Elevate August 2019 | Air Serbia


Iz Niša ka Evropi


Još 12 novih destinacija Er Srbije Another 12 new destinations



Dragi gosti,

Dear Guests,

Svakog dana, zajedno sa vama, prelazimo velike razdaljine. Ta ogro- mna, nepregledna prostranstva i silni oblaci koje naši avioni krote često i nisu nešto na šta uvek prvo pomislimo. O njima čak i ne razmišljamo. Za- sluge za to pripadaju pre svega moćnim mašinama kojima letimo. Zahva- ljujući njima, na svako naše putovanje ne potrošimo previše vremena. Međutim, te ogromne razdaljine koje svakodnevno prelazimo nisu sa- mo puka rastojanja između gradova. Naši letovi su ujedno i mostovi ko- ji svakodnevno spajaju ljude i kulture. Zato ih mi i ne merimo samo bro- jem pređenih kilometara. Evo i nekoliko slikovitih primera – ukoliko bismo sabrali razdaljine od Beograda do svih destinacija Er Srbije, obišli bismo planetu Zemlju i ostala bi nam još trećina obima naše planete na ekvatoru. Zbir kilometara razda- ljine do svih naših destinacija jednak je i dužini 1.269 maratonskih deoni- ca. Ako bismo počeli da pričamo samo o ovogodišnjim novim destinaci-

We travel great distances, together with you, each and every day. These vast, endless expanses and countless clouds that are traversed by our aircraft are often not the rst thing we consider. Indeed, we don’t think about that at all. This is primarily thanks to the mighty machines in which we are ying. Thanks to them, every journey we make doesn’t take up too much of our time. However, the huge distances we cover every day aren’t just mere distances between cities, as our ights also represent bridges that connect people and cultures every single day. This is why we don’t measure them only in terms of kilometres covered. Here are a few illustrative examples – if we were to add together the distances between Belgrade and all the destinations to which Air Serbia ies, we would be able to circumnavigate the Earth and would still have a third of our planet’s equatorial circumference left over. The sum total of all the distances across all of our destinations covers the equivalent of 1,269 marathons. If

jama i razdaljinama, sva rastojanja od Niša do svih gradova do kojih stižemo iz naše južne baze premašuju dužinu Ki- neskog zida. Taj broj kilometara dovo- ljan je da povežemo Severni i Južni pol naše lepe planete. Samo zamislite ko- liko „zemaljskih kugli obiđu“ ili koliko „maratona istrče“ naši avioni u toku sa- mo jednog dana! Zato za nas u Er Srbiji nema odmo- ra. Za nas je ova sezona najintenzivni- ja od pokretanja kompanije. Uz malopre

we narrow it down to just this year’s new destinations and distances; the distance between Niš and all the cities now serviced from our southern base exceeds the length of the Great Wall of China. This is far enough to connect our beautiful planet’s North and South Poles. Just imagine how many times our planes “circle the earth”, or how many marathons they “run” in just one day! This is why we at Air Serbia don’t take breaks. For us, this is our most intense season since the founding of the company. Along

Naši letovi su i mostovi koji svakodnevno spajaju ljude i kulture. Zato ih mi i ne merimo samo brojem pređenih kilometara

Our ights also represent bridges that connect people and cultures. This

is why we don’t measure them only in terms of kilometres

pomenuti Niš i 12 destinacija na koje letimo, u junu smo povezali Beo- grad sa još devet destinacija, na koje ste, kako se vrlo brzo pokazalo, jed- va čekali. Uvereni smo da ćemo i dalje biti deo vaših planova i putovanja do željenih destinacija. Nadamo se da ćete i dalje, upravo na krilima Er Srbije, otkrivati nove, za vas brižljivo odabrane destinacije. Onima koji se za pu- tovanje tek pripremaju, bilo da je reč o odmoru ili o poslovnom putova- nju, toplo savetujemo da i tokom ovog meseca godišnjih odmora na ae- rodrom stignu ranije. Neretko je na putevima ka svim vazdušnim lukama, ali i u aerodromskim zgradama, potrebno malo više vremena kako biste završili sve procedure i ukrcali se u avion. Radujemo se svakom novom podizanju iznad oblaka sa vama, uve- reni ćete uživati u svakom pređenom kilometru sa nama. Neka ih bude još mnogo! Uživajte u letu i srećan put

with the aforementioned Niš, and the twelve destinations to which we’ve launched ights from that city, in June we connected Belgrade to another nine destinations, which – as it soon became clear – you have been eagerly awaiting. We are certain that we will continue to be part of your plans and trips to desired destinations. We hope that Air Serbia will be the airline to help you discover new destinations that have been carefully selected for you. To those of you who are just getting ready to take a trip – whether a holiday break or a business trip – we would advise that you arrive earlier at the airport during this month, which is when most people take their summer break. Slightly more time is often required during August, both on the way to airports and at airport terminals, to complete all procedures and board your ight. We look forward to each new ight above the clouds together with you, and are certain that you will enjoy every kilometre travelled with us. May there be many, many more! Enjoy your ight and have a nice trip!

Yours sincerely, Air Serbia

Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Jelena Nalbantjan Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Vladislav Mitić Fotograje / Photography Vesna Lalić, Mitar Mitrović, Uroš Arsić, Dragan Mujan, Nevena Šunjevarić Foto agencije / Photo agencies Promedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs,

Dragačevski sabor trubača, takođe poznat samo kao Guča, jedinstvena je smotra trubaštva koja se i ove godine održava u Dragačevu, u regionu zapadne Srbije, od 8. do 11. avgusta. Zahvaljujući festivalu, Guča je postala poznata u celom svetu kao mesto održavanja najvećeg festivala trubačke muzike širom planete. The Dragačevo Trumpet Festival, also known simply as ‘Guča’, is a unique gathering of trumpeters that will be held once again this year, from 8th to 11th August, in Western Serbia’s Dragačevo County. It is thanks to this festival that the village of Guča has become famous around the world as the venue that hosts the planet’s largest festival of trumpet music.


