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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 PASSEPORT VACCINAL Les entreprises non essentielles en Ontario commencent à demander une preuve de vaccination le 22 septembre. Tous lest endroits jugés non essentiels ou à haut risque, y compris les centres de conditionnement physique, les restaurants et les boîtes de nuit, exigeront des visiteurs qu’ils présentent leur carnet de vaccination et une pièce d’identité à l’entrée. La province n’a pas encore lancé l’application de code QR pour faciliter la vérification des dossiers de vaccination, mais les Ontariens peuvent supposer qu’elle sera lancée à un moment donné. Les résidents peuvent obtenir leur carnet de vaccination sur le site Web de réser- vation COVID-19 at https://covid-19. ontario.ca/covid-19-vaccine-booking-
De gauche à droite : Nation Harrington, Jessica-Lee Dinovitzer et Al Harrington sont arrivés à Ottawa le 14 septembre dans le cadre de la marche des enfants de l’esprit pour sensibiliser le public aux victimes de l’ancien système de pensionnats du Canada. — Photo d’Al Harrington sur Facebook
support#vaccination-receipts. VACCINE PASSPORT LAUNCH
Non-essential businesses in Ontario begin asking for proof of vaccination September 22. Anywhere deemed non- essential or high-risk, including fitness facilities, restaurants, and nightclubs will require visitors to show their vaccination record and I.D. upon entry. The province has still not rolled out the QR code app to make checking vaccine records easier, but Ontarians can assume it will roll out at some point. Residents can get their vaccination records from the COVID-19 booking website at https:// covid-19.ontario.ca/covid-19-vaccine- booking-support#vaccination-receipts.
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
the history of the place. It’s all been about getting the history out.” The group is collecting donations along the way, in person and online, to help pay expenses for the trip and to construct a NPOVNFOUDBMMFEA&WFSZ$IJME.BUUFSTPODF UIFZ SFBDI4BVMU4UF.BSJF"OZ MFGUPWFS funds will be donated to groups in support of residential school survivors, chosen by )BSSJOHUPOBOEIJTTPO/BUJPOBGUFSUIFUSJQ is completed. Donations can be made through Harring- UPOT'BDFCPPL (P'VOE.F PSFNBJMUSBOTGFS to harringtonma@hotmail.com.
made it back. If they hadn’t, he might not exist today. Every little step that we take UPXBSET4BVMU4UF.BSJF UIBUTXIBUNZ mind is on, and I’m sharing that with my boy while he’s taking this journey with me.” The group has walked more than 150 kilometres from Kanehsatake to Ottawa. 5IFJSHPBMPG4BVMU4UF.BSJFJTTUJMMBMNPTU 800 kilometres away, and the trip has been hard on them. Aches and pains plague their feet, and their progress has been slow. i.Z TPO JT ZFBST PME IFT TUJMM B teenager, and 20 kilometres is about how far he can go before he starts to get tired,” Harrington said. “We really want to continue, but we don’t want to have these injuries for the rest of our lives. Once we touch 1BSMJBNFOUXJUIPVSXBHPOT XFSFBDIPOF of our halfway goals, and then we can decide after that. It all depends on tomorrow night.” Even if they must stop, the experience so far has been encouraging for them all. “We’ve had people stop on the highway and offer food and water, see If we’re okay,” Harrington said. “In the communities, people have run out to see what we’re doing and what’s been happening. Less than a hand- ful of idiots, and everyone else has been learning. One of our major stops was in Alfred at the reform school, and a lot of the residents there didn’t even know about
The Spirit Children’s Walk 2021 stopped at the Main Street Community Park in Vankleek Hill, turning the park into a memorial to the victims of Indigenous residential schools for a single day. Al Harrington and Jessica-Lee Dinovitzer, BMPOHXJUI"MTZFBSPMETPO /BUJPO BSF walking from Kanehsatake to Sault Ste. .BSJF They’re making a pilgrimage to the former site of the Shingwauk Indian Residential School, which was closed in 1970 and tur- ned into the Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre. They passed through Vankleek Hill September 10 on their way to Rockland and Orléans. Harrington was born in 1976 and was part of the 60s Scoop, a period when Canadian legal policy allowed child welfare authorities to take Indigenous children away from their families for adoption by white families. The Scoop began in the 1950s and continued into the 1980s. “It’s to honour the children that ran away and made it back, and to honour those that never did,” Harrington said, during a phone JOUFSWJFXi.ZTPOTHSFBUHSBOEGBUIFSBOE uncle, they were boys who ran away and
Joignez-vous à nous cet automne pour 23 septembre, 3:00 - 5:00PM Alfred et Plantagenet
1-"/%&/&550:"(&%&4#&3(&4 %&-"3*7*°3&%&4065"06"*4
24 septembre, 4:00 - 6:00PM Grenville-sur-la-Rouge 30 septembre, 3:00 - 5:00PM Lac-Simon
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Outaouais et ses affluents de la pollution. Cet événement s’inscrit dans la continuité de cet accord. j*MTBHJUEVOFPDDBTJPOGBOUBTUJRVFQPVS tous les résidents de la région de poser
Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) poursuivront leur partenariat
7 octobre, 3:00 - 5:00PM Ripon
pour protéger la rivière des Outaouais. Le 23 sep- tembre, de 15 h ÆI MFT$613 organiseront un net- toyage des berges à l’extrémité nord du DIFNJO1SFTRVJMF
des gestes concrets pour préserver notre NBHOJàRVF SJWJÍSF a déclaré Stéphane Sarrazin, président des Comtés unis de 1SFTDPUU FU 3VTTFMM Grâce à l’application mobile iCollect, il est également possible
September 23, 3 to 5 p.m., starting north from Presqu’ile Road in Lefaivre, volunteers will take part in the annual Ottawa River Shoreline Cleanup
de nettoyer soi-même une rive à tout BVUSFNPNFOUFUEFTVJWSF MBRVBOUJUÊEF déchets ramassés directement depuis un smartphone.»
à Lefaivre. Le nettoyage est organisé en QBSUFOBSJBUBWFD MB.3$E"SHFOUFVJM MB .3$EF1BQJOFBVFU4FOUJOFMMF0VUBPVBJT RVJPOUQSJTVOFOHBHFNFOUBQQFMÊ"DDPSE d’amitié, visant à protéger la rivière des
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