Zašto Srbi vole Irce, po čemu smo slični, a u čemu različiti, otkriva Jas Kaminski, Irac koji šest godina živi u Beogradu. Osim što uz ženu Beograđanku i šestogodišnjeg sina uči srpski, u martu organizuje Beogradski irski festival A foreigner living in Belgrade usually falls in love with a girl first, and only then with the city, with the kafana (they possibly fell in love with their wife in a kafana) and everything in that order. Jas Kaminski, an Irishman who has also been a Vračar res- ident for six years, is no exception. Every March, this Irish journalist with a Serbian address organises the Belgrade Irish Festi- val and in a special way connects our two countries, which are a distance away geo- graphically but are similar in many ways. - People usually respond pleasantly when they hear I’m from Ireland. Ireland is a small island where the people are fo- cused on tradition and family values, which it seems to me is also the case here. Laugh- ter is also common to us both. Serbs are a
Why do Serbs love the Irish, how are we similar and what are our differences – this is revealed to us by Jas Kaminski, an Irishman who has been living in Belgrade for six years. Apart from learning Serbian from his Belgrader wife and six- year-old son, he also organises the Belgrade Irish Festival in March humorous people who love to meet others and are curious and big-hearted. We also share our dark humour. In that we under- stand each other. Both nations have some persistence and, I would say, stubborn- ness in choosing for themselves - says Jas. He reveals that Serbia surprised and completely enchanted him, primarily be- cause he has a great deal of experience in familiarising himself with the planet, as he comes from a family that dealt with tourism. - The people I encounter and get to meet here are cultured, well-mannered, open, curious and very friendly. You dis- cuss all topics, from cheese to Chomsky. With you, an ordinary conversation is an in- teresting story – says Jas, who has a prob- lem learning Serbian because, as he says,
S tranac koji živi u Beogra- du obično se prvo zaljubi u devojku, pa onda u grad, u kafanu (moguće da se u kafani i zaljubio u svoju ženu) i sve po redu. Nije izuzetak ni Jas Kamin- ski, Irac koji je već šest godina i Vra- čarac. Svakog marta, ovaj novinar sa srpskom adresom organizuje Beo- gradski irski festival i na poseban način povezuje naše udaljene, ali po mnogo čemu slične zemlje. – Ljudi uglavnom prijatno reagu- ju kad čuju da sam iz Irske. Irska je malo ostrvo i ljudi su okrenuti tra- diciji i porodičnim vrednostima, što je, čini mi se, i ovde slučaj. Zajednič- ki nam je i smeh. Srbi su duhovit na- rod, volite da upoznajete ljude, rado- Tekst / Words: Željka Mrđa Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović, Beogradski irski festival (Ivana Lazić, Tijana Vićentijević, Dermot Kelly)
Na Dan Svetog Patrika i Beograd zgrade boji u zeleno Belgrade’s buildings also turn green on St Patrick’s Day
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