P re tačno 60 godina počela je izgradnja beogradskog aerodroma na današnjoj lokaciji i trajala je od apri- la 1958. do puštanja u saobraćaj 28. aprila 1962. godine. Idejni projekat novog aerodro- ma izradili su stručnjaci Urbani- stičkog zavoda Srbije predvođeni arhitektom Nikolom Dobrovićem, a realizaciju je preuzela Uprava ci- vilnog vazduhoplovstva, predvo- đena inženjerom Milošem Luki- ćem. Aerodrom Beograd imao je pistu dužine 3.000 metara, čija je upotrebljivost u odnosu na vetar iznosila 99,6 odsto, rulnu stazu du- žine 3.350 metara, betonske plat- forme za opslugu 16 aviona, prista- nišnu zgradu od 8.000 kvadratnih metara za prijem putnika, robno skladište, kontrolni toranj i drugu savremenu opremu. Ugrađena je, u to vreme, najsavremenija navi- gaciona oprema, pa je aerodrom dobio najvišu međunarodnu kla- su po ICAO standardima. Od 1979. do 1981. godine iz- građena je nova zgrada za prijem putnika, uz neophodno proširenje
I t was exactly 60 years ago that construction of the Belgrade Airport on today’s site be- gan. It lasted from April 1958 until the air- port started operating, on 28 th April 1962. Experts from the Urban Planning Institute of Serbia, led by architect Nikola Dobrović, de- veloped the design of the new airport and the Civil Aviation Administration, with lead- ing engineer Miloš Lukić, undertook realisa- tion of the project. Airport Belgrade had a 3,000 m long runway with availability in relation to wind of 99.6%, a 3,350 metres long taxiway, con- crete aprons with the capacity to handle 16 aircrafts, 8,000 m 2 of terminal building for pas- senger acceptance, a cargo warehouse, a con- trol tower and other contemporary facilities. The most modern navigation equipment for that time was built in, so the airport received the highest international class according to ICAO standards. In the period from 1979 to 1981, a new building for the reception of passengers was built, with the necessary extension of the air- craft acceptance apron. Thus the capacity of the passenger complex increased to five mil- lion passengers per year. Adopted technology solutions with fingers and air bridges for air- craft and passenger acceptance made great progress and ranked Belgrade Airport among the most modern in the world. With the new
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