T here is something special in the symbolic transition from one calendar year to another, which awakens in us hope that we will finally become better versions of ourselves. That’s also why we make those famous New Year’s resolutions, striving to be more disciplined or more relaxed, to work more or less, to love crazier or more restrained, to change what we like the least about ourselves. We make firm promises to our- selves, despite being aware that most res- olutions will last only as long as the snow. And surely that’s why we all try to await the New Year in the best way we can – in the company of those we love, in places where we feel comfortable, in parts of the world where we’ve never been before... Belgrade boils and bubbles on New Year’s Eve. No matter how cold it is, there are always those who want to be out-
ru u nekom hotelu ili velikoj sali za proslave. Za one koji ne vole da sede za kafanskim stolom, prave se čuve- ni beogradski žurevi. Čip za žurku je minimum „jedna crvena“, za ko- ju dobijate manje-više neograničenu količinu domaćih pića. Glavna svr- ha ovih partija je da u najluđoj noći pronađete srodnu dušu. Ipak, najomiljeniji i najzastuplje- niji vid beogradske zabave je gledanje i komentarisanje novogodišnjeg pro- grama uz sarmu, pečenje i ren. U njoj učestvuju porodica, prijatelji i komši- je, obično počinje rečima: „Ajd’ jed- nom da nazdravimo“, a završava se ispijanjem rasola protiv mamurluka sledećeg jutra. Šta god da izaberete u Beogra- du, nećete mnogo pogrešiti. Srećna Nova godina!
side, walking, enjoying themselves with the most popular musicians playing on the squares... On the streets you can meet people from the most diverse sides – from those who’ve come from the provinces, via their neighbours from the region, to those who’ve arrived in Serbia from some of the world’s metropolises. And they are all equally merry from mulled wine or hot rakija brandy, and their good fortune to be right here. The situation is also similar in Belgrade’s kafana taverns – various guests reserve their places well in advance, as it’s extremely tough to find a spare seat, or even a standing place beside the bar. The New Year’s Eve of your choice will cost between ten and a hundred euros, while the music includes everything - from tamburitza to rave. If you want to par- ty to the performances of the more famous showbiz singers, you will also have to pay for a more expensive dinner in a hotel or major hall of celebration. For those who don’t like sitting at a kafa- na table, attending a famous Belgrade party is on the cards. The entrance fee for a party is a minimum of“one red note”(1,000 dinars), and for that you will receive more or less un- limited quantities of local drinks. The main purpose of these parties is to find a soul- mate during the wildest night. Still, Belgraders’ favourite and most popular form of entertainment is watch- ing and commenting on the New Year’s TV programmes alongside sarma - stuffed cab- bage rolls, roast meat and horseradish. This involves family, friends and neighbours, usu- ally begins with the words“Come, let’s have a toast”, and ends with drinking brine to com- bat the next morning’s hangover. Whatever you choose to do in Belgrade, you won’t go wrong. Happy New Year!
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