Elevate March 2018 | Air Serbia


Amsterdam Prva parking-garaža ispod kanala

Amsterdam First parking garage under a canal

Amsterdam is set to become the world’s first city to have a parking garage under an existing canal. The garage will have room for 600 cars and 60 bicycles and will liberate space above the ground for pedestrians, cyclists and greenery. This is the first time that such a facility has been constructed in Amsterdam, which is why the project has gained so much attention among the professional public. The project has a price tag of 35 million euros, while the price of parking will be the same as a street-level. This subterranean garage should open during the course of this year. New York Exhibition of Yugoslav architecture New York’s famous MoMa, Museum of Modern Art, will present an exhibition of Yugoslav architecture this summer entitled “Towards a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia 1948-1980”. This will be the first major U.S. exhibition addressing the architecture of the former Yugoslavia, and visitors will be able to view more than 400 sketches, photographs, models and film footage from city archives and private and museum collections. The exhibition will run from 15 th July 2018 until 13 th January 2019.

Amsterdam je prvi grad na svetu koji će uskoro imati parking-garažu ispod postojećeg kanala. Garaža će imati prostor za 600 automobila i 60 bicikala i oslobodiće prostor iznad zemlje za pešake, bicikliste i zelenilo. To je prvi put da se u Amsterdamu gradi jedan takav objekat ispod vode, i zbog toga se našao u centru pažnje stručne javnosti. Cena projekta je 35 miliona evra, a cena parkiranja biće ista kao na ulici. Podzemna garaža bi trebalo da bude otvorena ove godine. Njujork Izložba jugoslovenske arhitekture Čuveni njujorški Muzej savremene umetnosti (MoMA) na leto će

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Amsterdam Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Amsterdam

predstaviti izložbu jugoslovenske arhitekture Ka betonskoj utopiji:

arhitektura u Jugoslaviji 1948–1980. To će biti prva velika izložba u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama o arhitekturi bivše Jugoslavije, a posetioci će moći da pogledaju više od 400 crteža, fotografija, modela i filmskih snimaka iz gradskih arhiva, privatnih i muzejskih kolekcija. Izložba će biti otvorena 15. jula i trajaće do 13. januara 2019. godine.

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Njujork

Air Serbia flies twice a week from Belgrade to New York

VOŽDOVE KAPIJE – OSIGURAJTE MIRAN ŽIVOT Svako od nas mašta da pije svoju prvu jutarnju kafu na terasi svog doma, zagledan u zelenu oazu. Prvi kondominijum na Voždovcu, Voždove kapije, svojim stanarima omo- gućiće baš to – mir u stambenom kompleksu koji ima svetsku arhitekturu, a prostire se na više od 70.000 kvadratnih metara. U sklopu Voždovih kapija biće izgrađen privat- ni park za sve stanare s prilagođenim sadržajima za sve starosne grupe. Ovaj mali grad imaće ukupno 700 stambenih jedinica, a u toku je izgradnja druge faze, čiji je završetak planiran za kraj 2018. godine. Iza ovog projekta, koji predstavlja investiciju od 170 mili- ona evra, stoji renomirani izraelski investitor Shikun & Binui Group, vodeća kompanija u izgradnji najsavremenijih stambenih i poslovnih kompleksa širom sveta. Ekskluzivna prodaja stanova poverena je kompaniji CBS International, vodećoj konsultantskoj ku- ći za nekretnine u Srbiji. Budite mudri prilikom donošenja životne odluke, rezervišite svoj dom i pobrinite se da vaši najmiliji bezbedno odrastaju.

Počela izgradnja druge faze prvog kondominijuma na Voždovcu Construction of phase II of the first condominium in Voždovac is underway

DUKE’S GATES - SECURE YOUR TRANQUIL LIFE All of us dream of drinking our first morning coffee on the balcony of our own home while gazing at a green oasis. The first condominium in Voždovac, the Duke’s Gates (Voždove kapije), will provide its tenants with precisely that – tran- quillity in a residential complex that has world-class architecture and extends over an area of 70,000 square metres. A private park for all tenants, with cus- tomised facilities for all age categories, will also be built within the Duke’s Gates complex. This mini city will have a total of 700 housing units, and construc-

tion of Phase II of the project is underway and planned for completion by the end of 2018. Behind this project, which represents a 170-million-euro invest- ment, stands renowned Israeli investor Shikun & Binui Group, a leading compa- ny in the construction of state-of-the-art residential and commercial complexes worldwide. Apartment sales have been entrusted exclusively to CBS Interna- tional, the leading real estate consulting firm in Serbia. Be wise when making life decisions, reserve a home that will ensure the safe upbringing of your dearest.

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