10. BeldoKs festival / 10 th Beldocs Festival
ću pažnju će svakako privući bio- grafski film o Ćićolini, nekada po- znatoj glumici u porno-filmovima, kasnije interesantnijoj političarki. Međutim, nesumnjivo je da će najveći hit svakako biti Još jednom s emocijom (One More Time With Feelings) Endrua Dominika, čijom projekcijom u Centru Sava počinje jubilarno deseto izdanje festivala. Reč je o ostvarenju rađenom u cr- no-beloj tehnici o stvaranju sada već legendarnog albuma Skeleton Tree Nika Kejva, sa njegovim sastavom The Bad Seeds , koje je pratila veli- ka tragedija. Sve je počelo kada je slavni mu- zičar pozvao svog prijatelja i ze- mljaka Dominika, već i samog u žiži interesovanja svetske javnosti zbog sjajnih igranih filmova kao što su Kukavičko ubistvo Džesija Džejmsa sa Bredom Pitom i Cho- pper sa Erikom Banom, da snimi film o nastanku novog albuma, što je dobilo neočekivan obrt kada je u julu 2015. godine njegov petna- estogodišnji sin Artur pao sa liti- ce i nastradao. Kejv i njegova su- pruga Suzi Bik diskutuju u filmu kako će njihovi životi i poslovi bi- ti sasvim drukčiji nakon što ih je zadesila tragedija. „To je uticalo na mene na način koji je meni potpu- no nepoznat“, govori Kejv slomljen bolom. „I to me je navelo da preis-
va Centre screening of which will mark the opening of the festival’s jubilee tenth edi- tion. This black and white creation is about the making of the now legendary album Skeleton Tree, by Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, which was followed by great tragedy. Everything started when the famous musician called his friend Dominik, who was already in the spotlight of world pub- licity thanks to his films like The Assassina- tion of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, with Brad Pitt, and Chopper with Er- ic Bana, to shoot a film about the making of the new album, which had experienced an unexpected turn in July 2015 when his fifteen-year old son Arthur fell from a cliff and died tragically. In the film, Cave and his wife Susie Bick discuss how different their lives and jobs will be following this tragedy. “That affected me in a way that’s completelyunknowntome,”saysCave,bro- ken by pain. “And that compelled me to rethink my position in the world.” As a result, One More Time with Feel- ing is a deeply personal film, at times un- comfortable to watch. It is a painful, harsh, raw and truthful testament of an artist trying to find a way out of the darkness. The film premiered in Venice last year, after which it was screened in more than 30 countries, achieving exceptional success worldwide. The film also provides an emotional journey through the everyday life of this famous mu- sician, which will certainly increase interest in his Belgrade concert scheduled for Octo- ber this year.
U biografskom dokumentarcu o Ingrid Bergman publika će saznati nešto više o njenom intimnom životu
In the biographical documentary about Ingrid Bergman the audience will discover more about her intimate life
pitam svoju poziciju u svetu“, do- dao je on. Još jednom s emocijom je, kao rezultat toga, duboko ličan film, na momente neugodan za gledanje i bolan, surov i sirov, istinski testa- ment jednog umetnika koji pokuša- va da pronađe izlaz iz tame. Film je premijeru doživeo u Veneciji prošle godine, nakon čega je prikazan u vi- še od 30 zemalja, ostvarivši izvanre- dan uspeh širom sveta. Film će biti ujedno i emotivna vožnja kroz sva- kodnevicu slavnog muzičara, što će sasvim sigurno dodatno podgreja- ti i interesovanje za njegov koncert u Beogradu, koji je najavljen za ok- tobar ove godine.
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