
“I started writing the first three chapters before I hadmy children. I then took a break from doing it to give more time to my kids.” But once they were old enough and were all fast asleep, Lindermanwould pound away at her keyboard, typing one to two pages at a time until finally, she completed her manuscript. “It tookme five years to finish Redeemed from the ashes ,” she boasted, a proud smile appearing on her face. “But it sure was worth it!” But although it was typed, the woman realized that she had quite a lot of work left to ensure her novel was successful. “When it was done, I approached a woman at the St. Lawrence College to help me edit it,” she said. “But I couldn’t afford it. So she edited my first three chapters for free and offered me her notes.” From there, Linderman undertook to

edit her own novel. She then decided to self-publish it. “I wanted to have complete control over the creative aspect of the book,” she commented. In addition, the woman explained that more often than not, novels that are picked up by big publishing companies are often set aside for years before finally hitting the shelves of stores. “I didn’t want that,” she exclaimed. “I wanted to know what was happening. I wanted it to be a learning experience for me.” By the looks of it, the writer’s wish was fulfilled. She came up with the novel’s exterior look as well as a promotional video she posted on YouTube. “I had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit!” But her learning experience is far from over. The local writer hopes to write twelve more novels, all of them set in different Canadian provinces or territories and all

relating to an important historical event. For the time being, however, she plans on concentrating her marketing and business skills towards Redeemed from the ashes , which was published on March 8. “I’m hoping to approach the Costco in nearby Quebec,” she said, “as well as the school boards and Chapters.” If all goes according to plan, she should be working on her next novel in three years.

“I want to dedicate three years to each of my novels,” she estimated. So what will her next story tackle? “I’m going to write about British Columbia and the Cariboo gold Rush,” she informed. “It’s something extremely interesting and a topic that is not well-known.” Redeemed from the ashes is available at R & L’s Book Nook, Auld Kirktown, Bible Depot, Amazon, Kobo and Barnes &Noble.

Nous cherchons des participants pour une étude de recherche sur la mesure et le rapport de la performance des soins primaires. Des chercheurs de l’Institut de recherche Bruyère et de l’Université d’Ottawa sont à la recherche de 14 volontaires qui vivent dans la région de l’est de l’Ontario; ont 18 ans et plus; ont présentement un médecin de famille et n’ont PAS reçu de diagnostic de maladies chroniques. La participation consiste à assister à une rencontre d’une journée complète, qu’on appelle « dialogue », et qui est la même chose qu’un groupe de discussion, sauf que la durée est plus longue. Le but de la rencontre sera d’en venir à un consensus sur les éléments du système de soins primaires sur lesquels il serait important de fournir des rapports aux patients et au public. La rencontre aura lieu le 17 ou 18 mai à Orléans, ON. Vous devrez également remplir trois petits questionnaires. Nous remettrons une retribution aux participants pour les remercier de leur temps. Des repas seront servis durant la rencontre. Si vous aimeriez participer, veuillez appeler Jackie Schultz au 613-562-6262, poste 2920, ou écrivez-lui à Les participants seront choisis au hasard parmi ceux intéressés et admissibles (qui répondent aux critères). Cette étude a été approuvée par le Conseil d’éthique de la recherche du Réseau des sciences de la santé d’Ottawa et le Conseil d’éthique en recherche de Soins continus Bruyère. Participants needed for research study about performance measurement and reporting in primary health care Researchers from the Bruyère Research Institute/University of Ottawa are looking for 14 volunteers who live in Eastern Ontario, are 18 years of age or over, currently have a family physician and have NOT been diagnosed with any chronic illnesses. Participation would involve attending an all-day event, called a Deliberative Dialogue, which is the same as a focus group, just of a longer duration. The goal of the day is to reach common ground about the reporting of important elements of the Primary Health Care system to patients and the public. The event will be held May 17 or 18 in Orléans, ON. You will also be asked to complete three short surveys. Participants will receive an honorarium in appreciation of their time. Meals will be served during event. If you’re interested, please contact Jackie Schultz @ 613-562-6262 ext. 2920, or email Jackie @ Participants will be randomly selected from those who are interested and are eligible to participate. This study has been reviewed by the Ottawa Health Science Network Research Ethics Board and the Bruyére Research Ethics Board

Gagnante du concours Petits changements

Lisa Beckstead, de Morrisburg, a été couronné gagnante du concours Petits changements très performants du Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario (BSEO). Elle est l’une de plus de 500 personnes qui ont participé au concours pour tester leurs connaissances, en répondant à 10 questions sur la façon de faire des petits changements aux habitudes alimentaires, qui feront toute la différence. En guise de récompense, Mme Beckstead a reçu une carte-cadeau d’une valeur de 200 $ du supermarché de son choix. Le BSEO a tenu le concours Petits changements très performants au cours du mois de mars, pour célébrer le Mois de la nutritionMD et encourager les gens à découvrir des petits changements pour leur permettre de mieux manger. Ci-dessus, on reconnaît Stéphanie Parent, diététiste en santé publique au BSEO, Mme Beckstead ainsi que Lysanne Trudeau, gestionnaire du programme de prévention des maladies chroniques au BSEO. — photo fournie

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

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