Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
E r Srbija je zabeležila treću go- dinu operativnog rasta u 2016, zahvaljujući, pre svega, uvođe- nju novih linija uključujući Njujork, ali i novom širokotrupnom avionu. Srpska avio-kompanija je prošle godine prevezla 2,62 miliona putni- ka, tri odsto više nego u 2015, što daje značajan doprinos rastu trgovine i tu- rizma u Srbiji. Prošle godine Er Srbija je unapredila svoju regionalnu mrežu linija i obavila 33.171 let, uključujući i sezonske letove čarter brenda Aviolet. Er Srbija kargo zabeležio je zna- čajan dvocifreni rast u ovom trenutku, sa 4.913 tona tereta i pošte, što pred- stavlja godišnji rast od 31 odsto. Kapa- citet mreže porastao je za 11 odsto u odnosu na prethodnu godinu, sa 3,65 na 4,06 milijarde. Kapacitet Er Srbije za prevoz putni- ka, koji se meri proizvodom ukupnog broja raspoloživih sedišta i ukupno pređenih kilometara (ASK), uvećan je za 11 procenata i do kraja 2016. go- dine je iznosio 4,06 milijardi. Proseč- na iskorišćenost kapaciteta bila je 72,4 procenta, u odnosu na 70,7 procena- ta u 2015. Poletanje letova Er Srbije na vreme (On-Time Performance – OTP, pole- tanje do 15 minuta od planiranog vre- mena polaska) sa Aerodroma Nikola Tesla zabeleženo je u 87,3 odsto slu- čajeva u 2016. godini, a prosečno po- letanje na vreme za kompletnu mre- žu Er Srbije u prošloj godini iznosilo je 84 procentnih poena. – U 2017. cemo nastaviti da se fo- kusiramo na dugoročan održiv rast Er Srbije kako bismo nastavili da ostva- rujemo komercijalne ciljeve koje su postavila naša dva akcionara, Vlada Srbije i Etihad ervejz – rekao je gene- ralni direktor Er Srbije Dane Kondic.
A ir Serbia has recorded a third year of operational growth in 2016, driven by the introduction of new routes, including New York, and a new wide-body aircraft. The Belgrade-based airline carried 2.62 million passengers during the year, up 3 per cent over 2015, making a strong contribution to the growth of trade and tourism in Serbia. During the course of 2016, Air Serbia operated 33,171 sched- uled and charter services, including 590 in the summer months under Aviolet, its charter brand. Air Serbia’s cargo operation experi- enced considerable double-digit growth in this time, with 4,913 tonnes of freight and mail uplifted in 2016, representing an annual increase of 31 per cent. Network capacity, measured in avail- able seat kilometres (ASKs), grew 11 per cent year-on year, from 3.65 to 4.06 billion.
The average passenger load factor at Air Serbia, a measure of seat capacity utilisa- tion, increased to 72.4 percentage points in 2016, compared to 70.7 the year before. On-time performance (OTP) at Air Ser- bia’s hub at Nikola Tesla Airport was 87.3 pe cent (up from 86 per cent the year be- fore), while the overall OTP for the whole Air Serbia network came in at 84 per cent (up from 83.6 per cent). Dane Kondić, Chief Executive Officer of Air Serbia, said:“The launch of NewYork, our biggest operational undertaking to date, really showcased the full benefits of our membership in Etihad Airways Part- ners in terms of fleet development, train- ing and so forth. In 2017 we will continue to focus on the long-term growth of Air Serbia to ensure we continue to meet the commercial objectives set out by our two shareholders, the Government of Serbia and Etihad Airways.”
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