Coping with Traumatic Death

Professional counselors can help diffuse the impact of these memories by providing emotional support as the experience is relived, using techniques to help recall the memory with less horror. With help, positive memories of the loved one will replace the distressing memories. Life After Loss While the initial response to the death is defined by the term grief, mourning refers to the internal processes associated with adapting to life without your loved one. Some have described mourning as a “misty fog on life.” You are not always aware, yet you realize that life is not quite as bright as it was before. Your values may have changed, and you may be impatient with things you deem unimportant or trivial. Special Dates Anniversaries, holidays, and birthdays often trigger reminders of the death or absence of your loved one. Perhaps the most significant and most difficult anniversary is that of the crash. The annual date of the crash may cause anticipatory anxiety and can contribute to renewed grief for victims/survivors. Special dates can be triggers that bring about painful thoughts and emotions. The first anniversary will most likely be the most painful. Other annual celebrations, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Mother’s/Father’s Day will continue to take place year after year. In the past these times Social Changes in Response to Traumatic Grief

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