31 AVGUSTAUGUST 1997. Poginula je princeza Dajana
It was shortly after midnight on 31 st Au- gust, 1997, that Diana, Princess of Wa- les—who was known affectionately as "the People’s Princess"—died as the re- sult of a car crash in Paris. She was just 36 years old. The crash also took the li- ves of her then boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, and the car’s driver, Henri Paul. Diana and Dodi, who had been holi- daying on the French Riviera, arrived in Paris earlier the previous day. They left the Ritz Paris shortly after midnight, in- tending to go to Dodi’s apartment. As soon as they departed the hotel, a swarm of paparazzi on motorcycles be-
Nešto posle ponoći 31. avgusta 1997, Dajana, princeza od Velsa, odmilja poznata kao „narodna princeza“, po- ginula je u automobilskoj nesreći u Parizu. Imala je 36 godina. Umrli su i njen partner Dodi Fajed i vozač auto- mobila, Henri Pol. Dajana i Dodi, koji su letovali na Fran- cuskoj rivijeri, stigli su u Pariz rani- je prethodnog dana. Napustili su Ric nešto posle ponoći, nameravajući da odu u Dodijev stan. Čim su napu-
Njenu smrt oplakivao je ceo svet Her death was met with a massive outpouring of grief
stili hotel, roj paparaca na motociklima počeo je agresivno da prati njihov automobil. Otprilike tri minuta kasnije, vozač je izgubio kontrolu i udario u stub na ulazu u tunel Pont de l'Alma. Dodi i vozač proglašeni su mrtvim na mestu do- gađaja. Dajana je odvedena u bolnicu i proglaše- na mrtvom u 6 ujutru. Njenu sahranu u Londonu, 6. septembra, pratilo je više od dve milijarde ljudi.
gan aggressively tailing their car. About three mi- nutes later, the driver lost control and crashed into a concrete pillar at the entrance of the Pont de l'Al- ma tunnel. Dodi and the driver were pronounced dead at the scene, while Diana was rushed to hospital and on- ly declared dead at 6am. Her 6 th September London funeral was watched by over two billion people.
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