– Ne, jer ne mislim da je to dobro za moje men- talno zdravlje. Previše je različitih razmišljanja i op- servacija o toj temi. Znate, imala sam i neku svoju teoriju o seriji, pa sam posle čitanja scenarija shva- tila da sam gadno pogrešila. (smeh) Šta mislite, hoće li Džordž Martin konačno za- vršiti sve knjige? – Hoće, sigurna sam. Imam puno poverenje i ve- ru u njega što se toga tiče. Koliko je prepoznatljivost serije i vaše uloge značila i za prepoznatljivost vas kao glumice? – Definitivno mi je otvorilo mnoga vrata, koja bi za mene ostala zatvorena da nije bilo ovog šoua. Šta je najluđa stvar o kojoj ste sanjali kao devojčica, a koja vam se dogodila zahvalju- ći „Igri prestola“? – U ovom trenutku se mučim da izdvojim ne- ku od njih. Zaista ih je bilo mnogo, ali evo, možda ta situacija sa Bredom Pitom (čuveni glumac je na dobrotvornoj večeri dao 120.000 dolara da bi pro- veo veče sa Emilijom Klark). To mi je ličilo na ne- ki ludi san iz kojeg ću se probuditi kao dvanaesto- godišnja Emili. Ali onda sam ugledala Breda kako sedi zavaljen u stolici i kako mi namiguje. To je bi- lo zaista ludo. Možete li nešto da nam kažete o poslednjem danu snimanja i poslednjoj sceni? Ipak je sni- manje trajalo 10 godina... – Oh, bilo je veoma emotivno. To je bio dan kada sam shvatila da alkohol može da vas baci u depresiju. (smeh) Ta posled- nja scena je bila zaista magična. Dolazile su ekipe sa drugih
setova jer su svi znali da je to moja poslednja scena. Svi su čekali puna tri sata da se završi. Mi, glumci, dobili smo predivne poklone, ma bilo je zaista emo- tivno. Moj brat je sve to snimao i samo sam ga iza le- đa čula kako uzdiše. Toliko sam se isplakala. Na kra- ju smo otišli na zajedničku večeru i dok sam ispijala čašu vina, shatila sam da sam samo još tužnija.
me that would have remained closed if not for this show. What is the craziest thing you dreamt of as a girl that actually happened to you thanks to Game of Thrones? - I’m currently struggling to single some of them out. There have really been a lot, but perhaps it was that situation with Brad Pitt [the famous actor donated $120,000 at a charity dinner just to spend the evening with Emilia Clarke]. That seemed to me like some crazy dream that I’d wake up from as the twelve-year-old Emilia. But then I saw Brad sitting reclined on a chair winking at me. It was really crazy. Could you tell us something about that last day of shooting and the final scene – given that shooting it took ten years? -Oh,itwasveryemotional.Thatwastheday I realised that alcohol can cause one to fall into depression [laughs]. That nal scene was really magical. Teams came from other sets, because they knew that it was my last scene. Everyone waited a three full hours for it to be completed. Us actors received wonderful gifts; it was all real- ly emotional. My brother lmed it all, and I could just hear him groaning behind my back. I cried so much. In the end we all went out for dinner together, and I realised while drinking a glass of wine there that I was just even sadder.
- The series really addresses power a lot, and what makes it unique is that this pow- er is given to the female characters, which sends a strong and signicant message. This is a series about a fantastical world in fantas- tical times, but giving such roles to women is really very important. Have you read the dierent theories about how the series will end? There are many inspirational and entertain- ing ones. - I haven’t. I wasn’t interested in that. Gen-
D aenerys, or Khaleesi, the mother of drag- ons, future queen, who’s in love with the favourite Jon Snow, Prince of the North, but it turned out that she’s his aunt! Okay, we’ve yet to see all of that, but Emilia Clarke is a girl we certainly won’t forget. She speaks to Ele- vate about the last season, happenings be- hind the scenes during shooting and what all of that has to do with Brad Pitt. How do you now see those explicit scenes, especially those violent ones with Khal Drogo? - Uh, that’s so... That had to be like that, we had to see all the suering that Daener- ys went through, in order for the audience to reach that level of empathy with and com- passion for her; for them to come to love her through that suering. That certainly isn’t a part of the series that I would change in any way. What is particularly interesting is the fact that I’m still asked such questions, which says a lot about the kind of society in which we live. We often see some famous women around the world identifying with Khalee- si, who admire the power of that woman...
erally, I don’t even ‘google’ myself...
You really don’t read any comments at all? - No, because I don’t think that’s good for my mental health. There are too many dif- ferent considerations and observations on that topic. You know, I also had some theory of my own about the series, but after read- ing the script I realised that I’d been deeply mistake [laughs]. Do you think that George R. R. Martin will nally nish all the books? - He will, I’m sure. I have a lot of trust and faith in him when it comes to that. How signicant has the recognisability of the series and your role been for you as an actress? - It’s denitely opened a lot of doors to
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