Elevate March 2018 | Air Serbia




Tekst / Words: Dragana Nikoletić Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

Crteži, slike i specifični tekstovi koje je Marina Abramović stvarala po završetku studija, u Beogradu šezdesetih, nikada pre ove izložbe nisu prikazani. Marina ih se pomalo stidela, a potom shvatila da su je upravo ti radovi poslali u svet performansa O no što je u svetu nauke Nikola Tesla, u sferi sporta Novak Đoković, Ivo Andrić u literaturi, to je Marina Abramović u domenu savreme- ne umetnosti. Ona je proslavila svoje srpsko poreklo i podelila ga sa svetom. I ne samo to. Marina je proslavila i performans, jedan od najhermetičnijih umet- ničkih žanrova, bar ga tako ocenjuje publika, koja ga je, ipak, postepeno prihvatila. Marina je od početka verovala da joj upravo perfor- mans pruža najdirektniju komunikaciju s publikom. Na- glašavala je da je ova forma neponovljiva jer zavisi od interakcije. Želja publike da učestvuje u Marininim na- stupima i tako postane deo njenog umetničkog iskustva vremenom se uvećavala. Danas okeani ljudi hrle na njene performanse, gde god da se diva uživo pojavi. Pa ipak, posle svih uspeha i svetske slave, Marina Abramović će se tek sledeće godine prvi put predstaviti retrospektivnom izložbom svom rodnom Beogradu. Čak 43 godine otkad je iz njega otišla. Domaćin postavke Či- stač će, nakon Stokholma, Kopenhagena, Osla, Bona, Fi- rence i Toruna u Poljskoj, biti Muzej savremene umetno- sti u Beogradu. Na jesen 2019. Kuriozitet Čistača je to što otkriva najraniji period

The sketches, paintings and specific texts that Marina Abramović created upon completing her studies in Belgrade in the 1960s have never been shown before this exhibition. Marina was somewhat embarrassed by them, but then she realised that it was precisely these works that propelled her into the world of performance art T hat which Nikola Tesla is to science, Novak Đoković is in the sphere of sports and Ivo Andrić is in the area of literature, that is Marina Abramović in the domain of contemporary art. She has celebrated her Serbian or- igins and shared them with the world. And not just that. Mari- na also celebrated performance art, as one of the most hermet- ic artistic genres – at least as it is estimated by the public, which has grown to accept it gradually. Marina believed from the start that it was precisely perfor- mance art that offered her the most direct communication with her audience. She emphasised that this form is inimitable, be- cause it is dependent on interaction. The desire of audiences to participate in Marina’s performances and thereby become part of her artistic experience has increased with time. Today a veri- table ocean of people rush to her performances, wherever this diva appears in person. Nevertheless, after all her successes and worldwide acclaim, Marina will only present her first ever retrospective exhibition in her native Belgrade next year... A full 43 years after she left the city. The host of her exhibition The Cleaner – following appear- ances in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Bonn, Florence and the Polish city of Toruń – will be the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade (MSUB), during the autumn of 2019.

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