Elevate November 2020 | Air Serbia


Škola Kralj Petar Prvi U vreme kada je podignuta, 1905–1907, škola Kralj Petar Prvi bila je ne samo naj- lepša nego i najmodernija osnovna škola u Srbiji. U pogledu higijenskih i pedagoš- kih uslova bila je izraz najsavremenijih do- stignuća svog vremena, sa vodovodnim instalacijama i engleskim klozetima, elek- tričnim osvetljenjem, centralnim greja- njem i instalacijama koje su obezbeđivale provetravanje prostorija. Bila bih subjek- tivna kada bih rekla da je i dalje najlepša, ali svakako je jedna od najlepših. KING PETAR I SCHOOL At the time it was constructed, 1905-1907, King Petar the First School was not only the most beautiful primary school in Serbia, but also the most modern. In terms of hygienic and pedagogical conditions, it was an expression of the most modern achievements of its time, with plumbing installations and English toilets, electric lighting, central heating and installations that provided rooms with ventilation. I would be subjective if I were to say that it remains the most beautiful, but it is certainly among the most beautiful.

58 | Arhitektura » Architecture

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