I n Belgrade you will constantly feel like life is harder, but more precious than in many other cities; that man lives here with a greater role and more serious risk, and that everyone – those who lose and those who gain – have proportional- ly more than life, said Ivo Andrić, speaking about our capital. During his life and diplomatic career, Andrić got to know various places, famil- iarised himself with numerous cultures, gazed at other skies... And all of that left its mark on him. In 2011, to commemorate five decades since Andrić received the Nobel Prize for Lit- erature and 100 years since his first poems were published (At dusk, Bosanska vila for 1911, Sarajevo), the City of Belgrade Mu- seum organised an exhibition entitled Ivo Andrić - writer and (or) diplomat. Since then, this exhibition – in cooper- ation with the Serbian Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the City of Belgrade - has made more than 30 inter- national guest appearances at eminent in- stitutions in European cities – in Geneva, Athens, Madrid, London, Trieste, Bucharest, Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin , Budapest, Paris, Košice, Thessaloniki, Bratislava, Timisoara, Rome, Sarajevo, Višegrad, Travnik etc. In a way, this completed the circle of European countries where Andrić served during his diplomatic career and left his name and mark.
Trst je za nobelovca predstavljao ružnu stranu Italije. Bio je to jedan od gradova koji nikako nije prijao njegovom osetljivom zdravlju. Zbog vlažne klime, sumornih, vetrovitih zimskih dana i velike skupoće na koju se žalio Andriću su tršćanski dani bili nepodnošljivi: „Mastilo mi se smrzlo od ’bore’ i zlovolje. Napa- tio sam se dovoljno u ova dva mese- ca. Lekar mi je savetovao da odmah napustim Trst. Srećom, premestiše me u Grac“, piše Andrić 22. janua- ra 1923. godine. Živeći u Merangasse 24 u Gracu, nedaleko od konzulata, koji se na- lazio u Schumanngasse 14, Andrić koncentrisano radi na svojoj dok- torskoj tezi. Na kući u Merangasse 24 9. oktobra 2008. godine otkrive- na je spomen-ploča sa natpisom na nemačkom jeziku: „U ovoj kući sta- novao je od 1923. do 1924. godine to- kom svojih studija na Univerzitetu ’Karl Franc’ u Gracu dobitnik Nobe- love nagrade za književnost Ivo An- drić (Travnik 1892 – Beograd 1975). Jedan deo života Andrić je pro- veo i u Bukureštu. U tom gradu je mnogo čitao, pisao, učio rumun- ski. Odlazio je na koncerte klasič- ne muzike kako bi ispunio prazni- nu usamljenih večeri: „Ja živim tiho, opažam svijet i ovu interesantnu ze- mlju... I još dok oko mene sve vri od užitka, politike, miliona, petroleu- ma i afera, pišem na domašaje, jed- nu bosansku priču...“. Godine 1926. Ivo Andrić otpu- tovao je u Marselj, kuda ga opet vo- di služba. Ovog puta u oktobru biva postavljen za vicekonzula General- nog konzulata Kraljevine Jugoslavije.
Iz svakog komadića kamena gleda me takva ljepota, mir i snaga , piše Andrić o Rimu From every piece of stone I am looked at with such beauty, such peace and power, wrote Andrić about Rome
Upoznavao je Pariz šetajući pored Sene
He familiarised himself with Paris by walking
along the Seine
Andrić joined the Ministry of Foreign Af- fairs in early 1920 and quickly took on his first post for the then Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes at the Holy See in the Vatican. That same year, while in Rome, Andrić wrote on 19th June: [...] and despite the im- permanence of health and financial wor- ries, I managed during these few months to peek into the secrets of Rome and its mag- nificence. And the best historians, philoso- phers and archaeologists can do nothing but sense the greatness of antiquity and the desperate effort of the Renaissance, because all conclusions are generated only through fragments. [...] I know only one thing: that from every piece of stone I am looked at with such beauty and such peace and pow- er that I often happy and proud to be in human consciousness there could be so much beauty and that the hands of man had strength to give it shape.”
Svom profesoru, dobrotvoru i pri- jatelju, dr Tugomiru Alaupoviću, pi- še s juga Francuske: „[…] Ovdje sam potpuno sam. Osim zvaničnih ve- za, koje nisu ni zanimljive ni prijat- ne, nemam nikakva društva. Danju sam u kancelariji, a uveče čitam sve što mi dođe pod ruku…“ Jedina razonoda su mu knjige i koncerti ozbiljne muzike. Prvih dana u Marselju, boraveći u hotelu, Andrić intenzivno traži stan i nalazi jedan lep i čist, ali bestraga skup u Rue St. Jacques broj 51. Marselj mu izgleda
For the Nobel laureate, Trieste rep- resented the ugly side of Italy. That was
Marselj mu je izgledao kao varoš velika, zanimljiva, ali hladna Marseille looked to him like a large town, interesting, but cold
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