Kroz planirana proširenja kapaciteta aerodrom će biti u mogućnosti da opsluži projektovanih 15 miliona putnika do kraja koncesionog perioda Thanks to the planned capacity upgrades, the airport will be able to handle a projected 15 million passengers by the end of the concession period
ll include a strong focus on eco-friend- ly businesses, in order to reduce en- vironmental impacts in terms of CO2, water and waste. A new power plant will be built to produce heat and ele- ctricity, which will shift from heavy fu- els to more environmentally friendly energy sources and thus reduce emis- sions. The plan also includes a solar power plant, as well as solid waste and wastewater treatment plants. Over the next 25 years, BELGRA- DE AIRPORT will bring to Nikola Tesla Airport the international experience and good practises of parent company VINCI Airports, the world’s leading pri- vate airport operator, responsible for managing the development and ope- rations of 45 airports worldwide.
Extensive works are currently advancing at several locations. The extension of the existing terminal bu- ilding (Pier C) will increase airport ca- pacity and expand functionality and comfort for both passengers and air- lines. Furthermore, the upgrading of the airport’s aprons is also underway and will increase the capacity for mo- re aircraft to park simultaneously. The estimated value of these works is aro- und RSD five billion. Furthermore, pre- paratory works for the construction of the new, inserted runway started. All these works are organised in such a way that they will have a limited impa- ct on scheduled air traffic, once it is re- stored. The next stages of the project wi-
Započeti su radovi za izgradnju nove, umetnute poletno- sletne staze/ Works on the construction of the new, inserted runway have started
Airport » Aerodrom | 109
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