

A journey into Canada’s past PAGE 2

Des ateliers de théâtre à Cornwall PAGE 9

April 27 avril 2016

V. 6 N. 23

CAPE, a love story Love was in the air at this year’s Cornwall and Area Pop Event (CAPE). PAGE 6

A journey into Canada’s past

Twenty-four-year old Leah Linderman has accomplished something that many want but few attain. She’s a published author. Her novel, Redeemed from the ashes , was published on March 8. — supplied photo


history, labelling herself a history buff. “I always loved history,” she recalled, staring outside at the sunlight bathing the scenery. “But I was homeschooled-based off the American high school curriculum. So I didn’t get to learnmuch about Canadian history.” It was therefore a camping trip that sparked her interest in her country’s past. “While we were camping, we visitedHalifax,” she explained. “That’s where I learned about the Halifax explosion and how important it was. I simply couldn’t believe I didn’t know anything about it or that I’d never heard of it.”

December 6, 1917, started like any other day for residents of Halifax. In the sky, the sun was glowing. No one knew that come nightfall, more than two thousand residents of the city would have died. Halifax, like the rest of the world, was fully involved in the First WorldWar. Serving as the assembly and departure point for transatlantic convoys carrying supplies and soldiers to the war effort overseas, the city was quickly evolving into a giant port and major base of naval operations. In a time of war and devastation, Halifax

was thriving. That all changed in the morning of December 6, 1917.Approximatelysixminutes after 9 a.m., a dreadful miscommunication between two ships in the harbour resulted in a massive explosion, the likes of which Canada has never seen since. Over 2,000 people were killed and 9,000 were injured. The city was reduced to ruins and debris. Struck by the importance of the event, the mother of three started writing. “I had always been very good in English writing,” she bragged, running her hand in her hair.

Entering the Tim Hortons on the corner of Tollgate Avenue and Pitt Street, it’s clear Leah Linderman is an interesting individual. A smile on her face, she introduces herself, before taking a seat at a table. The 24-year-old woman has accomplished something that many want but few attain: she’s a published author. Linderman has always been a lover of

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 27 avril 2016

“I started writing the first three chapters before I hadmy children. I then took a break from doing it to give more time to my kids.” But once they were old enough and were all fast asleep, Lindermanwould pound away at her keyboard, typing one to two pages at a time until finally, she completed her manuscript. “It tookme five years to finish Redeemed from the ashes ,” she boasted, a proud smile appearing on her face. “But it sure was worth it!” But although it was typed, the woman realized that she had quite a lot of work left to ensure her novel was successful. “When it was done, I approached a woman at the St. Lawrence College to help me edit it,” she said. “But I couldn’t afford it. So she edited my first three chapters for free and offered me her notes.” From there, Linderman undertook to

edit her own novel. She then decided to self-publish it. “I wanted to have complete control over the creative aspect of the book,” she commented. In addition, the woman explained that more often than not, novels that are picked up by big publishing companies are often set aside for years before finally hitting the shelves of stores. “I didn’t want that,” she exclaimed. “I wanted to know what was happening. I wanted it to be a learning experience for me.” By the looks of it, the writer’s wish was fulfilled. She came up with the novel’s exterior look as well as a promotional video she posted on YouTube. “I had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit!” But her learning experience is far from over. The local writer hopes to write twelve more novels, all of them set in different Canadian provinces or territories and all

relating to an important historical event. For the time being, however, she plans on concentrating her marketing and business skills towards Redeemed from the ashes , which was published on March 8. “I’m hoping to approach the Costco in nearby Quebec,” she said, “as well as the school boards and Chapters.” If all goes according to plan, she should be working on her next novel in three years.

“I want to dedicate three years to each of my novels,” she estimated. So what will her next story tackle? “I’m going to write about British Columbia and the Cariboo gold Rush,” she informed. “It’s something extremely interesting and a topic that is not well-known.” Redeemed from the ashes is available at R & L’s Book Nook, Auld Kirktown, Bible Depot, Amazon, Kobo and Barnes &Noble.

