aerodrom nikola tesla / nikola tesla airport
D ecemberisn’tatypicalmonth.Nei- ther the thrills of April nor the blue coasts of July, nor even the Octo- ber leaves left behind by passen- gers in terminal halls, bring such joy to Nikola Tesla Airport as a single December day. A fes- tive atmosphere fills the space: you will find it in the warm smiles of staff, the impatience while you await your luggage, the jitters be- fore the doors open at international arrivals and your loved ones appear. Even the hugs are tighter and the gifts sweeter than usual. Beneath the shiny lights and festive dec- orations that adorn the halls, a more care- ful observer will notice many curiosities. It will appear to them as though Belgrade Air- port has never been more crowded – and they will be right, because this year Nikola Tesla Airport is expecting a record 5.7 mil- lion passengers. At the same time, they will notice that, despite this number, there is no queueing and waiting. General manager Saša Vlaisavljević re- veals to us why this is the case: “One of the reasons lies in the fact that last year Niko- la Tesla Airport opened the hall for regis- tering passengers and luggage in terminal zone T2b, with 10 new check-in counters, as well as islands 500 and 600, with 18 check-in counters, while as of last month passengers of national carrier Air Serbia have the possi- bility of carrying out self-check-in at 10 new counters. Also helping reduce the queuing was the reconfiguration of the upper floor
stalnog prijavljivanja na let na čak 10 šaltera za samostalnu registraciju. Iz- begavanju gužvi pomogla je i rekon- figuracija sprata Terminalne zone 1 formiranjem hola za pasošku i carin- sku kontrolu putnika u odlasku, gde se nalazi i sveže restaurirani mural čuvenog Zuke Džumhura. Pomenutim ulaganjima u rekon- figuraciju i unapređivanje Terminala, terminalne zone T1, T2b i vezni deo između terminala 1 i 2 zasijali su no- vom svetlošću, a posetiocima i ko- risnicima aerodroma je, otvaranjem fasadne vizure u prizemlju, pružena mogućnost da prvi put posle mnogo godina imaju pogled na avione, čak i ako sami ne putuju. Da udobnostima za putnike i posetioce tu nije kraj, primetićete i u vožnji, bilo da dolazite gradskim prevozom, taksijem ili sopstvenim automobilom: – S preduzećem Beograd put smo proteklog leta rekonstruisali sve pri- stupne saobraćajnice aerodromu i iz pravca auto-puta E70 i iz pravca Surči- na, kao i saobraćajnicu ispred Termi- nala, a taksistima omogućili da putni- ke čekaju na uređenom parkiralištu – istakao je Vlaisavljević. Na pohvale koje dolaze od put- nika odgovara: – Ulažemo stalan napor da po-
dignemo nivo zadovoljstva korisni- ka uslugama koje pružamo. Zato mi takve pohvale najviše znače, jer lju- di prepoznaju da se ovde nešto deša- va, nešto menja, renovira, unapređuje. Grad poput Beograda zaslužuje do- stojnog ambasadora i Aerodrom Ni- kola Tesla se u ovih pet godina, koli- ko ga vodim, uvek trudio da bude na visini tog zadatka.
INVESTICIJE VREDNE 70 MILIONA EVRA Generalni direktor Saša Vlaisavljević naveo je da kompanija izlazi iz petogodišnjeg investicionog ciklusa u kojem je iz sop- stvenih sredstava u proširenje kapaciteta i razvoj tehnologije uloženo 70 miliona evra. Zahvaljujući tome, Aerodrom Nikola Tesla danas raspolaže specijalnom platformom za odleđivanje i sprečavanje zaleđivanja aviona, na kojoj je istovremeno mo- guće opsluživanje dva uskotrupna aviona ili jednog širokotru- pnog aviona, uključujući i najveći na svetu – A380, te najsa- vremenijom opremom u oblasti obezbeđivanja u vazdušnom saobraćaju, kao i novim transportnim sistemom prtljaga. INVESTMENTS WORTH 70 MILLION EUROS Nikola Tesla Airport General Manager Saša Vlaisavljević says that the company is emerging from a five-year investment cy- cle that has seen 70 million euros invested in the expansion of capacities and the development of technology. It is due to this that Nikola Tesla Airport today has a special de/anti-icing pad, where handling is simultaneously possible on two narrow-body aircraft or one wide-body plane, including the world’s biggest, the A380, as well as the latest equipment in the area of airport security and a new baggage handling system.
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