Elevate May 2018 | Air Serbia

solution the terminal building gained two interconnected blocks, for domestic and international traffic. The number of passengers at Belgrade Airport has been rising since the beginning. As early as 1971, the first million passen- gers per year were recorded, and in 1975 as many as two million. In the period from 1975 to 1990, Belgrade Airport recorded more than two million passengers one year after another. The golden years of the 20 th century were in 1987 and 1988, when the airport served more than three million pas- sengers. In addition to domestic traffic, as well as the network of routes to the most impor- tant European economic centres, having introduced the long-haul traffic of the flag carrier and begun operation of domestic charter companies in the 1970s and ‘80s, Belgrade was connected with five conti- nents and a large number of tourist des- tinations. Flights from Belgrade were operated

to a large number of destinations in North America (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Montreal and Toronto) and Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Perth). Long-haul traffic, along with the na- tional airline JAT, was also operated by Pan Am and Qantas. Among the destinations in Africa, the Middle East and the Far East, flights were made to Beijing, Hong Kong, Calcutta, Mumbai, Tehran, Baghdad, Kuwait, Amman, Kuala Lumpur, Karachi, Singapore, Damascus, Bangkok, Cairo and Algeria. After turbulent historical events, the stable development of Belgrade Airport continued at the beginning of the new millennium. The number of passengers is growing year on year, and the infrastruc- ture is at the level of other major Europe- an airports. The crowning success of op- erations is certainly the historic record of 5.3 million passengers registered in 2017, which is why it appeared on the list of Eu- rope’s 100 busiest airports. Thank you for having been with us for the last 56 years.

Idejni projekat novog aerodroma

izradili su stručnjaci

Urbanističkog zavoda Srbije Experts from the Urban Planning Institute of Serbia

Dalekom istoku letovi su se obavlja- li ka Pekingu, Hongkongu, Kalkuti, Mumbaju, Teheranu, Bagdadu, Ku- vajtu, Amanu, Kuala Lumpuru, Ka- račiju, Singapuru, Damasku, Ban- gkoku, Kairu i Alžiru. Posle burnih istorijskih događa- ja stabilan razvoj beogradskog aero- droma nastavljen je početkom no- vog milenijuma. Broj putnika raste iz godine u godinu, a infrastruktu- ra je na nivou ostalih evropskih ae- rodroma. Kruna uspeha svakako je istorijski rekord od 5,3 miliona put- nika, koliko je registrovano u 2017. godini, zbog čega se nalazi na listi 100 najprometnijih u Evropi. Hvala vam što ste sa nama 56 godina.

developed the design of the new airport

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