Nous cherchons des participants pour une étude de recherche sur la mesure et le rapport de la performance des soins primaires. Des chercheurs de l’Institut de recherche Bruyère et de l’Université d’Ottawa sont à la recherche de 14 volontaires qui vivent dans la région de l’est de l’Ontario; ont 18 ans et plus; ont présentement un médecin de famille et n’ont PAS reçu de diagnostic de maladies chroniques. La participation consiste à assister à une rencontre d’une journée complète, qu’on appelle « dialogue », et qui est la même chose qu’un groupe de discussion, sauf que la durée est plus longue. Le but de la rencontre sera d’en venir à un consensus sur les éléments du système de soins primaires sur lesquels il serait important de fournir des rapports aux patients et au public. La rencontre aura lieu le 17 ou 18 mai à Orléans, ON. Vous devrez également remplir trois petits questionnaires. Nous remettrons une retribution aux participants pour les remercier de leur temps. Des repas seront servis durant la rencontre. Si vous aimeriez participer, veuillez appeler Jackie Schultz au 613-562-6262, poste 2920, ou écrivez-lui à Les participants seront choisis au hasard parmi ceux intéressés et admissibles (qui répondent aux critères). Cette étude a été approuvée par le Conseil d’éthique de la recherche du Réseau des sciences de la santé d’Ottawa et le Conseil d’éthique en recherche de Soins continus Bruyère. Participants needed for research study about performance measurement and reporting in primary health care Researchers from the Bruyère Research Institute/University of Ottawa are looking for 14 volunteers who live in Eastern Ontario, are 18 years of age or over, currently have a family physician and have NOT been diagnosed with any chronic illnesses. Participation would involve attending an all-day event, called a Deliberative Dialogue, which is the same as a focus group, just of a longer duration. The goal of the day is to reach common ground about the reporting of important elements of the Primary Health Care system to patients and the public. The event will be held May 17 or 18 in Orléans, ON. You will also be asked to complete three short surveys. Participants will receive an honorarium in appreciation of their time. Meals will be served during event. If you’re interested, please contact Jackie Schultz @ 613-562-6262 ext. 2920, or email Jackie @ Participants will be randomly selected from those who are interested and are eligible to participate. This study has been reviewed by the Ottawa Health Science Network Research Ethics Board and the Bruyére Research Ethics Board

Gagnante du concours Petits changements

Lisa Beckstead, de Morrisburg, a été couronné gagnante du concours Petits changements très performants du Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario (BSEO). Elle est l’une de plus de 500 personnes qui ont participé au concours pour tester leurs connaissances, en répondant à 10 questions sur la façon de faire des petits changements aux habitudes alimentaires, qui feront toute la différence. En guise de récompense, Mme Beckstead a reçu une carte-cadeau d’une valeur de 200 $ du supermarché de son choix. Le BSEO a tenu le concours Petits changements très performants au cours du mois de mars, pour célébrer le Mois de la nutritionMD et encourager les gens à découvrir des petits changements pour leur permettre de mieux manger. Ci-dessus, on reconnaît Stéphanie Parent, diététiste en santé publique au BSEO, Mme Beckstead ainsi que Lysanne Trudeau, gestionnaire du programme de prévention des maladies chroniques au BSEO. — photo fournie

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wing it For Kids Sake Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall is organizing its annual Wing it For Kids Sake event, onMay 27, from6 p.m. to 11 p.m., at the Cornwall Legion. Come enjoy chicken wings and try various sauces from several different Cornwall restaurants, all the while listening to live music from members of Spare Parts and Lost Boyz. For tickets or information: 613-933-8035. Tournoi de golf du Club Richelieu Le Club Richelieu de Cornwall organise son 20 e tournoi de golf annuel, le 3 juin prochain, au Club de golf Summerheights. Les joutes se termineront par un souper de homards à volonté. Information : Richard Lalonde au 613-932-4513, ouMichel Pilon au 613-937-0473. Indoor yard and bake sale The Cornwall Pentecostal Church is organizing an indoor yard and bake sale on April 30, from9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 208 Second Street East. Information: 613-937-3737. Chorale Centennial La chorale Centennial présente son réci- tal printanier le 6 mai prochain à 20 h, au théâtre Aultsville. Plusieurs artistes locaux se joindront à la chorale, dont Seaway Winds-saxophone – quartet et la chorale de filles de Glengarry.Les billets sont dis- ponibles au Home Hardware, à la loterie au Cornwall Square, au comptoir de billets du complexe civique de Cornwall et auprès des membres de la chorale. Moccasin Model Club TheMoccasinModel Club at St.Mathews Lutheran Church, starting at 7:30 p.m. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend. Information: 613-936-1660. Smart City Toastmasters Smart City Toastmasters Club offers the opportunity to learn communication skills and gives a practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday of each month at the St. Lawrence College, room 3520. Friends of Vets The Friends of Vets support groupmeets on the 1 st and 3 rd Thursday of everymonth at 7 p.m. at 780 Sydney Street. There is parking in the back of the building and the coffee is free. communautaire community link Le lien The

