no pre posluživanja, dodajte proprženi izmrvljeni hleb ili tortilje. Na kraju pre- lijte sirupom od nara, ako možete da ga nađete ili bilo kojim slatkasto–kise- lim sirupom. FALAFEL POTREBNO JE: 160 g suvih leblebija, ve- liki crni luk, iseckan, 2 čena belog luka, iseckanog, 3 kašike svežeg seckanom peršuna, 1 kašičica korijandera, 1 kašiči- ca kima, 2 kašike brašna, so, biber, ulje PRIPREMA: Stavite leblebije u činiju i prelijete hlad- nom vodom. Dozvolite da se preko no- ći natope. Izostavite ovaj korak ako koristite leblebije iz konzerve. Iscedi- ti leblebije, stavite u tiganj sa svežom vodom i ostavite da ključa pet minu- ta, onda smanjite vatru i pustite da se krčka oko sat. Iscedite i ostavite da se ohladi 15 minuta. Pomešajte leblebije, beli luk, luk, korijander, kumin, so i bi- ber (po ukusu) u srednjoj činiji. Dodajte brašno. Ispasirajte leblebije, pa sa zači- nima sve sameljite u blenderu. Krajnji rezultat treba da bude gusta mešavi- na. Formirajte kuglice, otprilike veliči- ne pingpong loptice. Pržite u dubokom ulju dok ne porumene.
HUMUS REQUIREMENTS: 350g of raw chickpe- as, a teaspoon of baking soda, 3-4 clo- ves of garlic, 50g of sesame paste, 3-5 teaspoons of lemon juice, olive oil, gro- und paprika PREPARATION: Soak the chickpeas overnight to swell, then remove the thin shells, drain, pour more water and add baking soda. Cook over a low heat until soft, leave to cool, then strain and mash. Add garlic, sesa- me paste (tahini) and lemon juice, then make the mixture into a paste in a blen- der. Drizzle olive oil over the top and sprinkle with paprika. FATTOUSH REQUIREMENTS: lettuce, sprig of par- sley, ½ a sprig of mint, onion, 5 radishes, 3 tomatoes, cucumber, lemon, garlic clo- ve, Arabic pitta bread or tortilla, olive oil, pomegranate syrup (optional) PREPARATION: Chop the lettuce, onion, parsley and mint. Cut the tomatoes, cucumber and radishes into small cubes. Mix it all to- gether and add olive oil, lemon juice, crushed garlic and salt. Finally, just pri- or to serving, add the fried bread crum- bs or tortillas, then pour over the pome- granate syrup or, if you cannot find that, any sweet-sour syrup. FALAFEL REQUIREMENTS: 160g of dried chickpe- as, one large onion, chopped, 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped, 3 tablespoons of freshly chopped parsley, a teaspoon of coriander, a teaspoon of cumin, 2 tables- poons of flour, salt, pepper, oil PREPARATION: Place the chickpeas in a bowl and co- ver with cold water. Leave to soak over- night. Skip this step if using canned chickpeas. Strain the chickpeas, place in a frying pan with fresh water and bring to the boil. Allow to boil for 5 minutes, then reduce the heat and leave to sim- mer for about an hour. Strain and leave to cool for 15 minutes. Mix the chickpeas, garlic, onions, co- riander, cumin, salt and pepper (to ta- ste) in a medim-sized bowl. Add the flo- ur. Mash the chickpeas with the spices and grind the entire mixture in a blen- der. The end result should be a thick mi- xture. Form into balls about the size of ping-pong balls. Deep fry until golden brown.
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