U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

elevate@mediaimpact.rs Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Nikola Vukomanović, Arsen Rudan Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Muzičar Dejan Cukić se za naš magazin vratio svojoj staroj ljubavi – rok novinarstvu. Dejan je, ako kojim slučajem niste znali, svojevremeno intervjuisao Tinu Tarner, Stinga, Kim Vajld i mnoge druge poznate muzičare, a objavio je i knjigu o Frenku Zapi. Povodom 50 godina Vudstoka za Elevejt piše tekst o događaju koji je postao simbol jednog vremena, kada se još verovalo da muzika i ljubav returned to his former love – rock journalism – for our magazine. Dejan, in case you didn’t know, has previously interviewed Tina Turner, Sting, Kim Wilde and many other famous musicians, and he also once published a book on Frank Zappa. On the occasion of the 50 th anniversary of Woodstock, he authors an article for Elevate about this groundbreaking event that became a symbol of the time when it was still believed that music and love could change the world... mogu promeniti svet... Musician Dejan Cukić

Nevena Šunjevarić je pravnica, triatlonka, ljubiteljka šešira i sirovih deserata. Zemunka koja obožava daleke destinacije i stalno traži nove izazove. U Njujorku je boravila više puta, a nama sad piše o tome gde su najbolji ćevapi, a gde najbolja pica, jer se uverila da je to grad u kojem možete jesti vrhunsku hranu a da ne kročite u fensi restoran. A to je samo delić onoga što vas u Njujorku čeka... Nevena Šunjevarić is a lawyer, triathlete and lover of hats and raw desserts. A native of Zemun, she loves faraway destinations and is constantly seeking new challenges. She has visited New York several times, and for this issue she writes about where to find the best ćevapi kebabs and the best pizza in New York, because she’s convinced that this is a city where you can eat top food without entering a fancy restaurant. And that’s just a fraction of what awaits us in New York...

Nevena Dimitrijevi ć se oprobala u raznim formama, ali najviše uživa u otkrivanju skrivenih mesta i divnih ljudi u Srbiji. Zato ne čudi što je reportaža njen prvi izbor, a zanimljive ljudske priče ono što je ispunjava i motiviše. U ovom broju vodi nas u grad hrvatskog Šekspira, Dubrovnik, kroz priču o omiljenom dubrovačkom sinu Marinu Držiću. Nevena Dimitrijević has tried her hand in various forms, but most enjoys uncovering hidden places and wonderful people in Serbia. It’s thus no surprise that reportage features are her favourite choice, while it is interesting human stories that fulfil and motivate her. For this issue of Elevate she leads us to the city of the Croatian Shakespeare, Dubrovnik, through the story of its favourite son, playwright Marin Držić.

Violeta Nedeljkovi ć počela je kao novinarka u dnevnim novinama, gde je gradila karijeru pišući o važnim društvenim temama, a nastavila ju je u u najtiražnijem nedeljniku u Srbiji – Blic ženi . Iako vas svake nedelje kroz razgovore sa eminentnim lekarima savetuje kako da živite zdravije i bolje, najviše uživa u – reportažama. Baš jednu takvu, putopisnu, za ovaj broj Elevejta napisala je o Ovčaru i Kablaru. Violeta Nedeljković began as a daily newspaper journalist, where she built a career covering important social topics, before continuing at Serbia’s highest-circulating weekly – Blic žena. Although she offers readers advice on how to live healthier and better every week, through interviews with the most eminent doctors, she most enjoys the reportage format. She authored just one such travel reportage, about the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, for this issue of Elevate

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLIII Broj / Issue No. 308 Naslovna strana / Cover Dušan Ivanović

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Er Srbija : Prvi let iz Niša Air Serbia: First ight fom Niš 34

Sadržaj /Inside

Putovanja Travelling

Ljudi People



Kventin Tarantino Bilo jednom u Holivudu Quentin Tarantino Once upon a time in Hollywood

Nišvil I Bob Geldof voli Niš Nišville Bob Geldof also loves Niš Njujork Grad kao nijedan drugi New York City like no other Ovčar i Kablar Najlepši vidikovac Srbije Ovčar and Kablar Serbia’s most beautiful observation point



Princ Đorđe Karađorđević Tragični buntovnik srpskog dvora PrinceGeorgeKarađorđević Tragic rebel of the Serbian court



Petar Božović Monah glume Petar Božović Monk of acting

Moda Fashion


Iz Niša ka Evropi



Pobuna protiv modnog establišmenta Rebellion against the establishment

Još 12 novih destinacija Er Srbije Another 12 new destinations

Naslovna strana /Cover photo: Dušan Ivanović


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Sadržaj /Inside Jadranska obala Adriatic coast

80 Pula: Ni knjiga nije

dovoljna da je opiše Pula: Even a book isn’t enough to describe it

84 Rijeka: Čim sletite, već ste na moru

Rijeka:As soon as you land, you’re already by the sea

Dragulji srednje Dalmacije Gems of central Dalmatia 74

86 Dubrovnik: U gradu hrvatskog Šekspira

Dubrovnik: In the city of the Croatian Shakespeare

Vudstok: 50 godina kasnije Woodstock: 50 years on 44

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up Excellent results of Ancillary Services and Contact Centre Er Srbija među najboljim regionalnim kompanijama Evrope i sveta Air Serbia among best regional airlines in Europe and worldwide Unapređenje usluge na letovima Improvement of in-ight services Er Srbija u kampanji EASA Air Serbia joins EASA campaign 3 pitanja za Dinu Lalović, kopilota Three questions for First Ocer Dina Lalović 110 ― 129 Odlični rezultati dodatnih usluga i kontakt centra


Pariz Luvr pokrenuo liniju parfema Ljubitelji parfema uskoro će iz najposećenijeg muzeja na svetu, francuskog Luvra, moći da ponesu i originalne suvenire. Reč je o autentičnim parfemima koje su napravile poznate francuske parfemdžije inspirisane važnim umetničkim delima iz Luvrove kolekcije. U ponudi su parfemi sa osam različitih mirisnih nota od 150 evra, sapuni od 20 evra i mirisne razglednice, a kako je najavljeno, moći će da se kupe do 6. januara sledeće godine.

