9 8 10 DETALJI KOJI OSVAJAJU PROSTOR Pustite mašti na volju i ponesite neki komad kome se marabu talasa na rubu ili mu je okovratnik obrubljen perjem. Tu su i tufne, koje su porasle i postale lopti- ce, kao i rese, koje i dalje zavodljivo lelujaju oko ode- će. Ovakvi detalji dominirali su na kolekcijama prika- zanim u Italiji. ŠORTS Vitke noge su uvek u trendu, a ponosne vlasni- ce ne libe se da ih pokazuju. Ipak, mini-suknje spakujte do daljnjeg. Prolećem vladaju šortsevi. Kratki, dugi, duboki, široki, sa faltama ili uski bi- ciklistički. Nije bitno. Bitno je da, ako želite da ista- knete vitke noge, to ove sezone uradite u šortsu. Sa sakoom ili bez njega. Vi odlučite. SHORTS Slim legs are always in fashion. And their proud owners aren’t reluctant to show them off. However, you should pack away your miniskirts for the fore- seeable future. Spring is ruled by shorts. Short, long, deep, wide, pleated or narrow cycling shorts. It’s not important which. It’s only important that those wanting to highlight their slender legs this season do so in shorts. With a jacket or without. You decide. SLIP-HALJINE SE NE PREDAJU
Slip haljine, one nalik spavaćicama, i dalje suvereno vladaju modnim pista- ma. Opušteni izgled zaboravite, mora- ju da budu upadljive, sjajne i seksi. Kao da ste pošli u diskoteku osamdesetih. SLIP DRESSES DON’T CAPITULATE The slip dress or night gown still walks freely along fashion catwalks. Forget the relaxed look, now they must be striking, shiny and sexy. As though you’re head- ing for a 1980s discotheque.
Leave your imagination to its will and wear some piece which has marabou waving on the edges, or a collar trimmed with feathers. There are also polka dots that have matured into little balls, as well as tassels that continue to seductively swing around clothes. These kinds of details were dominant in the collections pre- sented in Italy.
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