Nušić Banisla KOMEDIOGRAF SA DEDINJA Branislav Nušić (1864–1938) rođen je u Beogradu u staroj prizemnoj ku- ći u Saraf-Kostinoj ulici (današnja Cara Lazara). Kuću na Dedinju, koje je ta- da bilo daleko od elitnog naselja, po- digao je u Šekspirovoj 1 od honora- ra koji mu je Geca Kon uručio nakon što su najpoznatijem srpskom kome- diografu objavljena sabrana dela. Oni koji se prošetaju ovom dugom i mir- nom ulicom primetiće tipičnu beo- gradsku stambenu kuću, koju je, pre- ma projektu građevinskog inženjera Kapor Mom ZADUŽBINA PISCA MAGIJE BEOGRADA Nebojšina 18 nekada je bila dom, a da- nas je zadužbina Mome Kapora (1937– 2010). Ušuškana između dve široke zgra- de, jedne moderne i sređene, a druge
SATIRIST FROM DEDINJE Branislav Nušić (1864 - 1938) was born in Belgrade in an old single-storey house in the then Saraf-Kostina Street (to- day’s Tsara Lazara). The house in Dedinje, which was then far from being an elite settlement, he had built at 1 Šekspirova [Shakespeare’s] Street from the royalties paid to him by pub- lisher Geca Kon after the pub- lishing of the collected works of this most renowned of Ser- bian satirists. Those who walk down this long, tranquil street will notice the typical Belgrade residential house that Nušić had built, according to the de-
Zorana Tomića, Nušić sagradio pred sam kraj svog živo- ta, 1937. godine. Skromni dom ne upada u oči, ali poseduje izvesnu ljupkost, makar i željom da izbegne svaki vid pomo- darstva. Nameštaj koji je nekada krasio radnu „tursku“ sobu i salon, kao i lični predmeti, fotografije, odlikovanja i doku- menti, sada se nalaze u Muzeju grada Beograda, u Zmaj Jo- vinoj, kao poklon Nušićeve ćerke Gite. Kuća je 1967. godine proglašena spomenikom kulture.
sign of civil engineer Zoran Tomić, towards the end of his life, in 1937. This modest home doesn’t catch the eye, but does possess a certain amount of grace, at least in its desire to avoid any form of eeting fashion. The furniture that once adorned his “Turkish” study room and lounge, as well as personal items, photographs, awards and documents are now on display in the City of Belgrade Museum in Zmaj Jovina Street, as a gift of Nušić’s daughter, Gita. The house was declared a monument of culture in 1967.
oronule i reklo bi se predratne, prizemna i u roze okrečena kućica kao da dostojanstveno diže glavu: prozor u potkrovlju iza kojeg se krije Ka- porov atelje. Od očiju radoznalaca sakriveno je i dvorište, u kojem se samo nazire glatka belina breze i listovi od starog zlata. Ovde je Kapor sa suprugom Ljiljanom proveo svojih poslednjih 13 godina i kretao u obilaske grada, duhovito upamćene u knjizi Magija Beograda .
Number 18 Nebojšina Street was once the home and is today the endowment of Momo Kapor (1937-2010). Nestled between two wide buildings – one modern and orderly, the other dilapida- ted and seemingly from the pre-war era – is a single-storey hou- se that’s painted pink and seems to raise its head with dignity: a window in the attic space that hides Kapor’s studio. Also hidden from curious eyes is the courtyard, peeking out of which are only the smooth whiteness of birch trees and leaves of old gold. It was here that Kapor and his wife, Ljiljana, spent the last 13 years of his life; from here he headed out to tour the city, which he wittily recorded in the book ‘Magic of Belgrade’.
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