
M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Brokerage Directory — July 28 - August 10, 2017 — 11C


B rokerage D irectory

WHERE ARE YOUR REAL ESTATE DECISIONS TAKING YOU? Chart your course with CORFAC International, a commercial real estate network managed by independent, like- minded principals and agents worldwide. Navigating the commercial property markets as an investor, developer or tenant has never been easier. Experience the client-centric service that local experts deliver every day for businesses like yours. Contact a CORFAC firm in your seeking office, industrial and retail assets


RICHMOND, VA Porter Realty Co./ CORFAC International 804.353.7994 www.porterinc.com

Blue & Obrecht Realty/ CORFAC International 410.561.5568 www.blueobrecht.com CHATHAM, NJ The Garibaldi Group/ CORFAC International 973.507.0360 www.garibaldi.com LEHIGH VALLEY, PA The Garibaldi Group/ CORFAC International 610.866.7800 www.garibaldi.com PHILADELPHIA, PA WCRE/CORFAC International 856.857.6300 www.wolfcre.com PITTSBURGH, PA Weber Wood Medinger/ CORFAC International 412.515.1550 www.wwmrealestate.com

TYSONS CORNER, VA Donohoe Real Estate Services/ CORFAC International 703.276.8400 www.donohoerealestate.com WASHINGTON, DC Donohoe Real Estate Services/ CORFAC International 202.333.0880 www.donohoerealestate.com WILMINGTON, DE Patterson-Woods Commercial Properties/CORFAC International 302.622.3500 www.pattersonwoods.com

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