Od Atine do vikenda na ostrvima / From Athens to a weekend on the islands
Da li ste za ostrvski odmor nakon što ste otkrili Atinu? Ovo je mala zbirka od šest prelepih ostrva, do kojih možete stići iz jedne od atinskih luka. Pirej je najveća, treća najprometnija luka na svetu, iz koje polazi većina trajekata. Rafina je druga luka Atine, dok je Lavrio primorski gradić sa lukom koja ga povezuje sa ostrvima. Do you fancy an island-based holiday after having discovered Athens? Here is a small selection of six beautiful islands that you can reach from one of Athens’ ports. Piraeus is the city’s largest port and the world’s third busiest, and most ferries depart from there. Rafina is the Greek capital’s second port, while Lavrio is a small coastal town close to Athens that has a port which connects it with the islands.
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