Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
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Zaposleni Er Sejšela očistili stazu Morn Blanka
Air Seychelles staff clear Morne Blanc trail
rupa zaposlenih Er Sejšela udružila se da
očisti popularnu stazu Morn Blank u Maheu, pešačku rutu, koja nudi prekrasan panoram- ski pogled na zapadnu obalu Mahea. Uz nezaboravan us- pon do vrha Morn Blank, na visinu od 667 metara, trasa se savlada za oko 45 minu- ta i prolazi kroz staru plan- tažu čaja i dramatične kosine oivičene drvećem, pre dola- ska na vidikovac. Tokom šet- nje putnicima se predlaže da vode računa o endemskim vr- stama, jer je ova oblast dom pojedinih retkih vrsta ptica, kao i najmanje žabe na svetu, duge samo jedan centimetar.
group of Air Seychelles staff banded to- gether recently to clear the popular Morne Blanc trail on Mahé, a hiking route
minutes and passes through an old tea plantation and dramatic slopes lined with trees, before com- ing to a viewing platform. Along the way hikers are encouraged to keep an eye out for endemic wild- life, as the area is home to species of endemic birds as well the world’s smallest frog, which is only 1cm in length.
which offers beautiful panoramic views of Mahé’s western seaboard. Providing an unforgettable up- hill climb to the peak of Morne Blanc, which rises to an elevation of 667m, the trail takes roughly 45
Džet ervejz: Radost poklanjanja Jet Airways: Joy of Giving Programme
et ervejz završio je godiš- nji program Radost po-
klanjanja koji ohrabruje za- poslene da prihvate kulturu čovekoljublja borbom za ra- njive kategorije društva. Ini- cijativa omogućava avio-kom- paniji da ima raznovrsnu bazu zaposlenih. Zajedno s nevladi- nim organizacijama i drugim institucijama, osmišljena je ak- tivnost za pomoć manje privi- legovanim grupama, pre svega deci, ženama i starijim građani- ma. Za razliku od Magične kuti- je, inicijative Džet ervejza, koja uključuje goste avio-kompani- je, Radost poklanjanja je inter- ni program koji motiviše zapo- slene, njihovo druženje, kao i dobrovoljno angažovanje u hu- manitarnim akcijama u druš- tvu u kojem žive i rade.
et Airways recently concluded its annual Joy of Giving programme, which encourages em-
less privileged, particularly children, women and sen- ior citizens all across the country. In contrast to Jet Airways' Magic Box initiative which involves the air- line's guests, Joy of Giving is an internal programme which promotes employee sensitization, camarade- rie as well as their engagement on a voluntary ba- sis with humanitarian issues facing the society they live and operate in.
ployees to embrace the carrier's culture of philan- thropy by doing their bit for the less privileged in so- ciety. The organisation-wide initiative leverages the airline's strong pan-India presence and its well-di- versified employee base, to engage with a host of NGOs and other institutions serving the cause of the
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