Gradski vodič / City Guide
This formerly abandoned warehouse in the Chinese Quarter has been trans- formed into a true factory of creativity and exciting ideas. The SKC NS Facto- ry is both a club and a concert hall, a gallery and theatre stage. The Students’ Culture Centre of Novi Sad stages the most interesting concerts there, in- cluding, amongst others, the famous To Be Punk festival, which preserves the city’s rebellious spirit; the boldest plays, such as “Kill Zoran Đinđić”, which re- sounded throughout the region; exhibitions of the most innovative young artists and the Strip festival of comics; as well as literary evenings with cur- rent authors. SKC NS is also behind the Rhythm of Europe, which is marked each year on VE Day (9 th May) and includes a series of cultural programmes. Nekad napušteni magacin u Kineskoj četvrti, pretvoren je u pravu fabriku kreativnosti i uzbudljivih ideja. SKC NS Fabri- ka je i klub, i koncertni prostor, i galerija, i pozorišna scena. Stu- dentski kulturni centar Novi Sad tu realizuje najinteresantni- je koncerte, između ostalog i čuveni To be punk festival, koji održava buntovni duh grada; najsmelije predstave poput Ubi- ti Zorana Đinđića, koja je odjeknula regionom; izložbe najino- vativnijih mladih umetnika i Strip festival; književne večeri s aktuelnim autorima. SKC NS stoji i iza Ritma Evrope, kojim se Dan pobede nad fašizmom (9. maj) svake godine obeležava ni- zom kulturnih programa.
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