Paris Louvre launches perfume line Perfume lovers will soon be able to take an original souvenir away from the world’s most visited museum, France’s Louvre. These authentic perfumes are produced by renowned French perfum- ers who draw inspiration from the im- portant artworks of the Louvre’s collec- tion. The oer includes perfumes with eight dierent fragrances, starting from a price of 150 euros, soap for 20 euros and scented postcards. It has been an- nounced that these souvenirs will be on sale at this famous museum till 6 th Janu- ary next year.

Er Srbija leti 14 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Pariz

Air Serbia flies 14 times a week from Belgrade to Paris

Njujork Jastuci za udaranje hit na ulicama

New York Punchbags a hit on the streets

Stres je bolest modernog doba koja pogađa sve više ljudi. Zato su širom Velike jabuke montirani jastuci za udaranje – žuti, uočljivi, sa natpisom: „Javna vreća za udaranje. Koristite na sopstvenu odgovornost.“ Cilj akcije je da pomogne stanovnicima Njujorka da se izbore sa stresom, kojem su svakodnevno izloženi. Jastuci su odmah privukli pažnju i pesnice stanovnika, baš kao i gostiju ovog američkog grada, ali postoje i oni koji tom idejom nisu oduševljeni.

Stress is a disease of modern times that’s aicting ever more people. That’s why punching bags have been installed throughout the Big Apple – yellow and highly visible, they include the inscrip- tion:“Public punching bag (use at your own risk)”. The campaign aims to help New Yorkers overcome the stress they face on a daily basis. The bags immedi- ately attracted the attention and sts of residents, but also visitors to this Ameri- can city, while there are those who aren’t thrilled about this idea.

Er Srbija leti 6 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Njujork

Air Serbia flies 6 times a week from Belgrade to New York


POLO SE IGRA NA OBALI Pored impresivne liste brendova, u Porto Montenegru vredi znati i da će svetski džet-set prvi put zaigrati polo u Crnoj Gori. Ovaj glamurozni događaj održaće se od 1. do 3. avgusta na pop-up polo PM Areni i biće otvoren za javnost. Karte su već u prodaji. Sve informacije možete doboti putem email adrese:


Impresivna lista svetskih brendova kreira upečatljiv identitet promenade Porto Montenegra kao omiljene šoping destinacije na Jadranskoj rivijeri – Acqua di Parma, Alexander McQueen, Amouage, Balenciaga, Balmain, Bang & Olufsen, Billionaire, BMW, Breitling, Burberry, Cartier, Cavalli Class, Celine, Chloe, Chopard, Dior, Dita, Dolce & Gabbana, Dsquared2, Eres, Ermanno Scervino, Genny, Granoff, Gucci, Heidi Klein, Hublot, Isabel Marant, Jacob Cohen, Lamborghini, Marni, MaxMara, Montblanc, Omega, Pal Zileri, Pasquale Bruni, Paul & Shark, Philipp Plein, Pinko, Pollini, Roja, Rolex, Saint Laurent, Santoni, Stella McCartney, Thom Browne, Tom Ford, TwinSet, Valentino, Vilebrequin, Villeroy & Boch, i mnogi drugi.



Sarajevo Bosanski ćilim za filmski festival

Sarajevo Bosnian kilim rug for film festival

Ovogodišnje 25. izdanje Sarajevskog filmskog festivala održaće se od 16. do 23. avgusta, i to pod pokroviteljstvom Uneska, a prvi put ove godine crveni tepih biće zamenjen tradicionalnim bosanskim ćilimom. Predsednik žirija takmičarskog programa festivala biće Ruben Ostlund, švedski reditelj i dobitnik Zlatne palme, a jedna od članica žirija biće i mlada srpska glumica Jovana Stojiljković. Filmski festival u Sarajevu predstavlja najznačajniju regionalnu filmsku smotru, tokom koje grad promeni izgled i ritam i udvostruči broj posetilaca.

This year’s 25 th edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival will be held from 16 th to 23 rd August, this time under the patronage of UNESCO, and for the first time this year the tradition- al red carpet will be replaced by a tradition- al Bosnian kilim rug. Presiding over the jury for the competitive programme will be Ruben Östlund, a Swedish director and winner of the Palme D’Or, while young Serbian actress Jova- na Stojiljković will be among the members of the jury. The Sarajevo Film Festival represents the most important regional film review, dur- ing the course of which the city’s appearance and rhythm shifts, while the number of visi- tors to the Bosnian capital also doubles.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Sarajevo

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Sarajevo

Tivat Fešta od rogača

Tivat Carob Festival

Tradicionalna gastronomsko- zabavna manifestacija Fešta od rogača ove godine održaće se 16. avgusta u Donjoj Lastvi. Tog dana posetioci mogu da probaju različite bokeljske specijalitete i jela od rogača, baš kao i rakiju od te biljke. Inače, manifestacija je posvećena biljci rogač od koje se nekada na tom području pravilo brašno, a centralno mesto fešte je stablo rogača iz 1886. godine koje je pod zaštitom opštine Tivat.

The traditional gastronomic and en- tertaining Carob Festival event will this year be held on 16 th August in the Tivat suburban settlement of Donja Lastva. The event will enable visitors to sam- ple dierent Bay of Kotor specialities and dishes made from carob pods, but also rakija brandy produced from this plant. This annual event is dedicated to the carob plant, which was once used to produce our in this area, while the central spot at this festival is reserved for a carob tree dating back to 1886, which is formally under the protection of the Municipality of Tivat.