Char-Lan District High School teacher, Sandy McDonald, is pictured shaking hands with Governor General David Johnston, after McDonald received a Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers during a recent ceremony at Rideau Hall. — supplied photo Local air cadets commander recognized for dedication

A local science teacher, who has helped rejuvenate the air cadets squadron in Cornwall, has been honoured with a Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers from the Governor General of Canada. Sandy McDonald, commander of the 325 Cornwall Kiwanis Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron, was recognized for several

years of dedicated service to cadets. The 29-year-old science teacher at Char-Lan District High School was presented with the honour during a recent ceremony at Rideau Hall. McDonald was one of only 55 recipients to receive the medal during its inaugural year. McDonald appreciated the honour but

added he was caught off-guard. “To be honest with you, it was a bit of a surprise,” he said. “I don’t do it for the recognition.” What he has been “doing” is providing the chance for students to develop under the cadet programand to enjoy athletic and other opportunities theymight not otherwise experience, from learning how to fly gliders to canoe trips and band. “I was an air cadet myself for seven years and I really enjoyed the program. So I decided to come back as an officer to give back and create opportunities for other kids to enjoy cadets,” he said. McDonald started the squadron’s popular biathlon team four years ago and supervises training and competition. For the past three years, the squadron has had cadets advance to provincial competitions, with one team winning silver last year. Seven years ago he resurrected the squadron’s band program, which provides musical opportunities for the students. He also leads twice-yearly canoeing trips that have allowed cadets to explore the Rideau Canal system from Kingston to Ottawa, the St. Lawrence River, Algonquin Park and Frontenac Park. While McDonald is in his final year of a three-year posting as commander of the Cornwall squadron, he plans to stay on as an officer to ensure the band, biathlon team and canoe trips continue to be offered to area youth.

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 27 avril 2016

A work of art…for hunger


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Chewing gum and wearing hats It’s a work of art arriving “just in time” to spare area residents from hunger. Students from Interact clubs, at both St. Lawrence Secondary School and Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School (CCVS), combined efforts with their Rotary Club mentors on April 15, to create a huge tin can statue of Spiderman as their entry in Canstruction Cornwall, an innovative food drive to benefit the Agapè Centre. The Rotary Interact Club statue was one of six entries in the contest, held at the Benson Centre. The team used a template developed by engineer and Rotary Club member, Jeremiah Point, to build the bust. It took seven hours to create using $4,000 worth of canned salmon, tuna and tomato sauce. Cans of food used to construct contest entries will be donated to the food bank and soup kitchen to replenish its stocks. “The kids were really excited about it and had a really good time,” said Josip Kupina, a teacher advisor on the project from CCVS. “It gave them the opportunity to be involved in their community. It was a great rewarding experience for them. We also wanted to make the project look good and be something that reflects well on everyone. I think we were able to accomplish that.” Winners of the judged competition will be announced at an awards gala, May 5, at the Agapè Centre. — supplied photo

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East Front had a great time on April 20, wearing hats and chewing gum for a toonie to support Champions for Kids , a children’s charity. The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) Champions for Kids Foundation is a charity that helps level the playing field for UCDSB children and their families. Statistics suggest 12-19 per cent of children in Eastern Ontario are living below the poverty line. Many families are struggling to provide their children with nutritious meals, clothing, housing and other basic needs. — supplied photo

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Although costumed super heroes and knights in shining armor walked throughout the Benson Centre, this year’s CAPE theme was a wedding: that of co-founders Carol Grant and Randy Sauve.

