N akon Volge delta Dunava je dru- ga najveća delta u Evropi. Sasto- ji se od isprepletanih vodenih tokova i slanih jezera i podeljena je na tri glavna kanala. Plutajuća ostrva obrasla su trskom, šumom i pašnjacima. Sama delta ima površinu od 4.170 kvadratnih kilometara, od čega veći deo pripada Ru- muniji, a mnogo manji Ukrajini. To po- dručje je slabo naseljeno, što doprinosi očuvanju staništa, u kojem živi više od 4.000 životinjskih i 1.000 biljnih vrsta. Zanimljivo je da u tu živi i 450 vrsta ri- ba, a neki od najvećih primeraka ikada ulovljenih dolaze baš odatle. A fter the Volga, the Danube Delta is Eu- rope’s second largest river delta. Com- posed of interwoven watercourses and lakes, it is divided into three main channels. Floating islands are covered with reeds, for- ests and pastures. The delta itself has an ar- ea of 4,170km 2 , the largest part of which be- longs to Romania, and to a much lesser extent Ukraine. This area is sparsely populated, which contributes to the conservation of natural hab- itats that are home to more than 4,000 animal and 1,000 plant species. It is interesting that the delta is home to 450 species of fish, with some of the largest specimens ever caught originating right here.
Leteti je lepše…
T his commune located in Sibiu County is one of the seven vil- lagesfoundedbyTransylvanian Saxons and is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site. And you’ll also under- stand that it belongs there when you see it. That’s because Biertan seems to have been frozen in time. The vil- lage emerged in the 13 th century, the squares are still cobblestone, peasants still use carriages, and your eye is im- mediately caught by the 15 th centu- ry church that resembles a fortress. And it is precisely in this church that there is an area which served for three centuries as a marital prison for couples. Because in this village one couldn’t just divorce at will. If a hus- band and wife wanted to end their marriage, they would first have to ap- proach the bishop. He would then lock them in a cell in the church that contained a table, a chair and a bed. A couple seeking to divorce would have to spend six weeks there. During the 300 years that this method of recon- ciliation was applied, only one cou- ple ultimately divorced. This room is open to visitors today and still con- tains the original furniture.
Flying is better when you do not wait for your luggage Are you already running late and don’t have time to wait for your luggage to appear on the baggage collection conveyor belt? Mark your luggage with a “Priority” label. This service ensures your luggage will be delivered immediately to the baggage collection point. … kad ne čekate prtljag Već kasnite, svaka sekunda je dragocena i vi nemate kad da čekate da vam prtljag izađe na traci? Er Srbija ima rešenje. Označite svoj prtljag nalepnicom „Prioritet“. Ta usluga znači da će vaš kofer na traku biti isporučen odmah na početku.
S eoce koje se nalazi u Sibinju jedno je od sedam sela ko- je su osnovali transilvanijski Saksonci i nalazi se na Uneskovoj listi svetske baštine. A kada ga vi- dite, shvatićete da mu je tu i me- sto, jer Bijertan kao da je okame- njen u vremenu. Selo je nastalo u 13. veku, trgovi su i dalje poploča- ni, seljaci još koriste zaprežna ko- la, a pogled vam odmah privlači crkva iz 15. veka, koja izgleda kao utvrđenje. Upravo u toj crkvi nalazi se pro- storija koja je čitava tri veka služila kao zatvor za parove, jer u selu ni- ste mogli da se razvedete tek tako. Ako bi muž i žena želeli da okon- čaju brak, prvo bi morali da se jave biskupu. Onda bi ih on zaključao u prostoriju u crkvi koja je imala sto,
stolicu, kredenac i jedan krevet. Tu bi par pred razvodom morao da provede šest nedelja. Za 300 go- dina, koliko je taj način pomire- nja primenjivan, razveo se samo jedan par. Ta prostorija je danas otvorena za posetioce, sa name- štajem koji se koristio i tada.
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