Er Srbija leti 23 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Tivat

Air Serbia flies 23 times a week from Belgrade to Tivat


With a happening harbour-front and a range of beautiful waterside apartments, there has never been a better time to join the momentum of Luštica Bay. With the opening of its Marina Village and the ve-star Chedi Hotel last year, the sus- tainable coastal town of Luštica Bay is now a fully operational and ourishing Montene- grin destination. Not just a place to live, but somewhere to live every moment and, with a summer brimming with things to see and do, homeowners are spoilt for choice. Fresh air, year-round sun and sea horizons have al- ways been part of the Luštica Bay allure, but with the opening of the Marina Village it has become so much more. Now homeowners

can enjoy world-class amenities, a happen- ing harbour-front and a diverse communi- ty. In addition, a rich summer programme of events is set to add to the energy. The Marina Village waterfront residences are within easy but peaceful reach of the ac- tion. Climbing naturally up the hillside from the marina, studio to three-bed apartments have been constructed to the highest sus- tainable standards. Whether it’s waterfront living or town life that appeals, the deep-rooted quality and vision remains the same – a town that in- vites you to live every moment of the here and now, while creating a way of life that will last for generations to come.

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Moje knjige svuda prepoznaju kao drugačije. Nije bilo namerno – volim da smišljam nove stvari, kaže Uroš

“My books are recognised everywhere as being dierent. That wasn’t intentional – I like to come up with new things,” says Uroš

Tekst i foto / Words&Photography: Serbiacreates.rs

Kako biste opisali posao kojim se bavite? – Pre petnaestak godina sam napisao roman od 300 strana. Sam sam ga i ilustrovao. Za mene je to bila nezaboravna pustolovina, a ispostavilo se da je postala i drugima. Od tada sam napisao još 17 knjiga za decu i mlade, a vole ih i odrasli. Tiraž svake piše se sa pet cifara, a objavljene su i u drugim zemljama. Svojom umetnošću pokušavam da radim drugima

How would you describe the work you do? It was 15 years ago that I wrote a 300-page novel. I illustrated it myself. That was an unforgettable adventure for me, and it turned out to be the same for others. I’ve since written 17 more books for children and young people, and they are also loved by adults. The circulations of each num- bers in ve digits, and they are also published in other countries. I strive with my art to do for others what I would like others to do for me. It is with the same idea that I create photography, games and workshops for chil-

ono što bih voleo da drugi rade me- ni. Sa istom idejom stvaram i fotogra- fije, igre, radionice za decu i odrasle. Stvaranje zahteva očuvanje sklonosti ka igri, koja čuva onu slobodu duha, maštu i smelost detinjstva. Kako ljudi u svetu vide i koliko prepoznaju to što radite? – Kad si u nečemu zaista dobar, granice isparavaju. Moje knjige svu- da prepoznaju kao drugačije. Nije bi- lo namerno, volim da smišljam nove stvari, jer mi je proces istraživanja ne- poznatog najzanimljiviji i najzabavni- ji. Izgleda i drugima. Romani u zago- netkama su mi omiljeni izum. Šta biste kao kreativni ambasa- dor platforme „Srbija stvara“ iz- dvojili kao ključnu poruku javno- sti ne samo u Srbiji već i u svetu? – Uvek pokušavaj da budeš među najboljima. Sve ispod toga svakako ni- je loš rezultat, ali jeste manjkav cilj. Ci- ljeve biraš sam, a od njih nekako zavi- se i dometi. Razmišljanje je sopstveni

dren and adults. Creation requires pre- serving one’s propensity to play, which preserves that freedom of spirit, imagi- nation and courage of childhood. How do people elsewhere in the world see and recognise what you do? When you’re really good at some- thing, limits evaporate. My books are rec- ognised everywhere as being dierent. That wasn’t intentional – I like to come up with new things, because for me the pro- cess of researching the unknown is the most interesting and fun. And it seems to be for others too. Novels in puzzles are my favourite invention. As a creative ambassador of the ‘Ser- bia Creates’ platform, what would you single out as a key message to the pub- lic – not only in Serbia, but around the world? - Always try to be among the best in the world, because everything below that certainly isn’t a bad result, but it is a goal that falls short.You choose the goals yourself, and the reach is also somehow

vatromet, velik i lep. Ako si još dovoljno uporan da te raznobojne zamisli sprovedeš u delo, videće ga i drugi, čak i izdaleka. Ljudski um poseduje neograni- čeni izvor ideja. To je moćna sila, sposobna da stvo- ri čudesne stvari, u svakoj oblasti. Platforma Srbija stvara obuhvata sistemske me- re za razvoj sektora kreativnih industrija i inovacija i jačanja kulturne diplomatije. Više na www.serbiacreates.rs

dependent on them. Contemplation is your own rework, big and beau- tiful. If you are also tenacious enough to implement those colourful ide- as in practise, that will also be seen by others, even from afar. The human mind possesses a source of unlimited ideas. That is a powerful force that’s capable of creating wondrous things, in every domain. The Serbia Creates platform encompasses systemic measures for the development of the creative industries sector and innovation, as well as for the strengthening of cultural diplomacy. Find out more at www.serbiacreates.rs

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TERAZIJSKA ČESMA Verovatno svaki turista u Beogradu na- pravi fotografiju čuvene Terazijske če- sme, smeštene na platou kod hotela Moskva , a zanimljivo je da je Ulica Te- razije zapravo po njoj dobila ime. Izgra- đena je 1860. godine po projektu vaja- ra Franca Lorana kao simbol povratka na presto kneza Miloša Obrenovića, či- ji su inicijali urezani na sve četiri strane obeliska. Terazijska česma izgrađena je od krečnjačkog kamena s Tašmajdana, a sastoji se od četvorostranog stuba sa metalnom vazom na vrhu, ukupne vi- sine oko 8 m, postavljenog u osmou- gaoni bazen prečnika 10 m. Na svakoj strani u središtu kružnog medaljona je lavlja glava, takođe obrađena u kame- nu, s lulom za izbijanje mlaznice.


Prve javne česme na prostoru Beograda građene su još u vreme Rimljana iz vrlo praktičnih razloga, ali su u međuvremenu postajale prava vajarska dela i jedinstveni svedoci istorije. Neke od njih i danas krase našu prestonicu služeći svojoj primarnoj svrsi, ali njihovim vodama teku i priče o uzbudljivoj prošlosti Srbije

The rst public drinking fountains in Belgrade were constructed during the time of the Romans, for very practical reasons, but in the meantime they became genuine sculptural works and unique witnesses to the passage of history. Some of them still adorn our city and serve their primary purpose, but their waters also ow with stories of Serbia’s exciting past...

