WAPT: Helping Arthritis Pain

When you experience an injury, dealing with the pain that comes as part of the aftermath is expected. While painful, most of the time when recovering from an injury you can find comfort in the knowledge that the pain is temporary. As your body heals, as you go through the motions of building your muscle mass back and improving flexibility with physical therapy, you know that in time you will feel like yourself again. This knowledge gives you something to work towards, and helps the pain feel more manageable—even when it is intense, and never-fleeting.


Shake ItOut

Allegra Shank, PTA I had a pretty unconventional path that ledme to becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant. I was an avid volleyball player in high school but after suffering a shoulder injury that required surgery I was no longer able to play. I needed a new activity to focus on after high school, something I was passionate about. I tried attending college but didn’t know what I wanted to study, so school wasn’t the right fit at that time. I signed up for a local belly dance classwhen I was 18and fell in love instantly. I spent the next 6 years studying belly dance in Fremont with a world-renowned dancer. I choreographed and danced with an incredible group of women in the Fremont Solstice parade for 6 years and the photo is ofme at age 19 performing atmy brother and sister-in-law’s wedding!

I spent aweek dancing inHawaii and even got to travel to Egypt in 2008. Belly dance taught me somuch about posture, bodymechanics, the importance of stretching, andhow tomove with intention. The 6 years I spent dancing were a catalyst inmy decision to go to college for physical therapy, and so much of what I learneddancingdirectly translated tomy study of kinesiology. Dancing kept me in great shape. I got to be a part of a supportive and creative group of dancers and musicians, and I learned a lot about myself during that time. I am not currently performing or studying, but the years I spent dancing will forever be a pivotal time in my life, helping to lead me to where I am today. But if there’s ever an opportunity to dance, I am usually the first one on the dance floor finding the beat and shaking my hips!


Independently owned and operated since 1997

November 2018

HelpFor ArthritisPain

When you experience an injury, dealing with the pain that comes as part of the aftermath is expected. While painful, most of the time when recovering froman injuryyoucanfindcomfort in theknowledge that the pain is temporary.Asyourbodyheals,asyougo through themotionsof building your muscle mass back and improving flexibility with physical therapy, you know that in time you will feel like yourself again. This knowledgegivesyousomething towork towards,andhelps thepain feel more manageable—even when it is intense, and never-fleeting. Arthritispain isdifferent.Arthritisdoesn’tdevelopasaresultofan injury,but insteaddevelopsovertimeasaresultofchronicuse,orevenasaresultof geneticdisposition.  Thiscanmakedealingwith thepainofarthritiseven more difficult to cope with, as it begs the question: if the pain is coming from inside the joint, is there anything I can actually do about it? Understanding Arthritis Pain Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic condition to affect the joints. Almost 30 million adults in the United States struggle with the condition,andwhile itcan influenceanyoneofanyage, itmost frequently develops among those who are most prone to overuse—those who are over the age of 65.

Arthritisoccurswhenthere isabreakdownofthecartilagethatcoversthe ends of the bones.This cartilage is what allows the joints in the elbows, ankles,kneesandhipstomovewithfreedom.Withoutcartilage,thebones would rub against one another with each movement, and would cause extremepain.As thecartilagebreaksdown,so, typically,does thebone, and as the shape of the joint changes it becomes even more difficult for it to function smoothly. Furthermore, the ligaments and tendons around the joint will often stiffen, and the muscles surrounding the joint will weaken, making it altogether more difficult and painful to move. Whilearthritispaintypicallydevelopsgradually,therealizationofwhatyou aredealingwithcanstillcomeasashock. Insomecircumstancesthepain willappearmoreabruptly,especiallywhenthepaindevelops inassociation with a change in weather or other environmental circumstance. Overcoming Arthritis Pain Turning to over the counter pain medications to cope with arthritis pain is ineffective as a long-term solution. While some of the medications may provide temporary relief, they will not help you overcome the pain for good. Physical therapy, on the other hand, can provide actual relief from arthritis by helping to rebuild strength in the joints through targeted movements and flexibility exercises.  