FRANCIS RACINE Love was in the air at this year’s Cornwall and Area Pop Event (CAPE). The event held on April 23 and 24 attracted more than 6000 visitors, as opposed to last year’s 3500 participants. But although costumed super heroes and knights in shining armor walked throughout the Benson Centre, this year’s CAPE theme “The local arts community right here in Cornwall has tremendous talent,” affirmed Grant. “We don’t even have to leave Cornwall CAPE, a love story was a wedding: that of co-founders Carol Grant and Randy Sauve. The two weremarried on Saturday in front of a large crowd. Grant, donning a Wonder Woman costume, was lead to the altar by none other than the lord of Sith, Darth Vader himself. Sauve, sporting a bright blue suit, was equipped with Spider Man socks and a Spider Man tie. “This could very well be themost unique wedding Cornwall has ever seen,” expressed Sauve. A Doctor Evil look alike was in charge of videotaping part of the wedding, whereas a man resembling Ace Ventura donned a tutu, much to the delight of the hundreds gathered. Held annually, CAPE features elements of the larger ComicCon and pop culture shows held in cities such as Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto, with celebrity guests, artists, authors, guest vehicles and more than 100 exhibitors. Grant and Sauve are two local business owners, born and raised in Cornwall. Both stressed that they wanted to featuremany of the talented people from their own backyard and they actively sought out many of the area’s artists, authors, artisans and crafters for the event.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 27 avril 2016

and could easily have featured an entire ice pad of talent, alone with the people right here in our city!” This year’s CAPE was extended to two days. “These outside exhibitors, guests, and the people that attend will all be spending their dollars right here in our city,” said Sauve. “They will eat here, stay here and hopefully shop here as well”. Cornwall mayor Leslie O’Shaugnessy and

Major guest announcements included Clerks movie cast members Brian O’Halloran, Marilyn Ghigliotti, Scott Schiaffo and Ernie O’Donnell, AMC’s The Walking Dead cast members Steve Coulter, Coleman Youmans and Chris Harrelson as well as six Star Trek Original Series guests including BarBara Luna, Michael Forest, Sally Kellerman, Louise Sorel, Sean Kenney and Beverly Washburn.

ACFO - Centre C-E Claude - 146 Chevrier TAS Convenience Store - 1001 Montreal Rd Food Basics - 1315 Second East No Frills - Eastcourt Mall 711 MAX - 472 Leitch Drive FreshCo - 525 - 9th East Jean Coutu Pharmacy - 5 - 9th East OLCO - 18267 Cty Rd. 2, Glen Walter Shopper’s Drug Mart - Cornwall Square Lotto Centre - Cornwall Square MacEwen C-Store - Second W. & York Short Line Convenience & Video Store - 1300 Second West A-Z Convenience Store - 340 - 4th West Pop Shoppe - 101 Emma C-Store/MacEwen Gas Bar - 5756 Hwy 138 Mitchell’s Variety - 3034 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 1292 Pitt Desjardins Caisse populaire - 840 Pitt Carl’s Smoke Shop - 272 Pitt Food Basics - 960 Brookdale Metro - 1400 Vincent Massey Benson Centre - 800 - 7th West Giant Tiger - 609 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 439 - 13th West disponible Est aux endroits suivants : at these fine places: Is available

Rounding out the guest list were international cosplayer, glamour model and designer Marie-Claude Bourbonnais, actor Anderson Bradshaw and actress/singer Noelle Hannibal. CAPE also featuredmany other attractions and guests such as the Doctor Who Society of Canada, Ottawa Tardis,The Dalek Empire, Capital City Garrison 501st Legion (film- authentic Star Wars characters), the League of Superheroes, Ghostbusters: Montreal, and guest vehicles including Knight Rider’s KITT, the Ecto-1 fromGhostbusters and the Back to the Future’s DeLorean. “We certainly intend to strive to create an affordable and family-friendly show that encompasses all the things that comic and pop culture enthusiast love about conventions,” said Sauve. “Showcasing a mixture of artists, creators, dealers selling comics, exhibitors selling their products or services and of course, a few celebrities, all coming together for the purpose of celebrating all things geeky, trendy or mainstream.”


several other council members dropped by on Saturday morning to participate in the event. “Cornwall and the Seaway Valley is an area rich in culture and heritage, outdoor activities and special events,” he commented.


