Nekrunisana kraljica beogradskih pijaca je Kalenićeva, rođena početkom prošlog veka The uncrowned queen of Belgrade’s market is Kalenićeva, born at the beginning of the last century
preprodaje, sve dok željeni proizvod košta ma- nje. „Njima je sve skupo, a nama sve jeftino“, dualitet pijačne filozofije ilustruje prodavačica Sneška iz okoline Loznice. Svakodnevni susreti sa svakojakim svetom od Sneške su načinili ek- sperta za ljudsku prirodu. Već posle dve replike ona zna ko je fin i dobar, ko je baksuz, a ko je sa- mo ustao na levu nogu. Pijaca je tako i ubrzani kurs iz psihologije. Tržnice pod vedrim nebom su i platforma kri- tike društva, naročito u domenu ekonomske mi- kropolitike i sporta. Tu možete čuti viceve o sva- kom ko predstavlja nešto u javnosti i usput ući
Buyers usually don’t care who grows and who sells, as long as the produce they desire costs less.“For them everything is expensive, while for us everything is cheap,” - this duality of market philosophy is explained to us by trader Sneška, from the area around Loznica. Daily encounters with this multidi- mensional market world have turned Sneška into an expert on human nature. Already after exchanging two sentences she knows how to recognise who is nice and good, who is a jinx, and who has only got out of the wrong side of the bed. Thus, life on the market is also a crash course in psychology. Open-air markets are also a platform for social criti- cism, especially in the domains of micro-economic policy and sport. There you can find jokes about everyone who
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