwindling amount and number of support grants from senior levels of government. “It’s getting tighter and tighter for everybody.” PRAP would see the counties provide $5 million in #nancial aid to assist with provi- ding full municipal water and sewer ser- vice to the industrial park and neighbouring commercial development area. %e total cost of the project is about $13.5million and both the township and local property owners within the area are committed to their own $8.5 million share of the funds needed. Leroux presented counties council with three di"erent scenarios for how the PRAP investment fund would work. He descri- bed option two as the best for both sides because it guaranteed that the township would receive the funding aid needed while the counties would avoid a large and im- mediate drain on its own general reserve investment fund. Option two would see the township work out a funding arrangement, through some kind of municipal loan or other means, to cover the UCPR’s $5 million investment. In return, the counties would repay the township for that sum through tax rebates on the value of the property tax owed to the UCPR from the 417 Industrial Park. Right now, the UCPR receives close to $200,000 in property tax revenue from the

Mayor Pierre Leroux made a strong case with his fellow mayors for the counties to invest in service upgrades for the 417 Industrial Park.

Vars industrial park. According to the PRAP plan, the counties would continue to receive that base property tax every year. As the property tax value of the Vars industrial park increased each year, any amount of property tax revenue above the base $200,000 that the counties received would be turned back over to the township as payment towards the counties’ $5 million share in the servicing upgrade. Mayor Leroux noted that this option for the PRAP plan promises that the UCPR will see its $5million investment paid up within seven years through the increased com- mercial and industrial property tax reve- nues resulting from improvements to the

Toll for CrimeStoppers SDG OPP held special “toll booths” at the Winchester and Morrisburg Tim Hortons drive- throughs over the last weekend of August to help collect donations for the Seaway Valley CrimeStoppers program. Auxiliary Constables Mike Meagher (left) and Andrew Davidson, with CrimeStoppers board member Larry Rus- ton, and other “toll booth” volunteers, collec- ted close to $3000 over a two-day period to help support the CrimeStoppers program which assists police investigations for muni- cipalities within the Stormont-Dundas-Glen- garry region and neighbouring areas. – Gregg Chamberlain industrial park, which will also attract more businesses to set up there and so increase the property tax value of the area evenmore. Within a decade, Mayor Leroux stated, the tax value of the 417 Industrial Park for the UCPR alone would increase to more than $2 million a year. “I think it is a perfect scenario,” said Leroux, adding that the PRAP shows both senior governments and the business sector that both the township and the counties are willing to invest their own funds to improve the economic development pro#le of the region. “It’s not a loan, it’s not a grant,” said UCPR Chief Administrator Stéphane Pari- sien, adding that PRAP can apply to other economic development projects in other UCPR municipalities if they are willing to take a chance. “If you don’t take a risk, you don’t reap the rewards.” %e plan will come back for a #nal vote at the September 21 regular session of counties council.

13 000 COPIES Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President ROGER DUPLANTIE Directeur Général • General Manager FRANÇOIS LEGAULT Directeur • Director FRANÇOIS BÉLAIR

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