Regional health group outlines French strategy
continues working on a strategy to sup- port and strengthen the right of franco- phones in the region to receive care and attention in their own language. The board of directors for the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) ap- proved an action plan dealing with French
language health services. The plan, reviewed during the board’s June 25 meeting held in the village of Alfred in Alfred-Plantagenet Township, is a joint project between the Champlain LHIN, the South East LHIN, and Le Réseau, the French Language Health Services Network of East-
ern Ontario. The plan outlines goals and programs for the 2014-2015 fiscal year dealing with French-language health services. The fivemain goals during that period are: to improve the quality of the data related to francophone clients and health service planning, strengthen both the presence of the francophone sector in health service planning for the region and also the fran- cophone view of present and future health services planning, make French-language health services more available, and moni- tor the effect of the action plan on French- language health services. Part of the action plan for the current pe- riod calls for a pilot project to collect infor- mation on the linguistic identity of patients and health service clients in the region. The Champlain LHIN manages health ser- vices and programs, including provincial funding allocations, for the City of Ottawa, the Five Counties region, Renfrew County, and the northern portions of Lanark and Grenville counties.
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
ALFRED | The group responsible for mana- ging health services in Eastern Ontario
Marion Street storm drain gets refit urgent repair situations involving the aging storm drain.
ROCKLAND | Residents in the Marion Street neighbourhood will have a newer, better storm sewer soon. The City of Clarence-Rockland has con- tracted with Arnco Construction & Excava- tion to replace the Marion Street storm sew- er. The Hawkesbury contractor presented the lowest of seven bids on the project at $113,820, not including HST. The present storm sewer setup for Marion Street was installed during the 1970s. Dur- ing the past five years the public works department has dealt with three separate
cludes $300,000 for repair andmaintenance work on storm sewers and drainage ditches. The Marion Street storm drain project has a $140,000 allocation to cover design, geo- technical tests, and other costs. The contract with Arnco Construction calls for “substantial completion” of the work by mid-August. The goal is to replace the storm drain as soon as possible to allow the neighbour- hood development project to proceed with minimal delay.
Last November City Hall was dealing with development application involving a site near the intersection of Marion Street and St-Jacques Street. At the same time a rou- tine inspection was scheduled for the Mar- ion Street storm sewer but the inspection could not go ahead as planned because there was some blockage in the line from dirt and concrete debris. Attempts to clear the blockage met with limited success. The 2014 municipal works budget in-
613 850 5744 La maison du store
More transparency for Champlain LHIN
Ghislain Lalonde
ALFRED | The Champlain LHIN wants anyone in Eastern Ontario to have the same access to all the reports presented at its board meetings as the directors them- selves have. The board of directors for the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) approved a recommendation for a new ad- dition to the LHIN’s website. In future all reports scheduled for presentation at the board of directors’ regular meetings will be posted on the Champlain LHIN website in advance of the meeting itself. The documents will be available in both French and English. The Champlain LHIN website is at www.champlainlhin.on.ca. The Champlain LHIN manages health ser- vices and programs, including provincial funding allocations, for the City of Ottawa, the Five Counties region, Renfrew County, and the northern portions of Lanark and Grenville counties. Street as far as Tucker Road in Rockland, and for Henrie Street from the Landry Street in- tersection to Champlain Road, for Vinette Street between the Canaan Road and Joanisse Street intersections. The 2014 capi- tal works budget has $375,000 allocated for road surfacing. The roads listed will be done in September. Expect some minor traffic delays on a few roads around different parts of the city in September. Work crews will be doing gravel surfacing for Lacasse Street, Bouvier Street between the Baseline and Vinette Street intersections, and Baseline Street between the Division and Rollin Street intersections. Surface treatment is also planned for David September plan for road surfacing plans
Salle de montre: 3433, chemin Gendron, Hammond ON
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