priče iz nujorka / new york stories
J esen u Njujorku je omiljeno godišnje do- ba Njujorčana, kao i brojnih turista ko- ji s razlogom baš tada planiraju posetu. Čitav grad kao da se nekom magijom bu- di, plaže su zatvorene i društvo iz Hemptonsa, Rokaveja i obližnjih letnjih odmarališta vraća se u grad. Galerije u Čelsiju počinju s jesenjim rep- ertoarom, lista dešavanja je beskonačna, a naj bolje tek dolazi. Ovo je Njujork, grad koji nikad ne spava. Zato se zavalite u svoja udobna Er Sr- bija sedišta i napunite baterije jer vas očeku- je duga šetnja njujorškim ulicama: od Zgodne žene do restorana na 60. spratu s pogledom na oblakodere do sladoleda u obliku ribice i tajno- vitih modnih mesta. A utumn in New York is the favour- ite season of New Yorkers, but also the many tourists who plan their vis- it at that time for a reason. The whole city then seems to be awakened by some mag- ic. The beaches are closed, with residents of the city having returned from the Hamptons, Rock- away and other nearby summer resorts. The galleries of Chelsea begin their autumn reper- toires; the list of events is endless, and the best is yet to come. This is New York, the city that nev- er sleeps. So, lean back in your comfortable Air Serbia seat and recharge your batteries, because you’re awaited by long walks on the streets of New York: from “Pretty Women”, via a restau- rant on the 60 th floor with views of skyscrap- ers, to fish-shaped ice cream and secretive fash- ion spots.
Don’t be sad that summer’s over - the list of upcoming events in the city that never sleeps is endless, and these are just some of them
Neka vam ne bude žao što je leto prošlo – lista dešavanja u gradu koji nikad ne spava je beskonačna, a ovo su samo neka od njih
Tekst / Words: Aleksandra Dinić Fotografije / Photography: iStock
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