Tekst/Words: Ana Kalaba Fotografije/ Photography: Mitar Mitrović

TERAZIJE FOUNTAIN Probably every tourist in Belgrade takes a photo of the famous Terazije Fountain, which is located on the plateau in front the Hotel Moskva. And, interestingly, Terazi- je Street is actually named after the foun- tain, and not vice versa. Built in 1860 ac- cording to the design of Italian sculptor Franz Laurant, it was intended to symbol- ise the return to the throne of Prince Miloš Obrenović, whose initials are carved on all four sides of the Obelisk. Terazije Fountain is made of limestone quarried from Taš- majdan and consists of a four-sided pillar topped by a metal vase, with a total height of around eight metres, placed in the cen- tre of an octagonal pool with a diame- ter of 10 metres. At the centre of the circu- lar medallion on each side is a lion’s head, also shaped in stone, with pipes as noz- zle outlets.

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ČUKURČESMA Čukur-česma se nalazi u Dobračinoj ulici i karak- teristična je po bronza- noj statui dečaka koji leži na mermernoj ploči. Zva- ničan naziv skulpture je Dečak sa razbijenim krča- gom , a autor je bio srp- ski akademik i skulptor Simeon Roksandić, koji ju je 1931. uradio u sećanje na incident koji se na tom mestu odigrao u junu 1862. godine. Prikazani dečak je 13-godišnji šegrt Sava Petković kog su po- slali da donese vode sa Čukur-česme. Međutim, kod česme su se zadesili i turski vojnici, koji su po- kušali da mu otmu bokal, a kad je Sava pokušao da se odbrani, ubili ga. Srp- ski žandarmi koji su ubr- zo došli uhapsili su ubice, međutim drugi turski voj- nici su pritekli u pomoć i to je preraslo u žestok sukob Srba i Turaka u Be- ogradu.

ČUKURČESMA Čukur Fountain is located in Dobračina Street and is characterised by the bronze statue of a boy lying on a marble slab. The sculpture – ocially titled “The Boy with a Broken Pitcher” – is a work of Serbian academic and sculptor Simeon Roksandić that was created in 1931 as a memorial to an incident that took place on the site in June 1862. The boy repre- sented is 13-year-old Sava Petković. He had been sent to fetch water from Čukur Fountain, but Turkish soldiers also hap- pened to be at the fountain when he arrived and they tried to take his pitcher from him, prompting Sava to defend him- self, which led to him being killed. Serbian ‘gendarme’ police ocers soon arrived and arrested the killers, but other Turkish soldiers came to their aid and the incident developed into a erce battle between Serbs and Turks in Belgrade.

HAJDUK’S FOUNTAIN The Hajduk’s Fountain is located in Košutnjak forest park and is associ- ated, on one side, with the assassi- nation of Prince Mihailo Obrenović, which happened nearby in 1868, and with the legendary 1977 concert of popular Yugoslav band Bijelo Dugme [White Button]. It is presumed to have been erected at the end of the 18 th century and is among the oldest foun- tains with natural spring water, but the origin of its name is unknown, along with many other details... Spe- cically, the rst record of its mentioning is in the last will

and testament of writer Dositej Obradović, who expressed his desire to be buried right next to the Hajduk’s Fountain. The look of the foun- tain today, with stone proling sections, dates back to the end of the 19 th century, while the other surfaces were covered with articial stone

HAJDUČKA ČESMA Hajdučka česma nalazi se u Košutnjaku i asocira, s jedne strane, na ubistvo kneza Mihaila Obrenovića, koje se 1868. godine dogodilo ne- daleko od nje, a s druge na legendarni koncert Bijelog dugmeta 1977. godine. Pretpostavlja se da je podignuta krajem 18. veka i jedna je od najstarijih česama sa izvorskom vodom, ali se ne zna poreklo njenog imena, kao ni mnogi drugi detalji. Naime, prvi zapis u kome se pominje je testament Dositeja Obradovića u kome je izneo želju da bude sahra- njen upravo pored Hajdučke česme. Sadašnji izgled česme datira s kraja 19. veka sa kamenim delovima profilacije, dok su ostale površine pokrivene veštačkim kamenom u 20. veku.

during the 20 th century.

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DELIJSKA ČESMA Naziv „delijska“ dolazi iz turske reči za laku konjicu, za či- je konje je česma i služila, a treća česma s ovim imenom i dalje stoji u Knez Mihailovoj ulici i daje šetačima priliku za predah i osveženje. Podignuta je prilikom rekonstrukci- je 1987. godine po nacrtima arhitekte Aleksandra Deroka i replika je stare Delijske česme. Prva Delijska česma nala- zila se ispred Delijskog konaka, u kojem su odsedali turski vojnici, a koji se nalazio na uglu ulica Knez Mihailove i Vu- ka Karadžića. Česma je porušena 1889. godine, ali je ubrzo izgrađena nova na mestu današnje zgrade Srpske akade- mije nauka i umetnosti. Kada je započeto kopanje temelja za zgradu SANU, 1913. je porušena i ta Delijska česma.

DELIJSKA FOUNTAIN The name “delijska” comes from the Turkish word for light cavalry [deliler], with the fountain originally intended for watering their horses. The third fountain with this name stands today in Knez Mihailova Street and providers strollers with an oppor- tunity for rest and refreshment. It was erected during the street’s reconstruction in 1987, according to the original plans of architect Alexander Derok, and represents a replica of the original Delijska Fountain. The rst Delijska Fountain was located in front of the Light Cavalry Residence [Delijski Konak], which housed Turkish sol- diers and was located at the corner of Knez Mihailova and Vuk Karadžić streets. The fountain was demolished in 1889, but a new one was soon built to replace it on the site of today’s building of the Serbian Academy of Sciences. That second Delijska Fountain was torn down in 1913, when works began on digging the foun- dations of the building of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and the Arts.