Call Today: 425.820.2110

3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist

2. Your therapist can

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home.

might recommend you come in for an appointment.

Arthritis & Physical Therapy

Anti-inflammation and Arthritis One leadingformofarthritistreatment iswiththeuseofanti-inflammatory medication.Certain typesofarthritisdevelopasa resultofabuild-upof inflammation inthebody.Specifically,thetendonsand ligamentsbecome inflamedasaresultofan internalattackfromthe immunesystem,which is typically triggered by some combination of environmental factors. Avoiding certain foods and movements can reduce inflammation, and thereby reduce pain. Physical Therapy For Arthritis Pain Physical therapy is highly recommended for the treatment of arthritis because itcanstrengthenandsupportthe jointsthroughguidedpractice ofmovementandstrengthbuildingexercises.Typically,thebestactivities for arthritis pain are low-impact activities. Working with a physical therapist is the best way to ensure that you are practicing the best techniques for overcoming your discomfort. There is a long list of home remedies that are said to help with arthritis pain as well, and there is some credibility to some of these concepts. For example, losing weight, exercising regularly, and making some dietarychangessuchas reducingcaffeineandsugarconsumptionare said tohelpalleviatepainassociatedwitharthritis.However,beforeyou start making any changes to your lifestyle, it is best to consult with a physical therapist. For more information about how to rid your life of arthritis pain, contact us. 5 4 5 2 7 2 3 8 6 4 2 1 7 9 5 7 3 2 1

There is a lot of current research trying to understand what precisely causes arthritis to develop in some people, and not in others. Everyone uses their joints every day, and while it makes sense that so much pressure would cause pain to develop over time, it doesn’t explain why thepaindevelopswhenandwhere itdoes,andwhy ithappens tosome people and not to others.


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http://1sudoku.com SUDOKU PUZZLE n° 229777 - Level Medium

Relieve Leg Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing leg pain.


3 9 6

Calf Stretch Sit with one foot out front. Bend toes toward ceiling. You should feel a stretch in your calf.

1 6

2 8 9


3 5

4 8 2


4 5

3 9 6


9 2 5

4 1

4 2 6



n° 228310 - Level Medium



“I’m feeling lucky to have them all on my team of health providers.”

FREE Consultation! This coupon good for

Valid now through 11/30/18

Mention or bring in this coupon for a FREE Consultation with one of our physical therapy specialists! • Stiffness • Muscle spasms • Arthritis • Upper back pain The free consultation is ideal for people suffering with: • Lower back pain • Herniated discs • Sciatica • Spinal stenosis

Print sudoku http://1sudoku.com

4 7 1 6 8 “Physical Therapy at WAPT has helped me recover from several injuries and a surgery over the years – e.g. shoulder break and knee replacement. Mike is always the encouraging coach and worked through routines with humor and in-depth knowledge. WAPT is always upbeat and I’m feeling lucky to have them all on my team of health providers. Highly recommend! My current hip pain is resolved.” - Martina G. 1 9 8 5 3 4 9 1 4

Call Today 425.820.2110



5 3 8 8 TIme Is Running Out!

Healthy Recipe Turkey Meatballs

3 4 6 1 9

3 5 9 2 Use Your Benefits Before 2018 Ends! The end of the year is near! It’s never been a better time to use the remainder of your physical therapy benefits to get out of pain, build strength, and stay healthy this fall! Take some time to treat yourself to a better quality of life, enabling you to enjoy the great activities Washington has to offer such as hiking, hunting, fishing, and skiing. Come see us to work on your back, posture, hips, knees, shoulders, andmore!We’rehere tohelpyouexperience lifepain-free.Life isshort, don’t ignoreyourpainandproblems.You’llbeamazedat the long-term benefits of physical therapy on your body and quality of life! 6 http://1sudoku.com 3 2 4 1 8 4 5 7 6 8

n° 222047 - Level Medium


• 1 lb ground turkey • 1 large egg beaten • 1/4 cup shaved parmesan

• 1 tsp basil • 1 tsp salt

• 1/2 tsp ground black pepper • 1 (24 oz) jar red pasta sauce • 1/2 lb whole grain spaghetti