The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bike-a-thon kick off breakfast

You can now place a personal classified ad for FREE in Le/The Journal. Maximum 40 words. The ad will appear 2 consecutive weeks at a time. Commercial classified ads are accepted for only $5.00 (+ HST) a week (prepaid). Classified Ads FREE consécutives à la fois. Les petites annonces commerciales sont acceptées pour un coût de 5,00 $ (+ TVH) par parution (payable à l’avance). GRATUITES Petites annonces Vous pouvez maintenant placer une petite annonce (classée) GRATUITEMENT dans Le/The Journal . Maximum 40 mots. L’annonce paraîtra 2 semaines

More than a hundred residents of Cornwall and its surroundings enjoyed a breakfast at the Civic Complex, in the early morning hours on April 20, during the

annual Children Treatment Centre’s Bike-A-Thon PLUS launch. The Bike- A-Thon PLUS is the second largest annual fundraiser for the Children’s Treatment Centre and has been a community favourite since it began over 31 years ago. It started out as a fun-filled bike rally for families, in support of the Centre’s efforts to help kids in our community, but quickly grew into a bigger event. A number of additional activities are added each year, like horse-back rides, pancake breakfast, barbecue lunch and face painting. This year’s guest speaker was none other than famed Canadian Producer Peter Brian. The latter spoke out about the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of a teacher, in the 1950s, while he was a student at a boarding school in England. The Bike-A-Thon will take place on May 28, at the St. Lawrence College. — photo Francis Racine

La promenade d’honneur cherche des candidats

Le comité organisateur de la promenade d’honneur est à la recherche de candidats qui pourraient devenir le prochain lauréat ou la prochaine lauréate à être inauguré en septembre. Rappelons que pour être choisi lauréat de la Promenade d’honneur, le récipiendaire doit avoir fait preuve de fierté envers sa langue et doit en avoir fait la promotion, tout en affichant fièrement ses couleurs et ses convictions. De plus, il doit être engagé activement dans sa communauté en organisant, en coordonnant ou en participant à diverses activités dans le milieu culturel, éducatif, sportif ou autre. Les intéressés peuvent soumettre une candidature par courriel à ou par la poste à Promenade d’honneur, à l’intention de François Bazinet, 15628, chemin de comté 43, Finch, Ontario, K0C 1K0. – Francis Racine

613- 938-1433 ✆ F196030_TS

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 27 avril 2016

Le député provincial de Stormont-Dundas- South Glengarry, JimMcDonell, ainsi que Paulette Hébert, ont tous deux présenté une subvention de démarrage auThéâtre de la Vieille 17, le 22 avril dernier, au Centre Charles- Émile-Claude, afin de mener le projet pilote Sur le bout de la langue , une initiative d’animation théâtrale d’envergure à Cornwall, du 26 au 28 avril prochain. On voit aussi Marie-Pierre Proulx qui accepte la subvention. — photo Francis Racine

Des ateliers de théâtre à Cornwall


de la langue prendra ensuite la route en 2017 pour visiter des communautés francophones à travers la province. « Nous avons choisi Cornwall puisque la ville accueille une bonne communauté francophone, a expliqué Marie-Pierre Proulx, représentante duThéâtre de la Vieille 17. Puisque Sur le bout de la langue n’est encore qu’un projet pilote, nous voulions le tester dans une ville près d’Ottawa. De cette façon, les intéressés habitant la capitale pourraient facilement se rendre à Cornwall pour y participer. » Sur le bout de la langue est une action citoyenne et d’éducation artistique du Théâtre de la Vieille 17, qui répand le plaisir de la lecture et des mots par le biais du jeu théâtral. Porté par une brigade de comédiens-lecteurs-animateurs