MEHMEDPAŠA SOKOLOVIĆ’S FOUNTAIN VIZIER’S FOUNTAIN This legendary drinking fountain within Kalemegdan Fortress was built in 1576 at the behest of great Ottoman Empire vizier Sokollu Mehmed Pasha, who was originally a Serb from Herze- govina. As one of the rst public fountains to be constructed in Belgrade, it had great signicance for the local population, while it is also presumed to have served the Mosque of Sultan Suleiman, which was located nearby. Testifying to the former beauty of the fountain are the words of Turkish travel-writer Evliya Çelebi dating back to the 17 th century: “Come, my God, if you want to drink in this world from a heavenly source”.

ČESMA MEHMEDPAŠE SOKOLOVIĆA VEZIROVA ČESMA Legendarna česma na Kalemegdanu sagrađena je 1576. godine po nalogu Mehmed-paše So- kolovića, velikog vezira u Osmanlijskom carstvu, koji je poreklom bio Srbin iz Hercegovine. Kao jedna od prvih sazidanih javnih česmi u Beogradu, ova česma je bila veoma značajna za lokal- no stanovništvo, a pretpostavlja se da je služila i za napajanje džamije sultana Sulejmana, koja se nalazila u blizini. O nekadašnjoj lepoti česme svedoče reči turskog putopisca Evlije Čelebije iz 17. veka: „Dođi, moj Bože, ako želiš da na ovom svetu piješ s rajskog izvora“.

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N iš, grad na jugu Srbije, od 8. do 11. avgusta otvoriće vrata svoje fascinantne Tvrđave za sve ljubite- lje džeza, muzike koju na tom me- stu već godinama punog srca svi- raju poznati muzičari iz celog sveta. Domaćini i gosti grada koji tradicio- Tekst / Words: Neven Džodan Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs


nalno dolaze na Nišvil džez festival (Nišville Jazz Festival) opisaće ga u nekoliko reči – opuštena atmosfera, nasmejana lica na sve strane i dobar provod koji ostaje dugo u sećanju. Po svemu sudeći, tako će biti i ove godine, jer je za četiri festival- ska dana najavljeno 25 koncerata, a glavno dešavanje je na pozornici Earth and Sky , koja je pozicionirana u samom srcu Tvrđave. Odnosno, to su dve bine na kojima se smenjuju najznačajniji muzičari i po tom kon- ceptu Nišvil je jedinstven u svetu. Ove godine, na samom otva- ranju, u četvrtak, nastupiće kultni američki fank i soul-džez saksofo- nista Mejsio Parker, nekada poznat kao ključni član čuvene duvačke li- nije grupe Džejmsa Brauna, a danas svojom autentičnošću predstavlja jednu od ključnih figura na svetskoj muzičkoj sceni. O njegovoj veličini govore brojni pozivi za saradnju od strane Reja Čarlsa, Kita Ričardsa, Prinsa, zatim bendova kao što su

Četiri dana, 25 koncerata, sjajna muzika – e to je merak! Opuštena atmosfera, nasmejana lica na sve strane i dobar provod koji ostaje dugo u sećanju

Malinu Moj zovu kraljicom fank roka i ženskim Hendriksom Malina Moye, who is dubbed the queen of funk- rock and the female Hendrix

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ophonist Maceo Parker, once known as a key member of the famed wind section of James Brown’s band and today represent- ing one of the key gures on the world mu- sic scene with his authenticity. Testifying to his greatness are the nu- merous invitations to collaborate that he has received from the likes of Ray Charles, Keith Richards and Prince, followed by bands like Parliament-Funkadelic, 10,000 Maniacs, Red Hot Chili Peppers and many others. Appearing with her band in front of the public on Friday evening will be at- tractive American guitarist, singer and composer Malina Moye, who is dubbed the queen of funk-rock and the female Hendrix. Alongside her successful music career, Malina also often appears on the catwalk, where she participates in fashion campaigns of famous brands. That same evening will also include the performance of Jo Mersa Marley, the grandson of reg- gae legend Bob Marley. Saturday evening’s star performer will certainly be Sean Kuti, the son of famous afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti, who preserves and continues his father’s musical heritage in the best possible way. Fela Kuti became an integral part of African cultural tradi- tion as the leader of the band Egypt 80. The last day of the festival will pro- vide true jazz lovers with the opportuni- ty to experience the supergroup led by pi- anist Kenny Werner, which also includes saxophonist Dave Liebman, drummer Pe- ter Erskin and one of the most renowned bassists in America, German Johannes Wei- denmüller. Appearing on stage after them will be the famous Bob Geldof, an Irish mu- sician and former frontman of the Boom- town Rats rock band, who launched his so- lo career in 1986 and gained world repute as the founder of Live Aid. Alongside the rich musical programme – of which we’ve selected and present- ed only a small part – visitors to Nišville can enjoy a rich programme of addition- al content that’s free of charge. Also cer- tainly set to mark this year’s festival is the Lifetime Achievement Award that will be presented to one of the most successful musicians originating from this region: pi- anist, composer and arranger Lazar ‘Lar- ry’Vučković, who forged his career in the U.S., the cradle of jazz. Four days, 25 concerts, wonderful music – well, that’s ‘merak’! A relaxed atmosphere, smiling faces on all sides, and a good time that’s long remembered

