Elevate May 2018 | Air Serbia

Cirih Najlepša novčanica na svetu

Zurich World’s most beautiful banknote

Stockholm Exhibition honours famous group Abba Thirty-six years have passed since the breakup of famous pop group “Abba”, the most successful Swedish group of all time, whose songs remain popular even today. A museum dedicated to this group opened five years ago in Stockholm, and to mark this minor anniversary the museum will unveil an exhibition on 8 th May about the life of Abba’s four musicians after the group’s breakup. Speaking about the exhibition, Agnetha, Anni-Frid, Benny and Björn all said that music never left them and that their musical journey continued, which visitors will now have the opportunity to see through this exhibition. The International Bank Note Society (IBNS) has declared the banknote for 10 Swiss francs as the world’s most beautiful. It was not stated whether this recognition came due to its golden colour, motifs of the gentle hands of an orchestra conductor on the banknote, or its top protection against counterfeiting. Second place went to the ten-pound Sterling banknote produced by the Royal Bank of Scotland, featuring an image of scientist Mary Somerville wearing a bonnet. The IBNS is an association that brings together banknote collectors and has been encouraging the study of banknotes since 1961.

Međunarodno društvo bankovnih novčanica (IBNS) proglasilo je novčanicu od deset švajcarskih franaka najlepšom na svetu. Nije poznato da li je ovo priznanje usledilo zbog njene zlataste boje, motiva nežnih ruku dirigenta orkestra na novčanici ili vrhunske zaštite od falsifikovanja. Drugo mesto zauzela je novčanica od deset funti Škotske kraljevske banke sa slikom naučnice Meri Somervil sa šeširom. Inače, IBNS je društvo koje okuplja kolekcionare i od 1961. godine podstiče proučavanje novčanica.

Er Srbija leti 17 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Cirih

Air Serbia flies 17 times a week from Belgrade to Zurich

Stokholm Izložba u čast grupe ABBA

Prošlo je 36 godina otkad je prestala da postoji grupa ABBA, najuspešniji švedski bend svih vremena, čije se pesme i danas slušaju. Tako je pre pet godina u Stokholmu otvoren muzej posvećen ovoj grupi, a u znak tog malog jubileja 8. maja u muzeju biće otvorena izložba o životu četvoro muzičara nakon raspada grupe. Agneta, Ani-Frid, Beni i Bjorn tim povodom izjavili su da ih muzika nikad nije napustila i da je njihovo muzičko putovanje nastavljeno, kao i da će posetioci imati priliku da to vide na izložbi. Njujork Otvoren muzej špijunaže Ako želite da saznate kako se postaje špijun, uputite se u njujorški Spyscape , muzej špijuna u kojem ćete saznati šta su koristili nekad, a čime se danas služe svetski špijuni. Takođe, možete da istražite imate li karakteristike da postanete špijun, a izložbeni prostor ovog neobičnog muzeja podeljen je na više segmenata: na šifrovanje, obmanu, hakovanje, vojni sajber i obaveštajni deo. Dok prolazite kroz testove koji se sastoje od niza pitanja, vežbi i igara, u muzeju vas prati 113 kamera, 32 projektora i 317 zvučnika, a sve to kako bi stvorili vaš profil na osnovu karakternih crta, inteligencije i sklonosti ka rizikovanju.

Er Srbija leti 6 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Stokholm

Air Serbia flies 6 times a week from Belgrade to Stockholm

New York

Museum of espionage opens

If you want to discover how to become a spy, head to New York’s “Spyscape”, a museum of espionage where you can find out what purposes world spies used to serve, and what they do today. You can also find out whether you have the characteristics necessary to become a spy, as you explore the exhibition space of this unusual museum divided into several segments: encryption, deception, surveillance, hacking, special ops and intelligence. As you pass through the museum’s tests – consisting of a series of questions, exercises and games – you are monitored by 113 cameras, 32 projectors and 317 voice recorders, all in order to create your personal profile, based on character traits, intelligence and risk aversion.

Er Srbija leti 3 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Njujork

Air Serbia flies 3 times a week from Belgrade to New York

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