A za sve ljubitelje muzike i vi- zije benda Pink Flojd interesantan će biti film Rodžer Voters: Mi + Oni u zajedničkoj režiji Šona Evansa i samog Rodžera Votersa, jednog od osnivača čuvenog benda, zna- čajnog audio-vizuelnog zapisa sa senzacionalne rasprodate svetske turneje Us + Them, tokom koje je Voters za 20 meseci održao 157 nastupa pred više od od 2,3 mili- ona ljudi širom sveta. Pored ovih naslova, na festiva- lu će biti zastupljeni i drugi velika- ni dokumentaristike filmovima kao što su Minamata Mandala Kazua Hare, Rat i mir Masima d’Anolfija i Martine Parenti, Novo jevanđelje Mila Raua, kao i mladi autori snaž- nih glasova filmovima Ja hodam po vodi Kalika Alaha, Reka teče, zao- kreće, briše, zamenjuje Šenže Žu, Krvav nos, prazni džepovi braće Ros ili kontroverzni i zabranjiva- ni Nemi glas Reke Valerik.
U amfiteatru ispred Muzeja Jugoslavije biće prikazan film Fejt i Branko u režiji Ketrin Hart In the amphitheatre of the Museum of Yugoslavia, a screening of the film ‘Faith and Branko’, directed
by Catherine Harte, will be featured
ters – Us + Them’, co-directed by Se- an Evans and Roger Waters, one of the founders of this famous band. This film represents an important audio-visual documenting of the sensational, sold-out ‘Us + Them’ world tour, during which Waters gave 157 performances, attend- ed by more than 2.3 million peo- ple worldwide, over the course of 20 months. Alongside these titles, the festi- val will also present works by other
great documentarians, such as ‘Mi- namata Mandala’ by Kazuo Hara, ‘War and Peace’ by Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti, ‘The New Gos- pel’ by Milo Rau, as well as the pow- erful voices of young filmmakers, with the likes of Khalik Allah's ‘I Walk on Water’, Shengze Zhu’s ‘A River Runs, Turns, Erases, Replac- es’, the Ross brothers’ ‘Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets’, or the controver- sial and banned ‘Silent voice’ by Re- ka Valerik.
Publika će videti film o Mihailu Gorbačovu naslovljen jednostavno Gorbačov. Raj The audience will watch the film about Mikhail Gorbachev entitled simply ‘Gorbachev. Heaven’
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