Liberate yourself at a museum … Just as spending 30 minutes in a deep forest protects the body from accumulated stress for weeks afterwards, so exposure to art serves to prevent the development of depression and anxiety, according to research conducted recently. Spending just 30 minutes a day reading a good book, listening to high-quality music, walking through a museum, drawing, painting or sculpting reduces the possibility of the aforementioned afflictions and disorders of the modern age appearing. This is especially so during this time of pandemics and isolation. DURING A TIME WHEN WE CANNOT TRAVEL FREELY, when there are none of the social gatherings to which we are accustomed, the best option is to turn inwards to our own micro-world, and to explore it well. Within that world it is possible to travel to all longitudes and latitudes; in all directions and at any time of the day, and it is easiest to start that journey at a museum… With safe distancing, a controlled number of people, wearing a protective mask featuring a print of your favourite artwork, your journey through time, spheres and spaces can begin. Let’s liberate ourselves from the fear of un- certainty; from feelings of angst and unease that torment us increasingly during times of crisis. Let’s liberate the mind for new ideas, for new ex- periences, for new depths. And the journey be- gins at the museum. Freedom also resides in the museum.
… baš kao što 30 minuta provedenih u dubokoj šumi nedeljama kasnije štiti organizam od nakupljenog stresa, tako i izlaganje umetnosti deluje kao prevencija depresije i anksioznosti, pokazuju novija istraživanja. Svega 30 minuta dnevno – čitanje dobre knjige, slušanja kvalitetne muzike, šetnja muzejom, crtanje, slikanje, vajanje – smanjuju mogućnost pojave pomenutih bolesti i poremećaja modernog doba. Posebno u vreme pandemije i izolacije. U VREMENU KADA NE MOŽEMO SLOBODNO DA PUTUJEMO, kada nema društvenih okupljanja na koja smo navi- kli, najbolje je okrenuti se sopstvenom mi- krosvetu i dobro ga istražiti. U tom svetu su moguća putovanja po svim geografskim dužinama i širinama. U svim pravcima i u svako doba dana, a najlakše se počinje u muzeju… Bezbedna distanca, kontrolisan broj ljudi, zaštitna maska sa printom omi- ljenog umetničkog dela i putovanje kroz vreme, sfere i prostore može da počne. Oslobodimo se straha od neizvesnosti, anksioznosti i skučenosti koji nas sve če- šće tište u vreme krize. Oslobodimo um za nove ideje. Za nova iskustva. Za nove dubi- ne. Putovanje počinje u muzeju. U muzeju je i sloboda. Oslobodi se u muzeju
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