communauté unie et prospère, a déclaré M. McDonell, le 23 avril dernier, au Centre Charles-Émile-Claude. La communauté francophone de Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry travaille infatigablement afin de préserver et promouvoir son patrimoine linguistique et culturel. Je suis fier de voir leur travail reconnu par cette subvention qui aidera tous les résidents du comté, qu’ils soient d’origine francophone ou non, à apprécier localement la valeur des arts théâtraux. » Le projet pilote, réalisé grâce à la subvention de démarrage de la FTO et en collaboration avec l’Amalgame des arts de la langue française et du théâtre, permettra auThéâtre de la Vieille 17 de développer un projet solide et ancré dans les besoins de la communauté franco-ontarienne. Sur le bout

professionnels, ce projet sillonnera l’Ontario français. Robert Perron, présidant sortant de l’Amalgame des arts de la langue française et du théâtre, s’est déclaré très intéressé par le projet. « Nous avons vraiment hâte de voir de quoi ça va avoir l’air, dit il. C’est une très bonne opportunité pour Cornwall. » En collaboration avec des organismes locaux, la brigade prendra d’assaut les écoles, les bibliothèques publiques et les salles communautaires des villes et villages visités, pour offrir aux enfants, aux adultes, ainsi qu’aux aînés, une série d’interventions théâtrales et d’ateliers. Ensemble, les artistes et les participants iront à la découverte de la littérature franco-ontarienne, tous genres confondus et célébrerons le plaisir de la lecture.

Ils seront nombreux à profiter des multiples ateliers de théâtre qui seront offerts à travers Cornwall, du 26 au 28 avril prochains. C’est sous des applaudissements nourris que Jim McDonell, député provincial de Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry, et Paulette Hébert, membre de l’équipe d’évaluation des demandes de subventions de la Fondation Trillium, ont annoncé l’attribution d’une subvention de démarrage auThéâtre de la Vieille 17, afin de mener le projet pilote Sur le bout de la langue , une initiative d’animation théâtrale d’envergure à Cornwall. « L’art et la culture nous aident à bâtir une

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario tel.: 613 938-1433 • fax.: 613 938-2798

The Kinsmen Club of Cornwall put quite a lot of smiles on the faces of kids on April 20. Members of the club presented a $4,000 donation to the Cornwall Minor Lacrosse House League. Pictured are Kinsmen of Cornwall vice-president Dan Carbonnell, Dr. Beth Pollock and treasurer Claude Legault. The children sporting the lacrosse jerseys are all players of the Celtics team of the Cornwall Minor Lacrosse House League. — supplied photo Kinsmen donate to Lacrosse League OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Le/The Journal in Cornwall has over 600 sq.ft. of open space for rent on first or second floor. Room for storage.

DIVERS à vendre MISCELLANEOUS for sale


À VENDRE , deux paniers en fil de fer blanc pour l’avant d’une bicyclette en très bonne condition, 2 pour 15$ ou meilleure offre; Florence 613-938-8032 FOR SALE , two front bicycle white wire baskets, both in great condition. Asking $15. for both or best offer; Florence 613-938-8032. SET OF CALLOWAY GOLF IRON , four irons through Pitching Wedge, model X22 in mint condi- tion, almost bran new for men’s right hand, asking $225.; 613-933-4489. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (never known to fail). Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help and show me, herein you are my Mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none who can withstand your power. Oh show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse in thee (3x). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can obtain my goal. You who gave me a divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances, in my life, you are with me, I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as I confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. The Person must say this prayer three consecutive days. After three consecutive days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favour is granted. J.L. PRAYER

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Central air conditioning. Parking. For more info or a visit, call Roger at 613-938-1433

LOCAL À LOUER Le/The Journal à Cornwall a un espace de 600 à louer au rez-de-chaussée ou au 2 e plancher. Espace additionnel pour

entreposage. Air climatisé central. Stationnement. Pour renseignements ou une visite, appeler Roger au 613-938-1433

