Agenda dobre zabave / Agenda of great fun
Jubilee Cat Show
The traditional Inter- national Cat Show is this year celebrating its jubilee 10 th anni- versary. On 3 rd and 4 th March, the Belgra- de Fair will host the event, which will see competing cats eva- luated by seven jud- ges from Austria, Den- mark, France and the UK. The selection of the most beautiful cat will be made in each competition category. So, if you love these soft furry beauties, be sure not to miss this event.
Jubilarna izložba mačaka Tradicionalna međunarodna izložba mačaka ove godine slavi jubilarnih deset godi- na postojanja. Na Beogradskom sajmu će 3. i 4. marta mace ocenjivati sedam su- dija iz Austrije, Danske, Francuske i Velike Britanije. U svakoj takmičarskoj katego- riji biće organizovan izbor za najlepšu mačku. Pa ako volite meke krznene lepotice, ne propustite ovaj lepi događaj.
Pop-art u Kući legata U Kući legata do 12. marta moći ćete da uživate u kolekciji grafika najčuvenijih američkih predstav- nika pop-arta – En- dija Vorhola, Roja Lihtenštajna, Ro- berta Raušenberga, Džona Čemberle- na, Džejmsa Rozen- kvista i Toma Ve- selmana. Dela ikona američkog pop arta su reprezentativni i prepoznatljivi ra- dovi nastali u perio- du kada su pop-ar- tisti dostigli vrhunac umetničkog izraža- vanja.
Pop Art at Heritage House At Belgrade’s Heritage House until 12 th March you will be able to enjoy a colle- ction of graphics by the most renowned representatives of American Pop Art - Andy Warhol, Roy Liechtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, John Chamberlain, Ja- mes Rosenquist and Tom Wesselmann. These iconic works of American pop art were created during the period when pop artists reached the pinnacle of the- ir artistic expression.
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