1 5

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• 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp onion powder



Directions Preheatbroileronhigh for5minutes.Combineallmeatball ingredients in large bowl.Useyourhandstomixthe ingredients.Usea1.5tablespooncookiescoopto scoop18meatballsontoa rimmedcookiesheet.Broilon top rack for5minutes. In a large skillet, bring pasta sauce to a low simmer. Add in cooked meatballs andsimmer together for5-10minutesoruntilmeatballsarecompletelycooked through.Servewithyourchoiceofpasta, freshbasil,moreparmesanandenjoy!

7 8

6 1

5 2 6 4 9 Get results like these by scheduling your appointment. Call 425.820.2110 and talk with your therapist today! 6 1 2 8 5

n° 26328 - Level Medium Preparing for the Ski Season!


Help Us Make a Difference This Holiday Season! HOLIDAY FOOD AND TOY DRIVE

• During the months of November and December we will be collecting non-perishable food items and new unwrapped toys for Hopelink. • Here at Washington Physical Therapy we are committed to being part of our community just as much as we are committed to helping our patients. • Hopelink is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating poverty in our communities. Each year they help over 64,000 people through food donations, employment education, transportation, and housing assistance.

• As a thank you for helping we will be giving away a FREE DEEP TISSUE LASER EDUCATION & DEMO with any donation of 2 non-perishable food items or 1 unwrapped toy. • The Deep Tissue Laser is a safe FDA approved treatment for joint and muscle pain and inflammation. It works to improve blood flow, decrease pain and inflammation, and naturally speed up healing. • Help us make this holiday season special for those in our community and let us help you feel better so you can get back to doing the things that you enjoy.

Special Offer for Current and Former Patients!


*With a donation of: • 2 non-perishable food items • 1 unwrapped toy

Valid during the months of November and December. You may share this offer with 1 other person. Please call 425-820-2110 beforehand to check availability.

Washington Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation | 6725 116th Ave NE Ste 130 • Kirkland, WA 98033 P: 425.820.2110 • F: 425.820.2111 E: info@WAPTrehab.com • W: waptrehab.com

The holiday season is here, and we all know what that means: TOO MUCH GOOD FOOD!!

Now if you are anything like us here at WAPT, we tend to eat too much this time of year. Then the guilt sets in…and we think, I’ll just exercise more! But what about my hip, back, shoulder, or neck pain? Chances are you may have met your deductible for 2018 . If so, this would be a great time to get your sore back, achy knee, or stiff

shoulder checked out. Get a jump on getting back to exercising, walking, or hitting the gym. Give us a call at 425-820-2110 and schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation to discuss your pain and what options are available to get you back to normal.

Excited for Ski And Snowboard Season!

Every year we look to the sky for the first signs of that wonderful white stuff falling down and covering the slopes. We hope that you are as excited as we are to the hit the slopes! But are you a little nervous about your knees, hips, or back? Afraid the bumps may be too much this year? Do your kids seem to get a little faster and you a little slower each season? Did you know that we can help you with exercises specifically designed for skiing and snowboarding? Give us a call at 425-820- 2110 and let us help you get into Winter Sports Shape. Don’t let you pain slow you down this winter. Let us help you get back to normal and back to the activities that you want.

Washington Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation | 6725 116th Ave NE Ste 130 • Kirkland, WA 98033 P: 425.820.2110 • F: 425.820.2111 E: info@WAPTrehab.com • W: waptrehab.com

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