Elevate October 2021 | Air Serbia



SIX MEDALS FOR SERBIAN PARALYMPIANS IN TOKYO They’re ours and they have superpowers

ŠEST MEDALJA ZA SRPSKE PARAOLIMPIJCE U TOKIJU Oni su naši i imaju supermoći Sa šest medalja na Paraolimpijskim igrama u Tokiju, od kojih su dve zlatne, Srbija je najbolja među zemljama bivše Jugoslavije i 45. na planeti SRBIJU JE U TOKIJU PREDSTAVLJALO 19 SPORTISTA, KOJI su se nadmetali u sedam spor- tova – stonom tenisu, atletici, plivanju, streljaštvu, pauerliftingu, biciklizmu i tekvondu. Naši paraolim- pijci osvojili su šest medalja – dve zlatne, tri srebr- ne i jednu bronzanu. Zdravko Savanović

SERBIA WAS REPRESENTED IN TOKYO BY 19 ATHLETES competing in seven sports: table tennis, athletics, swimming, archery, powerlifting, cycling and taekwondo. Our Paralympians won six medals: two golds, three silvers and one bronze. Having won six medals at the Tokyo Paralympics, including two golds, Serbia performed the best among the countries of the former Yugoslavia and ranked 45 th on the planet

SRBIJA JE BILA MEĐU RETKIM DRŽAVAMA U TOKIJU koje su na pobedničkom postolju imale dvojicu sportista. Parastrelac Zdravko Savanović je u disciplini vazdušna puška 50 metara, klasa SH2, po- bedio sve, osim svog kolege iz reprezentacije Dragana Ristića, sa kojim je zajedno slušao himnu Bože prav- de u dalekom Japanu. – Zadovoljan sam, ovo je moja prva medalja na međunarodnim takmičenjima u pojedinačnoj kon- kurenciji. Prezadovoljan sam rezultatom, srećan sam što je ostvaren tako visok rang. Sledeće godine ima- mo dva jaka takmičenja, zatim Igre u Parizu. Spre- mamo se za to – podvukao je Savanović.

FOTO: Profimedia.rs / Yasuyoshi Chiba / AFP

SERBIA WAS AMONG THE FEW COUNTRIES TO HAVE two athletes on the podium simultaneous- ly in Tokyo. In the 50-metre air rifle, class SH2, disci- pline, Para-shooter Zdravko Savanović beat everyone except his national team colleague Dragan Ristić, to- gether with whom he listened to Serbian national an- them "God of Justice" in distant Japan. “I’m satisfied. This is my first medal in individual competition at an international event. I’m extremely satisfied with the result; I’m happy to have achieved such a high rank. Next year we will have two strong competitions, then the Games in Paris. We are prepar- ing for that,” stressed Savanović.

Tekst/Words: Aleksandar Pijevac Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

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