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 27 avril 2016

La Semaine de la poutine s’amène

Le Club Richelieu recherche des commanditaires Le Club Richelieu de Cornwall prépare son 20 e tournoi de golf et souper de homards à volonté, qui aura lieu le 3 juin prochain. Le club recherche donc des commanditaires. Pour la somme de 150 $, une entreprise aura droit à une pancarte portant son nom, son logo ainsi que ses coordonnées, au départ d’un trou. Lors du souper, le nom de ladite entreprise sera affichée comme commanditaire durant une présentation Power Point de photos des équipes de golfeurs participantes. Établi à Cornwall depuis plus de 68 ans, le club compte 24 membres actifs. Depuis 2008, le Club Richelieu de Cornwall a remis 79 385,20 $ à la jeunesse des environs. De plus, le club a dévoilé, le 12 septembre 2010, le Monument de la francophonie au parc Lamoureux. Renseignements : Richard Lalonde, président, 613 932-4513 ou 613 932-1364. — Francis Racine


déjà confirmé qu’ils participeront. La liste complète des participants sera dévoilée en mai. L’événement a été créé par Na’eemAdam et Thierry Rassam en 2012, à Montréal. En quatre ans, ce qui a commencé comme une compétition amusante entre une douzaine de restaurants de Montréal c’est vite transformé en un phénomènemondial. « Nous sommes ravis d’être en mesure de partager notre amour pour la poutine avec cette communauté, a expliquéThierry Rassam. Je pense que la meilleure partie est de prendre connaissance des créations des différents restaurants. Nous avons déjà gouté à des poutines asiatiques avec des nouilles croustillantes d’œufs, des poutines de dessert, des poutines de petit-déjeuner et même des poutines qui ne comportaient pas de frites! C’est vraiment devenu un exercice de créativité pour les chefs.» Mais créer une poutine distincte, savoureuse et unique est bien plus difficile qu’on le pense et est donc un exploit. « Les méninges dans ma tête tournent depuis maintenant quelques jours, a déclaré le chef et propriétaire de Truffes Burger Bar, Ahmad Mansorifard. Nous avons quelques idées que nous voulons poursuivre et plusieurs genres de saveurs que nous voulons intégrer dans notre poutine. »

Amoureux de la poutine, préparez vos fourchettes et vos papilles gustatives! Le Seaway Food Festival a récemment annoncé que la Semaine de la poutine se tiendra à Cornwall du 24 au 28 mai. Pour l’occasion, les restaurateurs locaux seront invités à rivaliser d’imagination enmettant au point des recettes de poutines variées. Les participants devront ensuite voter pour leur poutine préférée. Les juges du concours distribueront également plusieurs prix, dont le prix de meilleur poutine et de meilleures créativités. En seulement quatre ans, l’événement, qui est tenu dans plusieurs grandes villes au Canada et ailleurs dans lemonde, est devenu très populaire. « C’est vraiment excitant pour nous d’être en mesure d’apporter un tel événement passionnant et engageant à notre communauté, a déclaré le directeur du Seaway Food Festival, SébastienManigat. Nous serons la plus petite communauté à accueillir la semaine de la poutine. » Deke & Squeaks Bar and Grill, Sports Bar Winner, Truffes Burger Bar, Cuisinier sur un petit pain, Tête Bistro Mouton, Jet Set Pub, Bar Q, Fry Shack Rod, Schnitzels et Eight Zero Zero Lounge Resto ont tous


EST À LA RECHERCHE DE D’UN(E) CONSEILLER(ÈRE) EN PUBLICITÉ À CORNWALL La personne idéale sera une personne retraitée ou semi-retraitée qui possède beaucoup d’entregent et qui désire arrondir ses fins demois. EXIGENCES : • Posséder de l’expérience dans le domaine de la vente • Être bilingue (français, anglais), écrit et oral

• Respecter les heures de tombées • Être capable de travailler en équipe

• Posséder une voiture et l’utiliser pour le travail • Avoir un horaire flexible pour projets spéciaux RÉMUNÉRATION : Bonne commission DATE D’ENTRÉE EN FONCTION : Le plus tôt possible


