FyzicalBradenton&Ellenton: Women's Health


Some people with urinary incontinence may find relief by making simple lifestyle changes. If you have stress incontinence, in which you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or laugh, your physical therapist may advise you to alter your hydration habits to limit howmuch you drink. If you have urge incontinence, in which you get a sudden urge to urinate and can’t always make it to the bathroom in time, your physical therapist may advise you to avoid spicy foods, caffeine, and carbonated drinks, as they can irritate the bladder and worsen the issue. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, known as Kegels, can sometimes help people who are living with incontinence. Kegels are combined with biofeedback techniques, in order to determine if the exercises are being performed properly. For urge incontinence, bladder retraining can also help. This involves gradually increasing the interval time between trips to the bathroom, working up to longer and longer intervals between bathroom stops. Some other common treatments for incontinence may include, but are not limited to:

incontinence can be limiting - and even embarrassing, especially when it occurs during a social setting. Our licensed physical therapists are dedicated to improving your pelvic health, quality of life, and socialization, so you can get back to living your very best life. When you arrive for your initial consultation, one of our physical therapists will perform a physical examination to determine the strength of your pelvic floor. Your physical exam, along with an evaluation of your medical history and discussion of your symptoms, will help in determining the best route for your treatment plan. If you are struggling with urinary incontinence and you are looking for help, contact us today to schedule an appointment. One of our physical therapists will get you started on the path toward urinary control and relief!

• Electrical stimulation. • Hip and core strengthening. • Soft tissue work. • Relaxation techniques.

• Additional pelvic floor strengthening exercises. • Urge suppression strategies. • Education.

Mild to moderate cases of common types of incontinence can be greatly improved or even cured by behavioral and/or exercise therapy. We can also teach you habits and techniques to reduce urgency. Even periodic incontinence is not something you have to live with – we can help! Contact Fyzical for Relief! At FYZICAL, we know that living with urinary

Call us today to schedule an appointment!



Our“pool” isthebenchmark for freestanding underwater treadmill devices utilizing warm water therapy as a medium to enhance rehabilitation and performancethroughwater’s buoyancy, resistance and hydro-static pressure. This advanced hydrotherapy systemprovidestheultimate rehabilitation advantage. The water temperature is

typically around 90 degrees, allowing for pain relief and easy joint movement. The variable treadmill speed allows us to go at your pace. The water height level is adjustable so as to adjust to your movement possibilities and a build in, optional use, water-jet can be utilized for massage or even resistance training while walking or exercising underwater. The following conditions typically report improvements during and after treatment: Arthritis or pain in the ankle / knee / hip, lowback pain, spinal stenosis as well as any chronic pain condition. It also provides the ideal environment to get back to walking and movement after a period of moderate to severe inactivity.

The Arthritis Foundation’s Jingle Bell Run is the original festive race for charity. It’s where you can strut your stuff in your favorite holiday costume and FEEL GOOD about DOING GOOD. Together, FYZICAL had a fantastic time every step we take! We were able to raise funds for the Arthritis Foundation.



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