Parliamnet Funkadelic , 10.000 Ma- niacs , Red Hot Chili Peppers ... U petak će pred publiku sa svo- jim sastavom izaći atraktivna ame- rička gitaristkinja, pevačica i kom- pozitorka Malina Moj, koju zovu kraljicom fank roka i ženskim Hen- driksom. Osim što gradi uspešnu mu- zičku karijeru, Malina se često po- javljuje i na modnim pistama, gde učestvuje u kampanjama poznatih brendova. Iste večeri nastupiće i Džozef Džo Mersa Marli, unuk legendar- nog Boba Marlija. Zvezda subotnje večeri svakako će biti Šon Kuti, sin slavnog Fele Ku- tija, koji na najbolji način čuva i na- stavlja muzičko nasleđe svog oca, koji je postao deo afričke kulturne tradicije kao vođa benda Egypt 80 . Istinski ljubitelji džeza će posled- njeg dana festivala imati priliku da vide supergrupu koju predvodi pi- janista Keni Verner, a u kojoj su sak- sofonista Dejv Libman, bubnjar Pi- ter Erskin i Johanes Vejdenmiler, jedan od najtraženijih kontrabasista u Americi. Nakon njih na bini će se pojavi- ti čuveni Bob Geldof, irski muzičar, nekadašnji vođa rok sastava Boom- town Rats , koji je solo karijeru zapo- čeo 1986. godine, a postao je plane- tarno poznat kao osnivač Live Aida . Izuzev bogatog muzičkog pro- grama, iz kojeg smo izdvojili samo jedan deo, posetioci će moći da uži- vaju i u bogatom pratećem sadržaju, koji je besplatan. Ovogodišnji festival svakako će obeležiti i priznanje za životno de- lo koje će biti dodeljeno jednom od najuspešnijih muzičara poreklom sa ovih prostora – pijanisti, kompozito- ru i aranžeru Lazaru Lariju Vučkovi- ću, koji je karijeru ostvario Americi, u kolevci džeza.

T he Southern Serbian city of Niš will open the gates of its fascinat- ing fortress for all jazz lovers from 8 th to 11 th August, oering mu- sic that has been played here with heart- felt passion by musicians from all over the world for year. Locals and guests to this city who traditionally attend the Nišville Jazz Festival describe it in a few words: “a relaxed atmosphere, smiling faces on all sides, and a good time that’s long re- membered”. That will, in all likelihood, be the case this year too, because 25 concerts have been conrmed for the four days of the festival, with the main event taking place on the ‘Earth and Sky’ stages, located at the very heart of Niš Fortress. These two stages see the festival’s top performers alternate with their shows, and this is a concept that also makes Nišville unique around the world. This year’s opening evening, on Thurs- day 8 th August, will see the performance of cult American funk and soul-jazz sax-

Mejsio Parker, nekada poznat kao ključni član čuvene duvačke linije grupe Džejmsa Brauna Maceo Parker, once known as a key member of the famed wind section of James Brown’s band

Er Srbija leti iz Niša ka 12 novih destinacija u Evropi

Air Serbia flies from Niš to 12 new destinations in Europe

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I nauguracionim letom JU 1356 za Nirnberg, avionom erbas A319, Er Srbija je 15. jula počela da leti sa Ae- rodroma Konstantin Veliki u Nišu. Let sa drugog po veličini aerodroma u Sr- biji, bio je jedan od 12 planiranih. Time će jug Srbije biti povezan sa Bavarskom dva puta nedeljno čitave godine. – Veoma nas raduje što spajamo Niš sa Nirnbergom, novom destinacijom u Nema- čkoj i prvom ka kojoj ćemo leteti s juga Sr- bije. Ovim letom Aerodrom Konstantin Ve- liki i zvanično, uz Aerodrom Nikola Tesla , postaje baza za naše avione. Uvereni smo da će bolje veze s Nemačkom doprineti ja- čanju komercijalne i turističke aktivnosti iz- među naših zemalja – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije . Drugi grad po veličini u Bavarskoj po- sle Minhena, Nirnberg je ekonomski i kul- turni centar nemačke oblasti Frankonije. Istorijski centar grada opasan je impozan- tnim zidinama carskog zamka, a gotičke katedrale i slikoviti pejzaži u kombinaci- ji sa brojnim restoranima, prodavnicama i bogatim kulturnim životom savršen su spoj srednjovekovnog i savremenog duha kojim grad odiše. Od druge polovine jula nacionalni avio-prevoznik uspostavio je redovne lini- je sa niškog aerodroma i ka Bolonji, Hano-



veru, Tivtu, Geteborgu i Frankfurtu (Han), a tokom prva tri dana avgusta i ka Ljublja- ni, Budimpešti, Fridrihshafenu, Salcburgu, Rimu i Karlsrueu. Er Srbija iz Niša leti na osnovu rezultata međunarodnog tendera za linije od javnog značaja koji je raspisala Vlada Srbije, a ko- jim je omogućeno povezivanje deset okru- ga u Srbiji sa šest zemalja Evropske unije i Crnom Gorom.


Geteborg / Gothenburg


Bolonja / Bologna

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Fridrihshafen / Friedrichshafen

FIRST AIR SERBIA FLIGHT FROM NIŠ A ir Serbia has launched its operations from Niš Constantine the Great Air- port with an inaugural ight - num- ber JU1356 - to Nuremberg, Germa-

tional carrier also launched ights from Niš to Bologna, Hanover, Tivat, Gothenburg and Frank- furt-Hahn, while the rst three days of August see the commencement of operations from Niš to Ljubljana, Budapest, Friedrichshafen, Salzburg, Rome and Karlsruhe. Air Serbia launched its operations from Niš on the basis of the international tender proce- dure for routes of public importance initiated by the Government of Serbia. This tender pro- cedure allowed for the establishment of links between 10 Serbian regions and six European Union member states and Montenegro.

ny, conducted using an Airbus A319 aircraft on 15 th July. The service from Serbia’s second largest airport to Nuremberg was just one of 12 regu- lar routes planned from Niš. With these Nurem- berg ights alone, Southern Serbia will be con- nected with Bavaria twice a week, year-round. “We are very pleased to be connecting Niš to Nuremberg, a new destination in Germany and the rst that we will serve from the south of Serbia. With this ight, Niš Constantine the Great Airport is ocially becoming a hub for our aircraft, alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla Air- port. We are certain that better connections to Germany will contribute to strengthening com- mercial activities and tourism between our two countries,” said Jiri Marek, Air Serbia’s General Manager Commercial and Strategy, speaking on this occasion. The second largest city in the German fed- eral state of Bavaria after Munich, Nuremberg is an economic and cultural centre of the Franco- nia region. The city’s historical hub is encircled by imposing walls of an imperial castle, while its Gothic cathedrals and beautiful vistas, with numerous restaurants, shops and a rich cultur- al life, represent a perfect combination of the old and the new. As of the second half of July, the Serbian na-