IS LOOKING FOR A SALESPERSON IN CORNWALL The ideal candidate is a retired or semi-retired person with excellent interpersonal skills who wants to earn extra money. REQUIREMENTS: • Experience in sales an asset • Bilingual (French, English), both oral and written • Demonstrated teamwork • Respect deadlines

Lions defeat Barrie

• Possess valid driver’s license and use of vehicle • Time/Schedule flexibility for special projects SALARY: Good commission STARTING DATE: As soon as possible

The Upper Canada Mortgage Lions recently celebrated their provincial bronze medal after defeating their rivals, the Barrie Royals. Pictured are (front row) Michalia Blackadder, Kelley Shane, Sarah Lewis, Morgan Gallinger, (second row) coach Mike Blackadder, Alyse Butler, Tsiakoseriio David, Annika Setterington, Zaria Noel, Meera Anderson, Klyne McDonald, Mackenzie Woods, Kaitlyn Prevost, Alexis Besner, coach Perley Lewis and Ellie Adams. — supplied photo

Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Faire parvenir son curriculum vitae par courriel à : Send your resume by email to:

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of April 24 to 30, 2016


ARIES You might decide to go on a trip at the last minute. You need this break in order to sort out your ideas and make a difficult

decision. TAURUS

You may decide to make a few changes within your circle of friends. Fortunately, some of them should finally be able to pay back what they owe you. GEMINI You might have to check one of your bills in order to find a mistake that has been made. You end up devoting a good part of the week to ensuring that the matter is put right. CANCER You finally receive the right health treat- ment, or you start a new diet that suits you and shows some quick results. LEO You’re suddenly quite popular with your friends. If you’re single, you’re surprised to find that your suitors are competing with each other in imaginative ways to win you over. VIRGO Your family takes centre stage in your life this week, as your loved ones are rather demanding. Some projects related to moving will take shape in the not-too- distant future. LIBRA Comings and goings could get com- plicated, or communications won’t always be very clear. Your outspokenness has a powerful impact on your entourage. SCORPIO Sometimes money is a source of con- cern. Don’t hesitate to take the bull by the horns and negotiate with the people concerned in order to solve your financial problems. SAGITTARIUS Everything needs to get done — by yesterday. You won’t even know where to begin tackling things. Just slow down a bit; focus your energies and take things one step at a time. CAPRICORN You might have to replace a colleague who is going to be absent for an indefin- ite period of time. This might be stress- ful, but you’ll benefit from the situation eventually. AQUARIUS You receive some applause after addressing a large crowd. On the other hand, a few people will have the nerve to criticize you. Just remember who you are despite what you hear. PISCES It isn’t always easy to balance work and family life. You have to work miracles with your schedule in order to meet all your responsibilities without disappoint- ing anyone.


ACROSS 1. Great Dane, e.g. 4. Went first 7. Made crow sounds 12.Be obliged to pay 13.Iron source 14.____ and beyond 15.Bitter rivals 17.Thick soup 18.Story starter 19.Wait on 20.Retail establish- ment 23.Horses’ gaits 26.Supply 28.Surface, as a road 29.Have a look-see 32.Military unit 34.Concert conclu- sion 36.Existed 37.Meadow mother 39.Sheet of plywood 40.Garnish 42.____ parmigiana 43.Slanderous remark 46.Brood

48.Heats 50.Separate 54.____ food cake 55.After taxes 56.Polite address 57.Impoverished 58.Superman’s ini- tial 59.Part of mpg DOWN 1. Buck’s compan- ion 2. ____ up to (admit) 3. Golly! 4. Cut of pork 5. Construct 6. The Sahara ____ 7. Baseball player’s headwear 8. Borders on 9. Had on, as clothes 10.Balanced 11.House document 16.Theme

24.Clod 25.Expedition 27.____ Piper 29.Clear-thinking 30.Reason 31.Shriek 33.Pair number 35.Bellybutton 38.White-coated weasel 40.Bearing weapons 41.Smelling organs 43.Graceful water- fowl 44.Swimmer’s path 45.Impulse 47.Pasta cookers 49.Tricky 51.Cleopatra’s snake 52.Gift for Dad 53.Mess up Answers:


20.Kitty’s sound 21.Bluish green 22.Furrows

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 27 avril 2016

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