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New lottery license fee issue settled
CASSELMAN Soirée country le 29 mars à l’aréna de Casselman à 13h, souper inclus. Les fonds iront à la Fondation de la sclérose en plaque. Information: Gilberte Leroux, 613 764-3463 Le Groupe B&B de Casselman organise une sortie à la cabane à sucre de la Montagne de Rigaud, le 26 mars. Détails: Rita Benson, 613 764-0294, ou Norman Bédard, 613 764- 0555. Le Club de Danse organise un Whist militaire le dimanche 23 mars 2014, à 13h30, au local des Chevaliers de Colomb de Casselman. Pour réserver: Gisèle Séguin, 613 764- 5559 ou Guylaine Généreux, 613 764-5218. Le tournoi communautaire de hockey se déroulera du 30 mars au 5 avril 2014. Il y a 3 catégories 16-30, 31-45, 46 et plus. La date limite d’inscription est le 24 mars 2014. Coût d’inscription, 45$. Enregistrement en ligne au casselman.ca. Pour info: Luc Belisle tour- noicasselman@gmail.com, 613 229-4940. CRYSLER Crysler Community Supper, Friday March 21, from 5 p.m to 7 p.m. at the Crysler Com- munity Center. Everyone welcome. Our Lady of the Rosary Parish invites you to their Sugar Bush Brunch on Sunday March 30, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Crysler Community Centre. Music by Pierre & Élo- ise Laflèche. Everyone welcome. EMBRUN Le 14 avril, une journée au IMAX (2 films) et dîner au Buffet des continents. Date limite pour inscription, le 24 mars. Lorraine Dicaire, 613 443-5637, lorraine23@xplornet.ca Souper de spaghetti avec jeux familiaux, organisés par les Chevaliers de Colomb d’Embrun, le vendredi 28 mars, 17h30, 5, rue Forget, Embrun. Le Club de Joie de Vivre 50+ vous offre une sortie le 31 mars: Les Sucres. Pour rensei- gnements, Jeanne 613 443-3144, jeannebrisson29@gmail.com ou Lorraine Dicaire, 613 443-5637, lorraine23@xplornet.ca. LIMOGES L’Association des pompiers de Limoges organise un souper de fèves au lard, macaroni et pâté chinois, le 28 mars, à 17h, au Centre communautaire de Limoges, 205, chemin Limoges. Dîner communautaire, le vendredi 21 mars 2014, à midi, au Club Âge d’Or, salle sous- sol de l’église. Après le repas, Gaétane Gagnon du Centre de l’Estrie fera une présenta- tion sur la détresse de continuer à vivre malade ou de se sentir inutile. Réservations: Réjeanne Legault 613 443-5498. Gimmick Car Rally fundraising for Spirit the service dog for PSTD, May 3. Must be reg- istered and paid before March 31. Claudette, 613 371-3871 EMBRUN WOMEN’S 3-PITCH LEAGUE 2014 Registration Dates: April 5 2014: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the Embrun arena. For more information, contact Sophie Bourbonnais at 613 868-5713, or by email sophie.bourbonnais@gmail.com Le Party du nord 2014 aura lieu le 24 mai 2014, à Embrun. Suite au succès de la soirée Ted Polnicky à Casselman en 2012, les gens de Hearst vivant dans l’Est ontarien pourront revivre l’expérience. Cette collecte de fonds permettra d’atteindre l’objectif financier pour la construction du centre de maternité Ted-Polnicky. Pour plus de détails ou pour des billets, Gilles Polnicky, 613 875-0321, ou gpolnicky@rogers.ca, ou Patrick Brousseau, 613 443-3335 ou patrick_brousseau@hotmail.com. RUSSELL March It On Out swap meet, Saturday, March 22, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at St Thomas Aqui- nas Catholic HS in Russell. Proceeds go to the Children’s Fantasy Reading Garden. Bring your reusable items to the school on Friday between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. or Saturday morning between 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. For a minimal entry fee, you can take away any- thing and everything that your heart desires. Information: Louise, 613 443-0514. Preparing for a New Garden, gardening workshop with Lindley McPhail from the Rus- sell & District Horticultural Society, Thursday, April 10 – 7:30 p.m. Registration required. Register online at mylibrary@russellbiblio.comTownship of Russell Public Library – Rus- sell branch, 1053, Concession St. Russell, 613 445-5331. VARS The Cumberland Township Pioneers Club hosts a monthly lunch, April 1st, at noon at the Bearbrook Community Centre, 8720 Russell Rd. For reservation, Pauline, 613 835- 2817, Jeanne, 613 835-2829.
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
EMBRUN | It took close to two hours of argument and ideas but council settled at last on a solution to the lottery licence fee problem. At one point during the discussion at the March 17 session, Mayor Jean-Paul St-Pierre reminded both council and the public view- ing the debate either in council chambers or through the simultaneous webcast, that the township is forced under provincial policy to levy and collect a lottery licence fee for the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Commission (OLG). “We need to charge something,” said
qualify under OLG guidelines, including bingoes, raffle tickets, breakopen chance tickets, and bazaars that feature wheel of fortune, bingo and raffles as part of their fundraising activities. Those options included a single flat fee applied to all lottery licence applications
Mayor St-Pierre. “It’s imposed on us by the province.” The problem began when the township put into ef- fect a three per cent lottery licence fee at the start of the year.
or a percentage fee based on the total prize value of the event. The goal was to meet OLG demands while also covering some of the clerical cost to the township of processing lottery
We need to charge something. It’s imposed on us by the province.” - J.P. St. Pierre
The decision to impose the fee was made several months ago in 2013 and adminis- tration directed to contact local non-profit groups and others about the fee and its rea- son to give them time to prepare their own budgets to allow for the fee as part of their fundraising expenses. After the three per cent fee took effect concerns were raised that it would create problems for some non-profit groups with their fundraising efforts and might even discourage them. Council asked adminis- tration to review the situation and provide recommendations for a solution. Council received the final report on the matter March 17, which included options to cover all lottery licence applications that
licence applications. The fee is not meant as a revenue-generator for the municipality Council settled on a suggestion for a three per cent fee based on the total prize value for bingoes, raffles, and breakopens with a maximum limit of $50 for those lottery li- cence requests. Bazaars would be subject to the same fee guideline for their bingoes and raffles with a $10 charge for each wheel of fortune featured at the event. Any groups which had paid the three per cent fee that took effect in January would be eligible for a refund minus the $50 max- imum set under the new guidelines. More detailed information on how the new guidelines will work for applicants is avail- able at the municipal office.
13 000 copies
Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , roger@eap.on.ca François Legault , Directeur • Director , francois.legault@eap.on.ca
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Nouvelles / News: inforeflet.news@eap.on.ca Classées • Classified : julie.potvin@eap.on.ca
1158, Notre-Dame, C.P. / P.O. Box, 1170, Embrun, ON K0A 1W0 Tel.: 613 443-2741 • Fax: 613 443-1865
Publié tous les jeudis par / Published every Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell
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