N iko nema takva leđa kao Crnogorsko primorje. Nad obalom se celom duži- nom strmo i visoko uzdižu gorosta- sne planine Orjen, Lovćen, Sutorman i Rumija, čineći granicu zbog koje se žitelji Pri- morja dugo nisu nazivali Crnogorcima, već Pri- morcima. Ušuškana obala jedinstvena je zbog tih čuvara, ali i zbog toga što na relativno malom prostoru (obala je duga oko 320 kilometara) nu- di plaže za svačiji ukus. Od one najduže peščane na celom Jadranu, Velike ulcinjske, do malih be- tonskih ponti Boke kotorske. Šta god da je vaš izbor, pesak, kamen ili ste- nje, ništa nije važnije od toga kakva je voda. I ne mislim pritom na temperaturu, koja je leti u Cr- noj Gori uvek savršena. Svi mi koji volimo da se bućkamo, skačemo, gnjuramo i bacakamo po vodi redovno svakog leta popijemo finu količinu mo- ra, pa nije loše proveriti šta smo to popili. A ko će to bolje znati od Predraga Jelušića, direktora Javnog preduzeća Morsko dobro , kome je u opi- su posla da odlično poznaje svoje more i sve pla- že Montenegra. – Institut za biologiju mo-
N obody has such a backdrop as the Montenegrin coast. Along the entire length of the coast rise the steep, high, imposing slopes of the mountains of Orjen, Lovćen, Sutorman and Rumija, comprising a border that led to the inhabitants of the coast not being called Montenegrins for a long time, but rather seasiders. This sheltered shoreline is unique due to these stone guard- ians, but also due to its offer of beaches to suite everyone’s tastes in a relatively small area (the coast covers a distance of around 320km). From the longest sandy beach anywhere on the Adriatic, Long Beach Ulcinj, to the small concrete jetties of the Bay of Kotor. Whatever your choice - sand, pebbles or rocky outcrops – noth- ing is more important than the water. And here we’re not referring to the temperature, which is always perfect in Montenegro during the summer. All of those of us who love to paddle, dive, splash and frolic in the water end up drinking a fair amount of seawater each summer, so it’s not a bad idea to check out what we’ve been drinking. And who would know more about that than Predrag Jelušić, director of“Mor- sko dobro”– the public enterprise for the coastal zone management of Montenegro, whose job description implies that he is extremely well-acquainted with the sea and all the beaches of Montenegro. - The Marine Biology Institute from Kotor is working at our be- hest to sample sea water at around hundred locations every 15 days.
Direktor Morskog dobra Predrag Jelušić Morsko dobro’s director Predrag Jelušić
These reports are available to the public, and all data suggests that the water in the Montenegrin section of the Adriat- ic is K1 quality, which means excellent, desirable in terms of all microbiologi- cal parameters and absolutely safe, says our interlocutor. So, there’s nothing to worry about there, the sea is of the highest quality according to all standards, but that does not mean it’s always safe. Morsko dobro’s director explains to us that we should pay attention to flags that can be green, amber or red, just like traffic lights, and which have roughly the same meaning. When the flag is green - enjoy swimming to your heart’s content, if it is amber – take care, but if a red flag is raised you are, unfortunately, not permitted to en- ter the water. - The security of guests is a priori- ty, which is why all arranged beaches – of which there are about 400 – must be marked by buoys to ensure vessels do not enter the area and must have a li- censed lifeguard. The aforementioned flags serve to inform visitors about mete- orological conditions and potential dan- gers. The red flag is raised very rarely in
ra iz Kotora po našem nalo- gu radi uzorkovanje morske vode na oko stotinu lokacija svakih 15 dana. Ti izveštaji su javni i svi podaci govore da je voda na crnogorskom delu Jadrana K1 kvaliteta, što zna- či odlična, poželjna po svim mikrobiološkm parametrima i apsolutno bezbedna – kaže naš sagovornik. Dakle, tu nema brige, mo- re je najboljeg kvaliteta po svim standardima, ali to ne znači da je uvek i bezbedno. Direktor Morskog dobra obja- snio nam je da treba obratiti pažnju na zastavice, koje mo- gu biti zelene, žute ili crvene, baš kao semafor, a znače ot- prilike isto. Kada je zastavica zelena, uživajte u kupanju do mile volje, ako je žuta, obrati- te pažnju, ali ako je podignu- ta crvena, nažalost, ništa od ulaska u vodu. – Bezbednost gostiju je pri-
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