Elevate October 2018 | Air Serbia

promotes personal style and threatens uniformity. Fashion houses are collectively ending the practise of including prominent brand markings. Even a cursory look at the new autumn collections is enough for us to recognise the impact of Generation Y. Comfortable and relaxing de- signs that you can snuggle into and feel secure are among the trends. But the most important thing is that all collections celebrate individuality. That’s why the thing that we least expected was the return of a good, old classics – of course, under the influence of the new gen- eration. The way they build their personal style has classics as the basis, which is upgraded in the wildest ways with modern items. Their mantra is – wear what fits you.

Previous high-income generations weren’t afraid to pa- rade in clothes and details featuring prominent brand names. New generations, with their strong eclectic energy, are more concerned with cultivating their personal style and refus- ing to resemble advertisements. Quality is highly rated among millennials, so it’s not unusual for them to spend huge amounts on their out- fits. As they have priorities that are clearly set, they buy intelligently and thoughtfully. They will not lament about money for high-quality shoes, jackets or jeans. They will combine them with affordable (cheap) shirts, sweatshirts or other items.

Atležer trend u Prada stilu trend in Prada style


Comfort is implied, which makes the athlei- sure style dominant. However, if your first asso-

dolazi do ozbiljne kolaboracije sa ikona- ma uličnog stila. Nove generacije prio- ritet daju udobnosti i eto novog trenda – atležer. Vode računa o zdravlju, telu i pla- neti. Ni tu nismo dugo čekali odgovor mod- nih centara, stigle su kolekcije bazirane na održivim i reciklabilnim materijalima farba- nim ekološkim bojama. Nova generacija pro- pagira lični stil i grozi se uniformisanosti. Mod- ne kuće na glasu prestaše da stavljaju upadljive oznake brenda. Čak i letimičan pogled na nove jesenje kolek- cije dovoljan je da prepoznamo uticaj generacije Y. Komforni i udobni modeli u koje možete da se ušu­ škate i osećate sigurno jedan su od trendova. Ali ono najvažnije – sve kolekcije slave individualnost.

Nove modne zapovesti – mekano, udobno i kvalitetno New fashion trends - soft, comfortable and quality

Zato je ono što smo najmanje očekivali povratak do- bre, stare klasike. Naravno, pod uticajem nove generaci- je. Način na koji oni grade lični stil je klasika kao osnova, koju na najluđe načine nadograđuju modernim komadima. Njihova mantra je – nosi ono što ti pristaje. Prethodne generacije sa velikim prihodima nisu se libile da paradiraju u odeći i detaljima sa više nego upadljivim ozna- kama brenda. Nove generacije sa jakom eklektičnom energijom više se bave negovanjem ličnog stila i odbijaju da izgledaju po- put reklama. Kvalitet se visoko kotira kod milenijalaca, pa im nije strano da potroše pozamašne sume na garderobu. Pošto su im priorite- ti jasno postavljeni, kupuju pametno i promišljeno. Za kvalitetnu obuću, jaknu ili farmerke neće žaliti novac. Upariće ih uz povolj- ne (jeftine) košulje, dukseve ili druge komade. Udobnost se podrazumeva, što atležer stil čini dominantnim.

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