Elevate June 2018 | Air Serbia


Sa duplo više stanovnika od drugoplasiranog Sankt Pe- terburga, Moskva je najveci grad u Rusiji. Moderna pre- stonica puna istorijskih spomenika jedan je od razloga što Moskvu svake godine vidi više od četiri miliona tu- rista. Crveni trg je za većinu prva stanica, ali ima još to- liko toga da se vidi u ovom prelepom gradu. Moskva je, inače, jedini grad na ovom Svetskom prvenstvu koji će ponuditi dva svoja stadiona. Stadion Spartak (poznat i kao Otkritije arena) noviji je od dva, otvoren 2014. go- dine i prima 45.000 gledalaca. Dom je fudbalskog kluba Spartak, pa je karakterističan crveno-beli eksterijer za- pravo posveta timu. Lužnjiki je najstariji i najveci stadi- on na turniru, a biće domacin prvog meča, polufinala i finala Svetskog prvenstva 15. jula.

SANKT PETERBURG Jedan od najlepših evropskih gradova. Ranije je bio po- znat pod imenima Petrograd i Lenjingrad. Nalazi se u severozapadnoj Rusiji i posle Moskve ima najviše sta- novnika, a i drugi je po važnosti. Sankt Peterburg se na- lazi na ušću reke Neve u Finski zaliv (Baltičko more), osnovao ga je Petar Veliki 1703. godine kako bi osigu- rao prilaz Baltiku. Grad je od 18. do 20. veka bio presto- nica Ruskog carstva. Centralni deo grada je danas pod zaštitom Uneska. Sa populacijom od skoro pet milio- na stanovnika, Sankt Peterburg je najseverniji milionski grad na svetu. SAINT PETERSBURG One of Europe’s most beautiful cities, formerly known as ‘Petrograd’ and ‘Leningrad’, Saint Petersburg is loca- ted in northwest Russia. Russia’s second city in terms of size and importance, it has more statues than any other city, after Moscow. Situated at the confluence of the River Neva and the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea), it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703, in or- der to secure Russia’s approach to the Baltic. The ci- ty served as the capital of Imperial Russia from the 18 th to 20 th centuries. The city’s central hub is today un- der UNESCO protection. With a population of almost fi- ve million inhabitants, Saint Petersburg is the world’s most northerly city of over a million residents.


With twice as many people as its closest competitor Saint Petersburg, Moscow is the largest city in Russia. It’s mod- ern, yet steeped in history and this attractive combina- tion is a big reason it sees more than four million tourists every year. For most visitors, Red Square is the first stop in Moscow but there is so much more to see in this global city. Moscow is the only city at this World Cup with more than one venue. Spartak Stadium (also known as Otkri- tie Arena) is the newer of the two, having opened in 2014 with capacity for 45,000 spectators. Home to the Spartak Football Club, the stadium’s distinctive red and white ex- terior pays homage to the team. The iconic Luzhniki Sta- dium is both the oldest and largest stadium in the tour- nament and will host the opening match, a semifinal and the World Cup Final on 15 th July.


Er Srbija leti do ruske prestonice 11 puta nedeljno u jutarnjim, popodnev- nim i večernjim terminima. Na Mundi- jal možete stići i iz Sankt Peterburga do kojeg Er Srbija leti četiri puta nedeljno. Air Serbia flies to the Russian capital 11 times a week, with morning, afternoon and evening flights. You can also reach the World Cup via Saint Petersburg, which Air Serbia flies to four times a week.

1,5 sati/hours Sankt Peterburg, Volgograd, Kazanj, Samara, Saransk, Nižnji Novgorod 2 sata/hours 2,5 sata/hours Rostov, Kalinjingrad Jekaterinburg, Soči


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