Elevate February 2019 | Air Serbia



Koncertna sala Božidarca je šezdesetih godina prošlog veka bi- la jedno od glavnih mesta u Beogradu na kojima su se održavale igranke, uz bendove koji su uživo izvodili najveće hitove svog vre- mena. I danas čuva taj starinski šmek sale za igranke, što poseb- no zanimljivo deluje u sudaru s muzikom aktuelnih bendova koji je tresu u sklopu Vračar Rocks! serijala. Prvobitno zamišljen kao rok festival, Vračar Rocks! je nastavio da se odvija iz sezone u sezonu, gotovo svakog vikenda, a osim za alternativne rok bendove, vrata su otvorena i za rege, ska, metal, HC, čak i za hip-hop...

Božidarac concert hall was one of the main venues in Belgrade where danc- es were held in the 1960s, with bands who gave live performances of the biggest hits of their time. To this day it still preserves that old-time dance hall atmosphere, which acts in a particularly interesting way when clash- ing with the music of today’s bands that cause it to shake under the scope of the “Vračar Rocks!” series. Originally conceived as a rock festival, “Vračar Rocks!” continued unfolding from season to season, almost every weekend, and, in addition to alternative rock bands, its doors were also opened to reggae, ska, metal, hard-core and even hip-hop...



Klub Fest u Zemunu je kultno rok mesto, malo, mračno, sa bi- nom koja nije distancirana od publike, savršen ambijent za ro- kenrol svirke koje se pamte. Radi još od 1991. godine, pa su mnogi danas popularni bendovi baš tu nastupali na svojim po- čecima. Međutim, i danas mu se vraćaju kako bi u potpuno in- timnoj i opuštenoj klupskoj atmosferi nastupali za svoje naj- veće fanove. Club Fest in Zemun is a cult rock venue with a small, dark hall that has a stage that’s not far from the audience and a perfect ambi- ence for rock ‘n’ roll gigs worth remembering. It has been func- tioning since 1991, and it’s here that many of today’s popular bands made their initial performances. However, they also return there today to perform for their biggest fans in a totally intimate and relaxed club atmosphere.

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