Salcburg / Salzburg


Karlsrue / Karlsruhe


Rim / Rome

Nirnberg / Nuremberg

Budimpešta / Budapest

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Ispod antimodnog kišobrana smestilo se više različitih stilova, kojima je zajedničko što su suprotni trenutno prihvaćenom trendu. Ako prvo pomislite na neuredne, ružno obučene ljude koji modu smatraju gubljenjem vremena – grešite

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Tekst/Words: Sofija Kuzmanović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs, Dragan Mujan

A ntimoda otvara ozbiljna pitanja u vremenu u kom smo preopte- rećeni informacijama i izloženi nedoslednim modnim stavovi- ma koje pokreću razni, najčešće materi- jalni interesi i gde su sve granice srušene. Lepota je postala imperativ u savremenoj umetnosti i kulturi ozbiljno dovodeći u pi- tanje autentičnost. Savremena moda bazira se na raznim spojevima umetnosti i mode, mejnstrima i avangarde, brze i spore mode. Sve je po- mešano, pa se izgubila jasna granica izme- đu zvanične mode i njene suprotnosti. Kon- cept se pojavio devedesetih kao reakcija na prethodnu modnu dekadu, u trenutku kad su ideali lepote dove- deni u pitanje. Antimoda je izraz koji

čijom od prošlogodišnje, već zaista oz- biljne promene u načinu razmišljanja i društvenim okolnostima koje se preno- se na ono što nosimo. Danas, kad se čini da je teško osmi- sliti nešto što ranije nije viđeno, posto- je određeni pristupi modi koji uspevaju da se izdvoje. Savremeni modni dizajneri okreću se konceptualnom pristupu prav- ljenja odeće, koji se razvija izvan mod- nih trendova. Osim tehnoloških novina poput 3D printera, tu su i dekonstrukci- ja i eksperimenti koji povezuju gardero- bu i umetničke instalacije. Neki umetni- ci se igraju poznatim elementima, ali im menjaju namenu stvarajući neočekivan dizajn poput Mejsona Margijele. Još je- dan pravac koji uzima maha podseća na to da treba da usporimo u neprestanom jurenju za trendom i počnemo da inve- stiramo u osnovne komade koji nemaju veze sa promenom mode, ali imaju traj- nu vrednost koja se zasniva na testu vre- mena, autentičnom načinu obrade, far- banja ili dekorisanja. Recimo, Birkenstok papuče pravi su primer antimodnog ko- mada koji je postao klasik. Od današnjih dizajnera koji uspešno koketiraju sa an- timodnim konceptom stvarajući nosive i komercijalne modele izdvajaju se Mi- juči Prada, Kristofer Kejn, Rik Ovens i Mejson Margijela. Nemodni koncept promoviše geo- grafske i društvene razlike, ono što po- pularno zovemo originalnost i auten- tičnost, dok modni koncept ostavlja isti pečat svuda. Moda ima jasno organizo- van sistem promene, dok je svako iska- kanje iz tih zacrtanih smernica antimoda. Jednostavno je zaključiti da je upravo taj otpor prema zacrtanim normama glav- ni modni pokretač u savremenom sve- tu. Većina antimodnih stilova iz šezde- setih postala je moderna. Pedesete su nam uz razne novitete donele i ozbilj- nu modno-društvenu pobunu žena, ko- je su iz slatkastih haljina uskočile u far- merke i karirane košulje. Minimalistički stil aktuelan devedesetih godina, koji je podrazumevao crne farmerke i obične bele majice, okarakterisan je kao nemod- ni, da bi desetak godina kasnije postao standard i bio proglašen za bezgrešan i bezvremen. Normkor se u svojoj jedno- stavnosti suprotstavio pretencioznim i često neudobnim modnim trendovima, a iz njega se izrodio ultrapopularni atle- žer stil. Nemojte se zavaravati, antimodni pristup nije ni jeftin, ni pristupačan, ali jeste i originalan, i autentičan.

Fashion and anti-fashion are in a serious relationship, with changes in fashion stimulated by anti-fashion emerging as a reaction to formal fashion Moda i antimoda su u ozbiljnoj vezi, promene u modi podstaknute su antimodom, koja se javlja kao reakcija na zvaničnu modu

pokušava da obuhvati odre- đene fenomene u modi do tada nečuvene ili one koje se ne uklapaju u ustanovlje- nu kategoriju ili modni stil, kao što su pank, grandž, kon- ceptualna moda, čak i tradi- cionalna garderoba. Prikazu- je načine na koje dizajneri i modno osvešćeni pojedin- ci iskazuju otpor modnom establišmentu. Ako bi u jed- noj reči trebalo da opišemo antimodu, to bi bila stabil- nost, dok je moda sinonim za promene. U isto vreme, svi noviteti su na neki na- čin antimoda. I to je jedan od modnih paradoksa. Kon- cept je usko povezan sa di- namikom modnih promena.

Dvadesetih godina prošlog veka Gabrijel Koko Šanel oštro se suprotstavila važećim modnim standardima predlažući da žene ponesu do tada isključivo mušku odeću. Kreirala je izgled koji je bogate žene tre- balo da učini vizuelno sličnim običnim že- nama, naravno, za neobično veliki novac, ali u zamenu za novostečene slobode. Mo- nokini Rudija Gernrajha šezdesetih je bio ozbiljan antimodni koncept i sociološki fe- nomen, kao i izlizani modeli Rej Kavaku- bo osamdesetih. U taj koncept spada svaki avangardni model pank faze Vivijen Ve- stvud. Jasno je da je čitav koncept moguć samo u kontekstu oficijelne mode. Moda i antimoda su u ozbiljnoj vezi, promene u modi podstaknute su antimodom, koja se javlja kao reakcija na zvaničnu modu. Ne treba brkati modne promene koje na neki način ovogodišnju garderobu čine druga-

Various dierent styles have gathered under the umbrella of anti-fashion, and what they have in common is the fact they oppose currently accepted trends. If your rst thought is of dishevelled people dressed in ugly clothing who consider fashion a waste of time – you’re mistaken

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