predstavljamo / Presenting
njava Vuk arhitektoniku grada na slikama. Kada je reč o stilu, autor kaže da se može reći da su to sli- ke gradske pop-naive. – Gradovi su miks svega što se meni dešavalo. Meni koji pripadam generaciji lego kockica, slikovnica, Diznijevih crtaća, nekih prvih vi- deo-igrica. Ilustrovane mape gra- dova su mi uvek bile zanimljive, pa se vidi i taj uticaj. Možemo moje slike da opišemo i kao kombinaciju naivne i psihodelične umetnosti, pop-nadrealizam – kaže Vuk i do- daje da je, osim u bavljenju umet- nošću, najbolje provedeno vreme za njega upravo na putovanjima. Baš zahvaljujući umetničkom sen- zibilitetu i osećaju za svet, Vuk kao slikar može da uhvati speci- fičnu boju nekog grada. – Kad otputujem u neki grad, volim da otkrijem njegov sred- nji ton. Novi Sad mi je bio naran- džast. Beograd je ispao zelen, a Amsterdam prilično braon – ka- že umetnik.
changes everything’. Using oil on canvas, Vuk places more than 300 objects from a city, but in such a way that huge distanc- es are connected and form colourful ur- ban mosaics.
- I choose a frame so that as many objects as possible can be seen. The city becomes my invention, but I strive to be as precise as possible, not to distort it too much – says Vuk, explaining the architec- ture of a city in his paintings. When it comes to style, the author says that these paint- ings can be said to be urban pop naïve. - These cities are a mix of everything that has happened to me. I also belong to the generation of Lego blocks, picture books, Disney cartoons, and some of the first video games. Illustrated maps of cities always interested me, so that influence is also visible. We can also describe my paint- ings as a combination of naïve and psyche- delic art, pop surrealism – says Vuk, adding that, alongside art, he has the best times on his travels. It is thanks precisely to his artistic sensibility and feeling for the world as a painter that Vuk can capture the spe- cific colour of a city. - When I travel to a city, I like to dis- cover its middle tone. Novi Sad was or- ange for me. Belgrade turned out green, while Amsterdam was pretty brown – says this artist.
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