Manual Edge: Helping Aches and Pains

Manual Monthly by Manual Edge Physiotherapy



LOOKING FORWARD TO SPRING COOKOUTS? Healthy Grilling Tips For Arthritis Sufferers

MAIN DISHES Instead of greasy burgers, brats and hot dogs , try some meaty mushrooms marinated in equal parts olive oil, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice. You’ll get immune-boosting nutrients in the mushrooms, vinegar and lemon juice. Plus, studies show that oleocanthal, one of the most concentrated anti-inflammatory compounds in olive oil, dampens the body’s inflammatory process and reduces pain sensitivity with a pharmacological action similar to ibuprofen. Another great option is salmon with a splash of lemon and a sprinkling of savory summer herbs. Salmon is rich in omega-3s and vitamin D, both of which enhance joint health, boost immunity and protect against inflammation. CONDIMENTS Instead of ketchup (which packs 2 teaspoons of sugar per tablespoon) or mayonnaise (which is

relatively high in unhealthy fat) , try antioxidant- packed salsa or pico de gallo . Weighing in at just four to five calories per tablespoon, and zero fat, salsa boasts plenty of nutrients. Don’t forget, olive oil based pesto or sundried tomato spread is another good alternative. All three ingredients – olive oil, basil and sundried tomatoes – are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. SIDE DISHES Instead of mayo-based salads like coleslaw, potato salad and macaroni salad , try bean or Caprese salad . All beans boast fiber, protein and a bevy of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Put together some sliced tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and basil drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil and you’ll have a tasty Caprese salad . Plus you’ll get more oleocanthol and cancer-fighting lycopene.

Tim Bonack



sleep to keep your stress level at a minimum—and that includes your physical stress level. Aim to sleep between 7-9 hours every night. The more activity you engage in, the more sleep you need. 3. Keep your body in good shape with regular exercise. It may seem counterintuitive to cut down on pain by moving more, but exercise is a really good way to reduce aches and pains. When you exercise every day, you are able to train your muscles for more movement, and thereby reduce aches and pains. Keeping active, staying rested, and being smart with hot and cold therapy create a trifecta for healthy management of aches and pains, but they aren’t going to solve the bigger problems. When aches and pains start to grow severe, or chronic, then it is time to reach out to a professional for support. Physical therapy is the best way to reduce aches and pains because it takes into account a combination of active and passive strategies to help tackle the cause of your pain. Look inside to learn more about our programs and say goodbye to aches and pain!

Pain medications can reduce the severity of aches and pains for a little while, but they don’t do anything to resolve the issue. There are things that you can do at home that can alleviate your aches and pains, helping to reduce the severity of your discomfort while also reducing the likelihood that the pain will return. Don’t just complain about those aches and pains. Start doing something about them. Here is a quick rundown of things that you can do at home that can reduce your daily pain: 1. Use hot and cold therapy appropriately to reduce inflammation. After a good workout or a day of doing chores out in the yard, your muscles will likely feel sore. Apply ice directly to the area that hurts on and off for 20 minutes at a time during the first 24-72 hours after the pain develops. After that, consider soaking in hot water, such as taking a warm bath, to further soothe your muscles. 2. Don’t underestimate the power of resting! Your body relies on sleep just as much as your brain. You need to get plenty of

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There are a lot of different reasons as to why you may start feeling aches and pains. Muscle pain will occur whenever your muscles start to grow. To build more muscle mass, your muscles have to stretch, and lactic acid can pour into the lining of your muscles to cause a burning sensation. More movement will push that acid out, helping you to experience relief, and in time your muscles will develop increased elasticity, and the burning won’t be so severe. Built-up of tension from stress or overuse, and muscle pain from poor posture can also contribute to regular pain. A physical therapist can take a comprehensive assessment to help determine what may be the primary cause behind your aches and pains. Working with a physical therapist can help you develop a new approach to managing your aches and pains. Your physical therapy program will likely take into account strategies like hydrotherapy, deep tissue massage, guided stretching and targeted movements to help you experience ongoing relief from regular discomfort. Give us a call so we can help you say goodbye to your aches and pains. Print sudoku 3 8 1 3 7 5 4 7 9 2 5 9 1 6 2 4 4 3 3 7 2

7 2 4 3 Call Today 719-694-8342


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n° 310547 - Level Hard




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Loosens Tight Hips

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HIP HIKES While standing up on a step, lower one leg downward towards the floor by tilting your pelvis to the side. Then return the pelvis/leg back to a leveled position.

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n° 315994 - Level Hard



Good Luck Madeline! Fourth year osteopathic medical student Madeline Pickle spent the month of March at Manual Edge Physiotherapy. Madeline is a student at Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Parker. As part of her education, she spent time with us furthering her training in Manual Osteopathic Technique that she will utilize as an osteopathic physician. She graduates in May and will spend the next 3 years completing her residency in family medicine. Good luck Madeline, you will make a great physician!

Lambeau is a champion! Lambeau Bonack, our 9 month old Maltese, recently achieved champion status. He is shown with his breeder, Dion Rausch, that traveled with Lambeau to several dog shows. For those of you wondering, yes Lambeau was in fact named for Lambeau Field and Curly Lambeau, the founder of the Green Bay Packers. My wife Zoe thought the name Lambeau sounded better than Rambo!



Green & Gold Smoothie

INGREDIENTS • 2 frozen bananas

• 2 cups kale, packed • 3 tbsp cocoa nibs • 2 tbsp hemp seeds • 2 tbsp chopped mint, packed • 1 tbsp maca powder • 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder • 1 tsp wheatgrass powder • 2 cups coconut milk




DIRECTIONS Add all ingredients, in the order listed above, to a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve cold. Optional: You may garnish with extra cacao nibs and mint leaves.



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