Corporate, Social, Responsibility Commitment


Energy saving LED lights are used throughout the building We strive to manage and reduce our water usage wherever possible Smart sensors for windows in rooms are connected to AC to switch off We have started tracking our Carbon footprint, with the goal to start reducing our carbon emissions.


Water decanters are placed around the spa to eliminate any use of plastic bottles along with a water filter tap The Hotel's main spa brand, SOTHYS, is highly sustainable with active ingredients sourced in a responsible manner and shorter supply chains to reduce carbon emissions


We are measuring our food wastage. We are using the food waste data, to reduce the amount of food waste we create. We are trying to use only local and sustainable suppliers



We work hard to reduce our carbon footprint by centralising our purchases of spirits We sort our waste We do a quantifiable analysis of our carbon emissions taking the energy usage of the operation into account.

We celebrate the over 50 nationalities in the hotel. We have created and are executing a Diversity and inclusion calendar We are volunteering and working on improving our volunteering efforts


Paper, glass, and metal liner are Recycled, and where possible composted by our waste company. All our staff members are using reusable water bottle.

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