Treba posetiti Beograd, videti prelepu Taru, probati pečenje u Čačku, piti u novosadskim vinarijama, savetuje Valerija / You should vsit Belgrade, see the beautiful parts of the Tara mountain, try roast meats in Čačak, drink at Novi Sad’s wineries, Valeria recommends
S he didn’t learn much about Belgrade in school, but she knew she had to return to the city. And the blame for everything belongs to a student exchange programme, when she resided in the Serbian cap- ital for the first time four years ago, as a student of history. Today she takes secure steps through the halls of the Faculty of Philology as an assistant professor and Ful- bright Scholar. Her name is Valeria Alvarado, and her sto- ry is one of those that employ a perfect technique to depict Belgrade as it really is: hospitable, open, cheerful, and a city with arms eternally spread... However, Valeria’s roads didn’t follow routes that initially seem to lead to this city on the confluence of two major rivers. “I was born in Mexico, in the city of Monterrey, but I moved to the United States when I was a child. I grew up in Houston, Texas. I also lived in Philadelphia, where I complet- ed my studies, and the first time I was in Belgrade was four years ago, on a student exchange programme. My stay here, which lasted four months, was wonderful. I knew that I had to come back even before the programme ended.” She applied to the Fulbright Program, which is conduct- ed by the U.S. Embassy and through which professors of
English come to Serbia, and gained the position of an assis- tant professor at the Faculty of Philology. When it comes to learning the Serbian language, after exhaustive walks along the Danube quay, she is assisted by domestic films and TV series, and she also fits into the concept of a child from Bel- grade, given that she watches one of the most popular shows from the former Yugoslavia. “Learning the Serbian language represents a real chal- lenge, but I enjoy watching films and shows that help me to “grasp” the language. My favourite film is “Montevideo, God Bless You”. It might sound ridiculous, but I also watch children’s shows. Cube, Cube, Cubelet helped me learn many expressions that are used in everyday language.” Her love for Belgrade also extends beyond Serbia’s cap- ital city... “I recommend that all foreigners visit Belgrade, but al- so other beautiful parts of Serbia. You should see the beau- tiful parts of the Tara mountain, try roast meats in Čačak, drink at Novi Sad’s wineries and explore the history of East- ern Serbia. e Serbian people are exceptionally hospitable and everyone wanting to visit this country will experience being treated wonderfully.”
Volim da odem do Kalenić pijace kako bih pazarila sveže voće od lokalnih prodavaca. Tamo sam kupila najbolje jagode, kajsije i višnje / I like to go to Kalenić Market to buy fresh fruit from local traders. I bought the best strawberries, apricots and cherries there
Kada me uhvati nostalgija, odlazim do Nortena . Reč je o novom meksičkom restoranu / When I get nostalgic I go to Norten. That’s a new Mexican restaurant
Uživala sam u KST-u, klubu koji se nalazi u podrumu Elektrotehničkog fakulteta. Beograd je pun takvih jedinstvenih prostora / I enjoyed KST, a club located in the basement of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Belgrade is full of such unique venues
Belgrade » Beograd | 63
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