Meni je nekako uvek nedostajala reč „izvol’te“. Da li ste kao akademik i ugled- na javna ličnost privilegovani u Srbiji? – Imao sam sreću da živim u Sr- biji punoj ideala. I kad ih je bilo i kad ih nije bilo. Kad ste u životu spremni na kompromise? – Kad se svi drugi kompromisa najviše plaše, tada me najviše privlače. Na koji način su putovanja obe- ležila vaš život i stvaralaštvo? – Najčešće onaj ko je verovao da nikad neće mrdnuti iz svog sela obi- đe čitav svet. Kojim piscima i knjigama se vraćate celog života? – Svim pravim piscima i knjiga- ma, bez obzira na to kako se zovu. Pravim piscima nisu bitna ni imena ni naslovi. Koliko imate knjiga u biblioteci? – Više nego što može da stane u Koje biblioteke ste oduvek naj- više voleli? – Najbliže kući. Ne mogu da za- mislim da menjam dva-tri autobusa da stignem do biblioteke. I udaljene biblioteke su kao i ljubav na daljinu – brzo propadnu. moj stan i na moje police. Da li čitate knjige i novine on- lajn? Kakav odnos imate pre- ma internetu? – U rukama sam sudbine. Previše sam savestan na temu interneta. Re- agujem na svaki šum i od interneta se ne odvajam bilo kod kuće, bilo na putu. Zazirem da preko mene ne pre- đe i pregazi me auto-put informacija. Kakav filmski ili pozorišni sce- nario biste sada napisali? – Nešto bez reči. U mom filmu se ne bi mnogo praznoslovilo. Ali bi se videlo, na primer, kako nastaje ži-
Najviše me je nadahnjivao kamen. I još me inspiriše. A kako i ne bi?! Ne znam da li znate – na svetu nema dva ista kamena I was most inspired by stone. And it still inspires me. And how Could it not?! I don’t know if you know – no two stones in the world are the same
A cademic Matija Bećković, as a writ- er, poet, chronicler-contemporary and erudite, records our history, present and future, as they were, are or could be. In his lines a man is present who constantly works on himself and dreams of the simplicity of the stone age, while si- multaneously choosing the highest possible heights. Both in planes and in life. As a doyen of the written word, do you find it easier or harder to write than when you started your literary opus, or is every word a new trail to blaze? - It’s popular to work on oneself. I can’t stand repeating myself and rediscovering my- self again every moment. I only change the models of mobile phones, iPhones and lap- tops. Content follows technology. I try to keep in step with new inventions. As a child, what did you dream of be- coming when you grew up? - It was important not to fall. In other words, to keep my head above the water. I’ve never driven, but I’ve always flown. Artists often draw inspiration from personal sadness or happiness. What stimulates your inspiration and what drains it? - I was most inspired by stone. And it still inspires me. And how Could it not?! I don’t know if you know – no two stones in the world are the same. If you could choose, which century would you most like to live in? - I’m attracted to caveman times and their simplicity. And writing on cave walls.You hunt a little, you write a little, you tighten your bow and arrows a little while nibbling nuts. What did your youth bring you and take from you on the road to maturity? - Youth brought me and took from me Duško Radović, Brana Petrović, Stevan Raičk- ović, Bata Mihailović, Milovan Đilas, Vera Pav- lodarska, Arsen Dedić, Momo Kapor... What would you do if you weren’t a writer? - I would, for example, be an advisor on culture for some superpower. What is an intellectual to you?
- Someone who has preserved good taste and the ability to differentiate between the im- portant and insignificant. Someone’s who’s in a position to understand that which he knows. In the 21 st century, many things have become “freely available”. How do you ultimately handle that? - It would be nice if you were right. Some- how,Ialwaysmissedthewords“helpyourself”. As an academic and respected public figure, are you privileged in Serbia? - I was lucky to live in a Serbia full of ide- als, both when they were there and when they weren’t. When in life are you ready to com- promise? - When everyone else is the most afraid of compromises, then they attract me most. How have journeys marked your life and creativity? - It’s most often he who believed he’d nev- er leave his village who tours the whole world. Which writers and books have you re- turned to throughout your life? - All real writers and books, no matter what they’re called. Neither names nor titles are important to real writers. How many books do you have in your library? - More than can fit in my apartment and on my shelves. Which libraries have you always loved the most? - The ones closest to home. I can’t im- agine changing two or three buses to get to the library. And distant libraries are also like long-distance love: they quickly collapse. Do you read books and newspapers online; what kind of relationship do you have with the internet? - I’m in the hands of fate. I’m too conscien- tious about the topic of the internet. I react to every murmur and don’t separate from the internet whether at home or on the road. I’m petrified of being overtaken and run over by the information highway. What kind of film or theatre script would you write now? - Something without words. In my film
Privlači me pećinsko doba i njegova jednostavnost. I pisanje po pećinskim zidovima. Malo loviš, malo pišeš, malo zatežeš luk i strelu grickajući orašaste plodove I’m attracted to caveman times and its simplicity. And writing on cave walls. You hunt a little, you write a little, you tighten your bow and arrows a little while nibbling nuts
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